C Tutorial

C Tutorial C Language Environment Setup Execution flow of C program C printf and Scanf C Data type C Token Variable in C Operators in C Comments in C Escape Sequence in C C – Storage Classes C Decision control statement Loop Statement in C Break, continue and goto statement in C Type Casting in C Function in C Recursion in C String in C C Array Pointer in C Dynamic memory allocation C –Structure Nested Structure in C Union in C File Handling in C C pre-processor Static Function In C Sizeof In C Selection Sort In C Scope Of Variables In C Runtime Vs Compile Time In C Random Access Lseek In C Queue Implementation In C Pseudo Code In C Prototype In C Pointer To Pointer In C Pointer Arithmetic In C Passing Array To Function In C Null Character In C Merge Sort In C Macros In C Library Functions In C Memory Leak In C Int In C Goto And Labels In C Fibonacci Series In C Fflush In C Derived Data Types In C Data Types In C Const Vs Volatile In C Character Set In C Character Class Tests In C Calloc In C C Pointers Arrays In C Include In C Clrscr In C C Vs Java String Literals In C Types Of Pointers In C Variables In C Volatile In C Why C Is A Middle Level Language Infix To Postfix Program In C Ceil function in C LCM of two numbers in C Quick sort in C Static in C function pointer as argument in C Top Array Keywords in C Add two numbers using the function in C Armstrong program in C using function Array, Declaring Arrays and Array Initialization Limitations of Inline Function in C Merge and Merge sort with example in C Do-While Loop in C For Loop in C While-Loop in C Difference between while and do-while loop in C Array Of Structures in C Data Structures And Algorithms in C Types Of Structures In C How to Avoid Structure Padding in C Use of Structure in C Do WHILE LOOP in C Programming Examples For Loop in C Programming Examples Entry Control Loop in C Exit control loop in C Infinite loop in C Nested loop in C pow() function in C String Handling functions in C Prime Number code in C Factorial Program in C using For Loop Factorial Program in C Using While Loop Fibonacci Series in C Using For Loop Prime Number Program in C using for Loop While Loop in C programming examples Built-in functions in C Assert() Function C vs Java Strings Call Back Function in Embedded C Else If Ladder fgets() function Ftell() Function getc() function getch() function gets() function Heap Sort Nested if-else statement Pi() Function Positioning of file Write() function abs() function in C Attributes in C C program to find factorial of a number using Recursion Ferror() in c fopen() function in C Fibonacci series program in C using Recursion Formatted Input and output function in C Snake Game in C User Defined Functions in C Beep() function in C Cbrt() function in C Hook() function in C Isalnum() function in C C Program to find the Roots of a Quadratic Equation C Switch Statements Difference between rand() and srand() function in C Difference between while and for loop in C Doubly Linked list in C Example of Iteration in C How to use atoi() function in C How to use floor() function in C How to use sine() function in C How to use Typedef Struct in C Integer Promotions in C C Program Swap Numbers in cyclic order Using Call by Reference C Program to Find Largest Number Using Dynamic Memory Allocation C Program to Find the Largest Number using Ternary Operator C/C++ Program to Find the Size of int, float, double and char Find the Largest Three Distinct Elements in an Array using C/C++ Loop Questions in C Modulus on Negative Numbers in C Multiplication table program in C using For loop Nested Loops in C Programming Examples C Program for Mean and Median of an Unsorted Array Results of Comparison Operations in C and C++ Reverse a Stack using Recursion in C Simple hash() function in C strcat() Function in C Sum of N numbers in C using For loop Use of free() function in C Write a program that produces different results in C and C++ C Function Argument and Return Values Keywords in C Bank management system in C Calendar application in C Floor() Function in C Free() Function in C How to delete a file in C How to move a text in C Remove an element from an array in C Unformatted input() and output() function in C What are linker and loader in C SJF Scheduling Program in C Socket Programming in C Structure in C Tower of Hanoi in C Union Program in C Variable Declaration in C What is Linked List in C While Loop Syntax in C fork() in C GCD program in C Branching Statements in C Comma Operator in C Control statement in C Double Specifier in C How to create a binary file in C Long int in C Palindrome Number in C Pure Virtual Function in C Run Time Polymorphism in C Types of Array in C Types of Function in C What is a buffer in C What is required in each C Program Associativity of Operators in C Bit Stuffing Program in C Actual and Formal Parameters Addition of two Numbers in C Advantages of function in C Arithmetic Progression Program in C Binomial Coefficient Program in C Difference between Array and List in C Diffie-Hellman Algorithm in C How to convert a number to words in C How to convert a string to hexadecimal in C