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PHP Linked List

A linked list is a simple data structure in PHP that's used to keep and handle lists of things. Lists will organize things as separate groups. Each group has some data and a connection to the next one in line. This differs from arrays, which keep elements in one big memory area. Especially when the number of items in a list can change, this structure lets you put things in and take them out quickly.

It also allows for freeing up memory that is no longer being used as needed. There are many kinds of linked lists. One kind is the double-linked list (when both before and after nodes link up). Another type is a single-lined list for when only a node points to its next one in line. Each type of linked list has pros and cons related to memory use and traversal difficulty.

Features of PHP Linked List

  1. Dynamic Memory Allocation: PHP-linked lists support dynamic memory allocation compared to arrays. Because memory is allotted for each element (node) when it is added to the list, the list's size may be changed as needed without needing to be preset.
  2. Node Structure: A node, which is made up of two components—data and a reference, or pointer, to the subsequent node in the sequence—represents each element in a linked list. Because of this structure, traversing the list efficiently may be achieved by following the references between nodes.
  3. Insertion and deletion: Using linked lists lets us insert and delete things easily. To add a new item, we need to create a fresh node and change the old ones so that they show where this new item is. Similarly, when you want to remove something, you need to change where the references point so they don't end up at what needs to be removed. This lets memory management systems clean things up automatically for us.
  4. Flexibility: Linked lists are more flexible than arrays for changing or removing items. Adding or removing things in a list is easier because each part keeps a connection to the next part. But with arrays, the same actions might need moving parts around due to changes made.
  5. Traversal: When going through a linked list, you must follow the connections from one part to another until you reach the end. This movement is right for things that need to go through the items individually. It can be done well with a loop.
  6. Memory Overhead: One possible disadvantage of linked lists is the memory overhead. Compared to arrays, each node in the list needs extra memory to store the reference to the next node, which can result in higher memory utilization, particularly for long lists.

Implementation of Linked List

PHP can create a linked list by making each node in the list an object with connections to what comes next. This is done using rules of difference between different types or sorts of classes. Two classes are usually involved in the implementation: one for each node separately and another for the whole list of connected things.

In the linked list, one node is shown using the Node class. It has two properties: Next, the part after this one in the list. The parts are kept inside the LinkedList class. It keeps track of a pointer to the first part at the start of the list. The LinkedList class also has ways to add nodes at the start or end of a list, remove them, and move through them.

Example code:

class Node


public $aa; 

public $next; 

public function __construct($aa)


$this->aa = $aa;

$this->next = null;



class LinkedList


Public $head; // Leader of the connected list.

public function __construct()


$this->head = null;


public function insert($aa)


$newNode = new Node($aa);

if ($this->head == null) {

// If the list is empty, place a new node at the start point.

$this->head = $newNode;

} else {

// Go to the list's finish and add a new node.

$current = $this - > head;

while ($current->next !== null) {

$current = $current->next;


$current->next = $newNode;



public function display()


//Display the sections of the linked list.

$current = $this->head;

while ($current !== null) {

echo $current->aa . " ";

$current = $current->next;




$list = new LinkedList();

$list->display(); // Output: aa bb cc


This PHP code uses the Node and LinkedList classes to create a basic version of a linked list data structure. A Node class shows each section of the list. Each point has some details (data ($aa)) and knows what comes after in the order. The points are part of the LinkedList class. This also watches over who is on this list's front ($head).

The add method of the LinkedList class puts a new node with given data at the end of the linked list. The way works by going through the list to find the last part and adding a new piece. If there are no parts in the list, this new thing becomes the first or head of them all. The info from each part is shown on the screen, with spaces between them. This happens when we go through the connected list of things starting at its beginning in a row-by-row way.

The example used at the end of the code creates a new linked list. It uses the "insert" method to put three nodes with data 'aa', 'bb', and 'cc' into that list. Finally, the display method shows what's in the linked list. It gives "aa bb cc" as a result when each node's data is shown one at a time. This setup makes handling lists connected by links in PHP easier. It lets you add elements and move along the list too.

