HTMLs Tutorial

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HTML5 Advance

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How to add JavaScript to HTML How to change font in HTML How to change text color in HTML HTML Date HTML Hide Element HTML Nested Table HTML Reset Button What does HTML stand for? HTML Background Image HTML Tag Div Tag in HTML How to insert Image in HTML How to create a link with no underline in HTML How to insert spacestabs in text using HTMLCSS HTML tag HTML Code HTML Tag HTML Canvas Design a tribute page using HTML and CSS What is a Container tag Font tag in HTML Difference between HTML and DHTML Empty Tag in HTML HTML Button Link Html Line Break Img src HTML Nested List in HTML Placeholder in HTML TD in HTML HTML Space Code HTML Target Attribute HTML Tag Markup Meaning in HTML Border-Collapse in HTML HTML Onclick Online HTML Compiler Convert HTML to PDF HTML Formatter HTML5 - Web Storage HTTP – Responses Container Tag in HTML DL Tag in HTML Horizontal Rule HTML HTML Tab Text Html Table Cell Background Color HTML Table Cell Color HTML Col Width How Many HTML Tags are There Convert String to Unicode Characters in Python HTML Runner HTML Style Attribute HTML Superscript Attribute HTML tabindex Marquee Tag in HTML HTML Dynamic Form HTML side Tag HTML Pattern Attribute HTML q Tag HTML Readonly Base 64 Encoding in HTML Documents Enhancing Data Portability and Security Evo Cam Web Cam HTML Free code camp HTML CSS How to Add a JS File in HTML? How to Add Picture in HTML How to Add the Logo in HTML? How to Add Video in HTML HTML Class Attribute HTML Entities HTML Form Elements HTML Form Templates HTML Marquee Tag HTML Radio Buttons HTML Text box HTML to JSX HTML Tooltip Basic HTML Codes How to Align Image Center in HTML HTML Header Tag HTML Image Tag HTML Next Line

ID and Class in HTML

Introduction to HTML

Hypertext Markup Language, or simply HTML, is considered the de facto markup language for creating and designing websites. It is used to structure content on the web, including headings, paragraphs, links, images, tables, as well as other things. Id and class are two important attributes that help in styling and scripting when writing using HTML. These qualities serve as identifiers used in defining styles for CSS and scripts for JavaScript, which differentiate individual HTML components.

Understanding the Basics:

HTML Elements:

Web pages consist of HTML elements. Every element is provided with a start tag, some text between the tags, and an ending tag. For example:

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

In this case, the tags start with the opening one, i.e., <p>, followed by the text "this is a paragraph"; then it ends up with a closing tag, that is. </p>.


Attributes are additional attributes of HTML elements. They must be present in the start tag of any element to which they apply. Often, the id and class aspects are utilized in relation to scripts and style.

Understanding id Attribute:

Using an ID in the elements helps to give them individuality on that page. Uniqueness, in this case, is an important aspect, as only one element should share the ID within one document. The ID attribute permits focusing on an exact location in question for styling and scripting.


<tagname id="unique_identifier">Content</tagname>

Tagname refers to the HTML element, and unique_identifier stands for the special name applied to the element here.


<div id="header">This is the header.</div>

It is designated as a "header" in this instance.

CSS Usage:

Commonly, the CSS id attribute is used to apply specific styling for a particular element. For example:

#header {

    background-color: #3498db;

    color: #fff;

    padding: 10px;


This is where we have a specific style of the header.

JavaScript Usage:

In addition, it is possible to utilize the id attribute to communicate with a particular element using JavaScript. For instance:

var headerElement = document.getElementById("header");

headerElement.innerHTML = "Updated Header";

The following JavaScript code retrieves an element with the id “header” and changes its body part.

Understanding class Attribute:

The 'id' attribute acts as one specific identifier of only an element, but the 'class' attribute groups several elements together. They contain style sheets or scripts common to elements in the same group, allowing for greater versatility and reuse.


<tagname class="common_class">Content</tagname>

In this case, a tag name signifies an HTML element, whereas a common class refers to a shared class name.


<p class="highlight">This is a highlighted paragraph.</p>

<p class="highlight">So is this one.</p>

These <p> tags share the class "highlight," which implies that their style is similar in this case.

CSS Usage:

The class attribute helps in applying multiple styles to several elements using the cascading style sheet (CSS). For example:

.highlight {

    background-colour: #ffcc00;

    font-weight: bold;


In this case, every element that bears the "highlight" class will be in bold and will include a yellow background color.