Difference between If and Switch Statement in C C and C++ Binary Files C program that does not Suspend when Ctrl+Z is Pressed Different ways to Declare the Variable as Constant in C Range of Int in C C Program to find the size of a File FIFO Example in the C Language For loop in C Programming GCD program of two numbers in C GPA Calculator in C How to Calculate Time Complexity in C How to include graphics.h in C How to measure time taken by a function in C How to return a Pointer from a Function in C What is the main in C Addition of Matrix in C Booleans in C C Program for Extended Euclidean algorithms C Program of Fencing the Ground Ceil and Floor in C Compound Interest Program in C Displaying Array in C Distance Vector Routing Protocol Program in c Dos.h Header File in C Language DSA Program in C Explain the two-way selection in C Fee Management System in C File Operations in C Malloc function in C Multiplication Table in C Simple Programs in C Language tolower() Function in C Type Conversion in the C Why does sizeof(x++) not Increment x in C Advantages of Dynamic Memory Allocation in C Armstrong Number in C Assignment Operator Program in C Banker’s Algorithm in C Binary Search in C with Best and Worst Time Complexity Caesar Cipher Program in C Call by Value and Call by Reference in C Conditional Operator in C CRC Program in C Deadlock Detection Program in C Decimal to Binary in C Difference between If Else and Nested If Else in C Difference between Pre-increment and Post-increment in C Difference between Scope and Lifetime in C Evaluation of Arithmetic Expression in C Explain the Increment and Decrement Operators in C Fseek Function in C Functions in C How to Find Square Free Numbers in C Length of an Array Function in C OpenGL in C Projects on C language in 2023 Purpose of a Function Prototype in C Stdio.h in C Two-Dimensional array in C What is String Comparison in C C Compilers for Windows Functions and Recursion in C How to Declare Boolean in C How to Declare Character in C How to Round up a number in C How to use strlen() in C Pointer Declaration in C Algorithm for String Palindrome in C C Program to find ASCII value of a character Constant Pointer in C How to find string length in C using strlen() function Implicit and Explicit in C Indirect Recursion in C Input and Output functions in C isupper() in C Jump Statement in C Lifetime of a Variable in C Linker Error in C Language Numeric Constant in C Size of Pointer in C Square Root in C Language Static and Dynamic Memory allocation String Declaration in C Strong Number in C Symmetric Matrix in C Types of C Tokens What is a Size of Pointer in C What is Increment and Decrement Operator in C 1 2 3 4 Series Program in C Advantages and Disadvantages of C Language C Program for Polynomial Addition C Program to Count the Number of Vowels in a String C Programming Errors and Solutions Compilation Errors in C Complex C Programs Difference between Argument and Parameter in C Difference between char s[] and char *s in C Evaluation of Postfix Expression Using Stack in C Find Leftmost and Rightmost Set Bit of a Number fprintf and fscanf in C Introduction to Dynamic Array in C Print Address in C Realloc function in C Ternary Operators in C Types of Tokens in C with Examples Difference between Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation in C Addition Program in C Array Definition in C Array of Pointers in C Arrow Operator in C Average of Two Numbers in C Binary to Decimal in C Binary to Octal in C BREAK STATEMENT in C C Programming Operators Questions C Programs Asked in Interview Calculator Program in C C Program to Read and Print an Employee's Detail Using Structure Bubble Sort Algorithm in C C Program to Find Area and Perimeter of Circle C Program to Check Whether a Given Number is Even or Odd C in Roman Numerals C Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using Switch Case Insertion Sort Program in C How to take input in string in C GCC Conflicting Types in C Function Definition in C Format Specifier for Hexadecimal in C Flowchart in C Float in C Fizzbuzz Implementation in C Conditional Statement in C Conio.h functions list in C Constants in C Dynamic Array in C Decision Making Statements in C Continue Statement in C Creation of Thread in C DFS Algorithm in C Difference between parameter and arguments in C Dijkstra's Algorithm in C Leap Year Program in C Jump Statements in C Modulus Operator in C Memory Allocation in C Simple Interest Program in C Reverse Array in C Recursive Function in C Queue in C Printing Pascal’s Triangle in C Preprocessor Directives in C Perror() in C Perfect Number in C Programming Language Parameter Passing Techniques in C Pascal Triangle in C Patterm Program in C Diagonal Matrix in C Converting Dollars into Rupees in C Typedef Function Pointer in C Unsigned Char in C C Program to Calculate Percentage C Program to Find Sum of Array Elements Clock Program in C How to reverse a number in C? Insert Array in C Kbhit() Function in C Can We Learn Python Without C? C program to convert decimal to hexadecimal C program to draw a circle C Program to Calculate Electricity Bill C program for string