HTMLs Tutorial

HTML Tutorial HTML Tags HTML Basic Tags HTML Attributes HTML Elements HTML Formatting HTML Text Format HTML body tag HTML samp tag HTML script Tag HTML section tag HTML select tag HTML source tag HTML span tag HTML strike tag HTML strong tag HTML style tag HTML sub tag HTML summary tag HTML sup Tag HTML svg tag HTML table tag HTML u tag HTML Headings HTML Paragraphs HTML wbr tag HTML Anchor HTML Image HTML Lists HTML Ordered List HTML Unordered List HTML Form HTML Form input HTML with CSS HTML Layouts HTML References HTML Frames HTML Links Fieldset Tag in HTML Basic HTML Tags Br Tag in HTML Free HTML Templates How to Create a Table in HTML HTML Calendar HTML Card HTML Cellspacing HTML Center Image HTML Checkbox Read-only HTML Cleaner HTML Code for a Tab HTML Comment HTML Compiler HTML Nested Forms HTML Overlay Text on the Image HTML Select Option Default HTML Snake Game HTML Subheader HTML Tab Character dd Tag in HTML How Many HTML Tags are There HTML Align Tag HTML Responsive HTML Tab Code HTML Table Alternate Row Color HTML Table Fix Column Width Contact HTML DL Tag in HTML How to Insert Image in HTML HTML Background Color HTML Dark Mode How to Convert HTML to PNG HTML Data Toggle HTML Email Template HTML Font Color HTML Font Family ID and Class in HTML HTML Tab Space HTML Tab Tag HTML Itemprop HTML Itemscope HTML Form Design HTML Input Only Numbers HTML Textarea HTML to JPG HTML to Markdown Python li Tag in HTML MDN HTML What is the Correct HTML for Making a Hyperlink? What is the Root Element of an HTML Document How to Make a Box in HTML How to Save HTML Files in Notepad How to Align Text in HTML How to Change Font Color in HTML? How to Change Font Size in HTML How to Change Image Size in HTML How to Create a HTML Page How to Create a Link in HTML File? How to Create an HTML File? HR Tag in HTML HTML Base Tag HTML Default Attribute HTML Hyperlink HTML Indent HTML Injection Payloads HTML Input Numbers Only HTML Roadmap HTML Row Height HTML Schedule HTML Space HTML Tab HTML vs HTTP HTML5 API HTML5 Video HTML Collection to Array Text Area in HTML

HTML5 Advance

HTML5 Tutorial HTML5 Tags HTML Button Tag HTML canvas Tag HTML caption Tag HTML City tag HTML Tag HTML5 SVG HTML Event Attribute HTML5 Audio HTML5 Youtube HTML5 Button Tag HTML5 Tags


How to add JavaScript to HTML How to change font in HTML How to change text color in HTML HTML Date HTML Hide Element HTML Nested Table HTML Reset Button What does HTML stand for? HTML Background Image HTML Tag Div Tag in HTML How to insert Image in HTML How to create a link with no underline in HTML How to insert spacestabs in text using HTMLCSS HTML tag HTML Code HTML Tag HTML Canvas Design a tribute page using HTML and CSS What is a Container tag Font tag in HTML Difference between HTML and DHTML Empty Tag in HTML HTML Button Link Html Line Break Img src HTML Nested List in HTML Placeholder in HTML TD in HTML HTML Space Code HTML Target Attribute HTML Tag Markup Meaning in HTML Border-Collapse in HTML HTML Onclick Online HTML Compiler Convert HTML to PDF HTML Formatter HTML5 - Web Storage HTTP – Responses Container Tag in HTML DL Tag in HTML Horizontal Rule HTML HTML Tab Text Html Table Cell Background Color HTML Table Cell Color HTML Col Width How Many HTML Tags are There Convert String to Unicode Characters in Python HTML Runner HTML Style Attribute HTML Superscript Attribute HTML tabindex Marquee Tag in HTML HTML Dynamic Form HTML side Tag HTML Pattern Attribute HTML q Tag HTML Readonly Base 64 Encoding in HTML Documents Enhancing Data Portability and Security Evo Cam Web Cam HTML Free code camp HTML CSS How to Add a JS File in HTML? How to Add Picture in HTML How to Add the Logo in HTML? How to Add Video in HTML HTML Class Attribute HTML Entities HTML Form Elements HTML Form Templates HTML Marquee Tag HTML Radio Buttons HTML Text box HTML to JSX HTML Tooltip Basic HTML Codes How to Align Image Center in HTML HTML Header Tag HTML Image Tag HTML Next Line