JavaScript Usage:

One can interfere with the HTML class using JavaScript. For instance:

var highlightedElements = document.getElementsByClassName("highlight");

for (var i = 0; i < highlighted elements.length; i++) {

    highlightedElements[i].style.fontSize = "16px";


The following Java script increases the font size for every highlighted element.

Differences Between id and class:


  • Each ID should be unique within a document.
  • Classes may be divided into more than one element.


  • Specific elements, in case of the use of a unique identifier, should be denoted by Id.
  • Respectfully use class where it is applicable only to all the elements that are to be styled similarly.

CSS Selectors:

  • Using # in CSS selects id (for example, #unique_identifier).
  • Selective class in CSS is done using dots. (e.g., common class).

JavaScript Selection:

  • Use getElementById for id in JavaScript (example, document.getElementById(“unique_identifier”)).
  • For a class in JavaScript, use getElementsByClassName (document.getElementsByClassName("common_class").

Best Practices:

Use id Sparingly:

  • Identify the reserve ID for justifiable elements only.
  • The ID should be avoided, when possible, as overuse can result in a very ugly and tough-to-maintain code.

Leverage class for Reusability:

  • Organize elements that share the same styles or behavior into a class.
  • This encourages a more modular and easily-maintainable coded structure as well.

Semantic Naming:

  • Name ID and class with meaning and sense.
  • This helps with clear coding interpretation and comprehension.

Avoid Inline Styles:

  • In preference, use external CSS instead of styles applied directly in the body of HTML in the style attribute.
  • This segregation of concern helps in improving readability and easy maintenance of the code.

Advanced Usage and Considerations:

As a result, all web developers should be aware that while these basic uses of id and class are essential for styling and scripting, there are some advanced considerations and use cases that should also be considered.

Combining ID and class:

These features are commonly seen in the same element. The id represents a unique number used to identify the element, and the class attribute allows the element to participate in many styling or scripting groups.

<div id="uniqueID" class="class1 class2">Combined Example</div>

It has the id attribute of "uniqueID" and is in the two classes, class1, and class2; hence, this enables the better organization of the style sheets and script files.

Global Attributes:

In HTML, both id and class are considered global attributes. They are universal for every html element and its type. The flexibility associated with this approach enables developers to customize their usage depending on the demands of given projects.

CSS Specificity:

Therefore, understanding id and class specificity in CSS is key. Specificity decides which styles to override in case several styles clash. Typically, an id selector is more particular than a class selector, and in line styles, these will be more general.


#specificID {

    color: red; /* This style will take precedence */


.specificClass {

    color: blue;



<div id="specificID" class="specificClass">Specific Example</div>

The id-selector will be shown in red since it is particular when compared to the text selector.

Responsive Design:

Responsive web design relies on id and class significantly. These features can be strategically used by the developers so as to develop a dynamic style for various screen sizes and devices. More so, media queries in CSS frequently use id and class to add styles dependent on the display properties.

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {

    #header {

        font-size: 16px;


    .responsiveClass {

        padding: 5px;



In this case, the styles within the media query will apply to the elements having id “header” and class “responsiveClass” if the screen width is 600px or less.

Dynamic Content and JavaScript:

Id and class attributes make working DOMs and dynamic content, as well as JavaScript, possible. JavaScript allows targeted manipulation of individual elements by either id or class with content or styles updated automatically on user interaction or event.

// Dynamic content update using ID

document.getElementById("dynamicContent").innerHTML = "Updated Content";

// Dynamic content update using class

var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("dynamicClass");

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

    elements[i].style.font-weight = "bold";


This JavaScript example updates content for a document element that has ID "dynamicContent" and styles all "dynamicClass" classed elements.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls:

1. Overusing id:

    Assigning the id attribute to various elements that don't need it is one of the most common errors. Every ID should be unique, and using too many unique identifiers will make the resulting code base complicated and hard to maintain.

    2. Underutilizing class:

    However, some developers fail to maximize the potential of the class attribute as they do not make use of such opportunity code reusability. The use of a common class for several elements that behave or have the same attribute is much more effective when compared with the use of id attributes.

    3. Non-Semantic Names:

    Using non-specific or ambiguous tags in the id and class attributes can produce more clarity, resulting in easier-to-understand code. One should pick up such names that are indicative of the entity's goal or function.

    4. Inline Styles Overuse:

    However, an inline style sometimes should be used. Excess of them, however, makes maintaining the code easier. The use of external CSS files separated by id and class results in improved organization and scalability.

    Future Trends and Considerations:

    With the changing web development technologies come trends and new best ways of doing that. While id and class attributes remain fundamental, certain considerations may become more prominent in the future:

    Component-Based Architecture:

    Web development is usually done on a component basis, wherein individual reusable elements and independent parts are made. Within frameworks such as React and Vue.js, components are used, and the IDs and classes are applied to aid in styling and scripting.


