Computer Network Tutorial

Introduction of Computer Network Types of Computer Network Network Topology Computer Networking Architecture Transmission Modes (Data Flow) Basic Networking Devices Integrate Services Digital Network (ISDN)


OSI Model TCP/IP Model

Physical Layer

Digital Transmission Analog Transmission Transmission Media Switching

Data Link Layer

Error detection and Error correction Data Link Control Multiple Access Aloha

Network Layer

Network Layer - Logical Address Address Mapping Unicast Routing Protocol

Transport Layer

Process to Process Delivery User Datagram Protocol Transmission Control Protocol Stream Control Transmission Protocol Session Layer and Presentation Layer

Application Layer

Domain Name System Application Protocol E-mail Cryptography


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Check Sum Error Detection

Check Sum Error Detection


Data communication and storage systems employ the checksum error detection approach to find faults that occur during data transmission or storage. It entails incorporating a checksum an extra value into the data being delivered or stored. The checksum is determined using the data, and the receiver uses it to confirm the accuracy of the data it has received.

The main objective of checksum error detection is to locate flaws that might be brought on by noise, interference, or other transmission or storage issues. It offers a quick and straightforward approach to checking whether the incoming data corresponds to the original data.

Knowing how to detect checksum errors

A checksum value is calculated based on the data being communicated or stored as part of the checksum error detection process. By applying precise mathematical processes to the data bits, the checksum value yields a numerical representation of the data. The data is then transmitted with this value attached to it.

The receiver updates the checksum using the received data as the data is being transmitted or stored. The data was received error-free if the recalculated checksum agreed with the received checksum. The difference between the calculated and received checksums, however, indicates a transmission or storage mistake.

The Process to Check Errors

The following steps are commonly involved in the checksum error detection process:

  • Data Division: Make equal-sized blocks or packets of the data. Depending on the particular application or protocol being utilized, the block sizes may change.
  • Check Sum Calculation: Determine each data block's checksum value. Applying a mathematical algorithm, such as the ones based on the ones' complement, the two's complement, or bitwise XOR, is required for this calculation.
  • Check Sum Appending: To the end of each data block, append the determined checksum value. The entire data packet for transmission or storage is created by this.
  • Transmission Storage: Send the data packets and their related checksum values over the air or keep them.
  • Data Retrieval: Obtain the data packets or recover them, then extract the data from the checksums that were attached.
  • Check Sum Recalculation: For each data packet that is received or retrieved, the checksum value should be updated using the same algorithm as in the checksum computation phase.
  • Error Detection: Compared to the received or retrieved checksum value, compare the recalculated checksum value. If they line up, it means that neither a transmission nor a storage error took place. There will be a mistake if they don't line up.
  • Error handling: Depending on the particular application or protocol, appropriate action can be done if an error is found. This can entail asking for the faulty data packet to be retransmitted or making the necessary corrections.

It's crucial to remember that only specific faults can be detected using checksum error detection, making it ineffective. For more robust data integrity, it is frequently supplemented with various error detection and correction approaches in addition to being used as a basic error detection tool.


If we have the following data packets consisting of 4-bit blocks:

Block 1: 1101

Block 2: 1010

Block 3: 0111

Block 4: 0010

We'll utilize the bitwise XOR method to determine the checksum.

Check Sum Calculation

  • Start with a 0000-checksum value.
  • For each data block, XOR the initial checksum.
Checksum = 0000 XOR 1101 = 1101

Checksum = 1101 XOR 1010 = 0111

Checksum = 0111 XOR 0111 = 0000

Checksum = 0000 XOR 0010 = 0010

The Calculated Check Sum Value is 0010.

Let's now imagine that an error happens when the data packet is being transferred or stored, flipping one of the bits in Block 3.

Received data packets:

Block 1: 1101

Block 2: 1010

Block 3: 0101 (Error occurred: changed from 0111 to 0101)

Block 4: 0010

We will compute the checksum for the received data packet to look for mistakes.

Check Sum Recalculation

  • Start with a 0000-checksum value.
  • For each data block, XOR the initial checksum.
Checksum = 0000 XOR 1101 = 1101

Checksum = 1101 XOR 1010 = 0111

Checksum = 0111 XOR 0101 = 0010 (Recalculated Checksum)

We discover that the received checksum (0010) and the computed checksum (0010) are identical. This shows that no errors were found during storage or transmission.

The presence of an error would be indicated if the received and recalculated checksums did not match. The problem could then be handled appropriately, for as by asking for the corrupted data packet to be retransmitted.


Sending the message as "HELLO" to someone. You can include a checksum value in the message to confirm its integrity.

1. Each character should be given a number value based on a predetermined mapping. Let's simplify things by using ASCII values:

H -> 72

E -> 69

L -> 76

O -> 79

2. Add together these numbers to get the sum:

72 + 69 + 76 + 76 + 79 = 372

3. Consider the sum's binary representation:

372 in binary: 101110100

4. To make it 8 bits long, add leading zeros:


5. One's complement of each bit is inverted:


6. Send the original message with the inverted checksum appended:


7. Send the recipient the message "HELLO11010001011".


Numerous applications for checksum error detection exist in numerous fields. Key applications include the following:

  • Telecommunications and Networking: Checksum error detection is frequently used in telecommunication and network systems to ensure trustworthy data delivery. To detect errors in data packets, protocols like Ethernet, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), and UDP/IP (User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol) utilize checksums. As a result, transmission mistakes have less of an influence on data integrity.
  • Storage Systems: In storage systems, checksums are used to preserve data integrity. Checksum error detection algorithms are used by hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), and optical media to find and handle potential mistakes in stored data. Checksums assist in ensuring that data remains intact and uncorrupted by confirming the integrity of the data during storage and retrieval.
  • Error Detection in RAM: Modules for Random Access Memory (RAM) occasionally incur problems as a result of numerous things, like electrical noise, thermal effects, or physical flaws. In memory systems, checksum error detection techniques are used to find and fix memory problems, assuring the dependability and integrity of data stored in RAM.
  • Data Archiving and Backup: The identification of checksum errors is frequently employed in data backup and archiving systems. Checksums are computed and stored along with the data when archiving or making backups of the data. To maintain the integrity of the data and find any potential flaws, the stored checksums are compared with the recalculated checksums during restoration or retrieval.

In general, checksum error detection finds use in a wide range of sectors where data reliability and integrity are crucial. Checksums help maintain the quality and consistency of data by spotting flaws early on, enabling effective and secure data communication, storage, and transfer.


There are various benefits to checksum error detection. It offers a decent mix between mistake detection capacity and overhead because of its relative simplicity and computational efficiency. It can identify the majority of frequent transmission faults, including single-bit flips and burst errors.


There are several restrictions on checksum error detection, though. Errors can only be detected; they cannot be corrected. Furthermore, it might not catch faults if several bit errors happen in a certain pattern and cancel one another out, leaving an undiscovered defect. Furthermore, applications requiring a greater level of error detection and correction, such as mission-critical systems or aerospace applications are not appropriate for checksum error detection.


Checksum error detection is a vital technique for assuring the dependability and integrity of data transfer and storage. Checksum values make it possible to identify errors quickly and prevent the spread of corrupt data. In several areas, including networking, file transfer protocols, storage systems, and telephony, this strategy has shown potential.

Checksum approaches will probably develop over time and be augmented by more advanced methods of mistake detection and correction. However, in our increasingly linked digital world, the value of checksum error detection in preserving data integrity cannot be emphasized.