HTML Col Width

HyperText Markup Language

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the backbone of internet improvement, serving as the standard markup language to structure content on the net. It presents a hard and fast of elements and tags that define the shape of a web web page, indicating the roles of different content portions and their relationships.

The fundamental building block of an HTML report is the HTML tag itself, enclosing the complete content. Within this, the file is divided into essential sections: the pinnacle and the body. The head incorporates meta-facts, consisting of the title of the page, man or woman set, and links to external stylesheets or scripts. The frame encapsulates the visible content material, consisting of text, pictures, hyperlinks, and different multimedia factors.

HTML uses tags to outline numerous factors and their attributes. For example, the <p> tag indicates a paragraph, the <h1> to <h6> tags constitute headings of various ranges, and the <a> tag creates links. Additionally, HTML supports the inclusion of photographs, the usage of the <img> tag and the use of the <table> tag, helping inside the enterprise and presentation of facts.

Attributes, in addition, enhance the capability of HTML factors. For instance, the src attribute inside the <img> tag specifies the image supply and the href characteristic inside the <a> tag defines the link vacation spot.

With the advent of HTML5, new semantic elements like <article>, <section>, and <nav> offer higher structure, which means content material. HTML5 additionally introduces local help for audio and video playback through the <audio> and <video> tags.

HTML is a flexible language that structures internet content material, permitting browsers to render statistics in a meaningful way. Its simplicity and significant adoption make it an essential skill for anybody venturing into web development. As the inspiration of the World Wide Web, HTML continues to adapt, empowering builders to create increasingly sophisticated and interactive online stories.

HTML Col Width

  The <col> detail in HTML is normally used within a <colgroup> element to define houses for a column in a table. However, the <col> element itself doesn't directly take care of phrase remember or content. Instead, it's miles generally used to set houses like width for columns in a table.


<col width="pixels | % | relative_length">

Values for Attributes:

  • Pixels: The <col> attribute's width is set in units of pixels.
  • %: This specifies the <col> attribute's width in percentage terms (%).
  • relative_length: This property sets the <col> element's width in relation to the other content.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


  <meta charset="UTF-8">

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

  <title>Table with Col Width</title>



      width: 100%;

      border-collapse: fall apart;

    td, th

      border: 1px stable #ddd;

      padding: 8px;

      textual content-align: left;






    <col style="width: 20%;">

    <col style="width: 60%;"> <!-- Adjust the width as needed -->

    <col style="width: 20%;">




      <th>Column 1</th>

      <th>Column 2 (Approximately 700 phrases)</th>

      <th>Column 3</th>





      <td>Data 1</td>

      <td>Data 2</td>

      <td>Data three</td>


    <!-- Add more rows as needed -->





In this case:

  • The <colgroup> element is used to group the <col> elements that define the residences for each column.
  • Each <col> element has a style characteristic that includes the width assets, permitting you to set the width of each column. Adjust the values as wanted.
  • The desk itself has the border-fall-apart property set to collapse to create a cleanser border appearance.

<col> Element:

  • The <col> detail is used inside a <colgroup> to outline properties for one or more columns in a table.
  • It can have attributes like span to specify the wide variety of columns the <col> detail ought to follow and the style attribute to set styles for the column.

<colgroup> Element:

  • The <colgroup> element is used to group one or extra <col> factors to apply patterns or other residences to multiple columns right away.
  • It is commonly located as an infant of the <table> detail.

Supported Browsers

The browser supported by HTML <col> width characteristic is indexed under:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera


In the end, the <col> and <colgroup> factors in HTML are used to define properties for columns within a table, allowing builders to use styles and attributes for multiple columns simultaneously. While the <col> element itself doesn't incorporate content material, it performs an important position in organizing and supplying tabular information by specifying houses like width and styles.