    Writing inline styles on each element has become popularly known as a 'CSS-in-JS' approach. This approach enhances encapsulation and component-focused styling. However, other modern attributes such as id and class are still relevant but have more contemporary meanings.

    Web Components:

    Web Components is an open-source technology based on a set of new web platform APIs that allow for the development of customized, reusable components using encapsulated styling and behavior. The way, in which the principle related to encapsulation will develop by providing id and class attributes for web components context.

    CSS Variables:

    Custom properties or CSS Variables enable developers to define reusable values in CSS. The use of CSS variables will increase in the near future, such that relying on ID and CLASS selectors can also be supplemented with dynamic and flexible styling through variables.

    Best Practices for Optimizing id and class Usage:

    With the changing dynamics of web development, the importance of good practice in using the ID and CLASS attributes keeps increasing. Consider the following strategies to enhance code maintainability, performance, and collaboration:

    Semantic Naming Conventions:

    Semantically and meaningful descriptive ID and class attributes make code more readable and understandable. Using descriptive names allows developers to seamlessly gain insight into the structure and intention of the HTML.

    <div id="header" class="main-header">Website Header</div>

    For instance, in this case, the id "header" and the class 'main header' are very descriptive and obvious.

    Use Classes for Styling Groups:

    Use classes instead of id attributes whenever different elements have common styles and behaviors. This makes it possible for classes to implement a more adaptive or recyclable CSS rule scheme.

    <p class="error-message">Invalid input. Please try again.</p>

    <p class="error-message">Password must be at least 8 characters.</p>

    In this respect, common styles in "error-message" are attributed to these two paragraphs of the class.

    Avoid Inline Styles:

    Avoid excessive employment of inline styles among HTML tags as it results in separation failure of data and design. On the contrary, style pages externally use "id" and "class" selectors.

    <div id="styledDiv" style="color: blue; font-size: 16px;">Styled Div</div>

    Prefer the following CSS approach:

    #styledDiv {

        color: blue;

        font-size: 16px;


    Combine id and class Thoughtfully:

    Think about the particular use scenario when merging id and class on an element. Use id for unique identification, and use class for grouping associated elements. The thoughtful integration also improves the reuse and specificity.

    <div id="uniqueSection" class="main-section content-section">Content</div>

    Here, the ids “uniqueSection” provide uniqueness where the classes of “main-section” and “content-section” group for styling.

    Responsive Design with Media Queries:

    Utilizing IDs and classes in tandem with media queries for responsive web design. You can have a consistent experience with different devices by using styles that are based on screen size, devices, or any other criteria.

    @media screen and (max-width: 768px) {

        #mainNav {

            display: none; /* Example: Hide navigation on small screens */



    JavaScript and DOM Interaction:

    In order to address a particular element in DOM’s while using JavaScript, you should rather use id in selecting something single while having class used for addressing as many as possible. To this end, interactions will be effective and on purpose.

    // Selecting by id

    var uniqueElement = document.getElementById("uniqueID");

    // Selecting by class

    var elementsByClass = document.getElementsByClassName("commonClass");

    Avoid Overly Specific Selectors:

    On the other hand, excessively specific CSS selectors may result in difficult-to-maintain code. Avoid using overly complicated selectors and aim for precision based on the specific requirements of a project.

    /* Avoid overly specific selector */

    div#container #content div.article h2.title {

        color: #333;


    /* Prefer a more straightforward selector */

    .article-title {

        color: #333;



    In brief, sound application of id and class attributes in HTML forms the basis for developing properly organized, easy-to-manage, and high-performance web apps. The ID attribute allows the identification of specific elements on which we want to have style or script attached. Also, the class allows the grouping of many similar elements together, making it convenient to reuse. Naming thoughtful, semantically clear codes that should be neither vague nor abstract is an easy way out for enhancing the clarity and readability of the code itself.

    With the evolution of web development, responsive design, component-based architecture, and emerging technologies must be taken into account. Good coding practices such as not abusing it, taking advantage of classes for grouped styling, and maximizing selectors will help produce a sound and scalable code base. Through external CSS files that separate concerns and using smart combinations of id and class, the developer can build flexible and dynamic interfaces for users.

    Moving ahead, adopting recent trends, utilizing new development methods, and improving performance will largely determine the future role played by ID and Class attributes in website development. Observing these principles will enable developers to create resilient and adaptive web solutions that accommodate the dynamic nature of the digital environment.