Advantages of PHP Linked List

  1. Dynamic Size: The size of linked lists can vary dynamically, unlike PHP arrays. This is so that a linked list may handle different amounts of elements with flexibility and economical memory use as each element (node) in the list is allocated individually.
  2. Insertion and Deletion: Linked lists work well for putting things in and taking them out, especially when you start or end the list in the middle. Unlike arrays, which might need moving items around, adding or removing an object from these places usually needs to change a few links. This makes the actions faster.
  3. Memory Usage: Linked lists can use less than arrays, especially when memory allocation is different. This is because, unlike arrays, which can have problems when adding or removing members due to fragmentation issues, nodes in a linked list do not need to use spaces next to each other for memory.
  4. No Pre-allocation: Memory does not need to be set aside for a certain number of items in linked lists. This makes them good for when you need to know how many sources there will be or if it changes.
  5. Data Structure for Queues: Because linked lists can easily be added to and removed from the start and end of a list, they are often used for making queues. Linked lists are the best choice for creating First-In-First-Out (FIFO) structures because of this reason.
  6. The Ease of Implementation: In PHP, it's easier to make a linked list using object-oriented methods. This project is great for learning about data storage and strategies. You'll have to create a LinkedList class that manages nodes and use a Node class for individual sections that need to function properly.
  7. Flexibility: For organising information, it's easy to modify linked lists. Different kinds of linked lists (like single and double) can be chosen to make moves like going through them, adding, or taking away easier. You pick based on the specific situation you need it for.

Disadvantages of PHP Linked List

  1. Random Access: Unlike arrays, you can't reach any part of a linked list by its place. When handling big lists or repeating random actions, it's not smart to need to go back from where a linked list starts so that you can reach a certain item.
  2. Memory Overhead: In a linked list, every node needs extra memory to hold its data and the reference to the node after it. Compared to arrays, this cost can be substantial, particularly for tiny data types or when memory economy is critical.
  3. Complexity of Operations: Compared to arrays, a linked list may need more processing resources and be more complicated for some operations, such as reversing the list or locating the nth entry. These activities frequently need to keep going through the list, which may affect performance.
  4. Cache Performance: When elements are kept consecutively in memory, linked lists may perform better in the cache. Cache misses and decreased performance may result, especially on systems with constrained cache capacities.
  5. Extra Pointer Overhead: Compared to singly linked lists, doubly linked lists have extra pointer overhead since they include references to the previous and next nodes. This additional memory use may impact performance.
  6. Memory Fragmentation: In linked lists, using extra memory can often lead to scattered bits of wasted space. This is a big problem when nodes are added or removed constantly. The whole system may not work well because of this splitting up and using memory less efficiently.
  7. Limited Hardware Support: In simple computer coding times, if hardware designs don't make it easy to use linked lists quickly, they can be much slower than arrays.

Applications of PHP Linked List

  1. Dynamic Data Structures: Linked lists work well when we need to know how big the data structure will be or if it constantly changes. This is why they might be used to create structures that change as data does, like dynamic arrays and queues.
  2. Memory Management: Linked lists are good for controlling memory, especially when you need to give and take back storage space often. They help us use memory well by making space for new things and freeing it up when items are removed.
  3. Algorithm Implementation: Many problems that computer programming fixes use linked lists. These include sorting, making graphs, and changing issues. In some computer program settings, linked lists may be better than arrays because they can handle adding and removing items well.
  4. File Systems: Often used for creating file systems, linked lists can display the structure of files and folders. The sign "next" shows the next item in the folder structure. Each part in a linked list represents either a file or a folder.
  5. Task Scheduling: In task scheduling systems, linked lists can follow tasks with different importance levels. Each part of the linked list can represent a job. The "next" arrow shows the next job, and its importance level decides it.
  6. Undo/Redo Functionality: You can use connected lists to create features that let you fix mistakes in programs where users perform tasks they can go back on. People can use the list to change or repeat things by picking any place that shows an action.

Those who create apps can improve their performance and speed by understanding how to use PHP well. They also pick the best way to arrange information that fits their needs.


Ultimately, linked lists in PHP give a flexible and changing data set that is perfect for many uses. They are helpful when the size of data storage changes often or is not known beforehand. This is because they can effectively deal with changing amounts of data and memory control. In PHP, linked lists are often used to manage memory easily and quickly. They also provide quick ways of putting data into stacks or queues and can quickly remove items.

Even though linked lists give advantages like easy insertion or removal, they also have problems. These include being unable to access fast and the possible extra space needed for storing pointers in memory.

So, their use should carefully be thought about based on what the program needs. PHP developers need to know the good and bad parts of linked lists. This helps them choose data structures with understanding. Builders can make better PHP programs that change when needed and handle changing data by using the good things of linked lists.