concatenation C program to convert decimal to binary without using array Graphics Programming in C File Handling Functions in C Convert Char to Int in C Identifiers In C ftok() function in C Dangling else program in C DFS Program in C Ifdef in C How to initialise an array in c Implementation of queue using Array in C Selection Statements in C Size of Char in C Strchr() function in C Symbolic Constants in C Tree Data Structure in C Type Conversion in C Types of Constants in C Void data type in C Argument in C Bitwise Operator in C Circular queue in C COMPILER IN C ctype h in c execvp() function in C Exit function in C Hashing in C How to define a global variable in C Purpose of scanf in C Language Priority Queue implementation in C Priority Scheduling Program in C With Arrival Time How to Use Threads in C What is Lvalue in C Fabs in C FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm in C Identifiers in C Language Operator Precedence and Associativity in C Size_t in C C Program for Customer Billing System Area Of Triangle Program In C C Program for Matrix Multiplication C Program For Sine Series C PROGRAM FOR UNION OF SETS C program to find GCD of two numbers C Program To Find The Square Root Of A Number C Program to Print A Matrix C Program to Reverse A Linked List C Program To Swap 2 Numbers C Program To Swap Two Numbers Using Call By Reference C Program Using Recursion C PROGRAM USING STRUCTURES EMPLOYEE DETAILS C Programming Segmentation Fault Call By Value Function In C Can We Learn Java Without Learning C CHARACTERS IN C Checksum Code In C Circular Linked List In C Concatenate String In C Deadlock Avoidance Program In C Declaration and Initialisation of Variables In C Declaration of Two Dimensional Array in C Define Keywords In C Distance Vector Routing Program In C DOUBLE TYPE IN C Evaluation Of Prefix Expression Using Stack In C Features Of Array In C Find the Power Of Number In C Semaphores In C C Program to Add Two Integers atan2() function in C atof() function in C Bzero() Function in C C program to calculate Compound Interest C program to swap two numbers without using a third variable Checksum program in C Dereference operator in C emirp number in C Euler method in C feof() function in C First and Follow programs in C Gauss Seidel method in C Getopt() function in C Getw() and putw() function in C Hollow triangle pattern in C Lagrange interpolation in C Lexicographical order in C Longest common subsequence in C Marksheet program in C Newton Raphson method in C scansets in C Spy Number in C strdup() function in c Sum of natural numbers using recursion in C Amicable numbers in C Application of data structure in C C #ifndef C array MCQs C expressions C Program to Delete an Element in an Array C Program to Find the Largest Element in an Array C program to generate the Fibonacci triangle C Program to Search an Element in an Array C Program to Sort an Array in Descending Order Client-server program in C Declare a character in C Exec system call in C Flowchart For While Loop in C Fractional knapsack problem in C Frewind() function in C getpid() and getppid() function in C Parameter passing technique in C Print Magic Square in C Printing Double Quotes in C strcasecmp() function in C Strssen matrix multiplication program in C Two-level dictionary program in C Usleep() function in C Variadic functions in C Vigenere cipher program in C Binary Search in Data Structures using C Binary Tree in DataStructures in C Absolute Value in C Alphabet Pattern Programs in C ARGC AND ARGV IN C ASCII Table in C BFS Algorithm in C Binary Tree Program in C Bisection Method in C Byte Stuffing Program in C Callback Function in C Conio in C Declaration-In-C Difference-Detween-Float-And-Double-In-C Difference-Detween-Malloc-And-Calloc-In-C Different Storage Class Specifiers in C Exception Handling in C Exit 0 in C FCFS Program in C File in The C Programming Language File Pointer in C Flowchart Symbols in C Formal Parameters in C free() function in C language Function Call In C Getchar() Method in C Global variables in C Graph in C Graphics. h in C How to Place Horizontal Tab Character in C Ifndef in C Inbuilt Functions in C Increment Operator in C Indirection Operator in C Interview Questions on Pointers in C Memory Management in C Not Equal to (! =) in C Pointers in C programming PRINT DOUBLE IN C Size Of Data Types In C What is Flag in C Which-Loop-Is-Faster-In-C-Language While-Statement-In-C %u in The C Programming Language XOR Operator in C Implementing data structures like linked lists or binary search trees in C Associativity In C ATM program in c Authentication and Authorization in C Balanced Parathesis in C Bit Manipulation in C Carriage Return in C Characteristics of Algorithm in C Circular Doubly Linked List in C COMMENT LINE IN C Default Return Type of Function in C Define Data Structure in c Define File in C Define Identifier in C Documentation section in C Double ended queue in C Endianness in C Expression Evaluation in C Fibonacci recursion in C File functions in C File Modes in C File Opening Modes in C Find duplicate elements in array in C Find length of array in C Float in C programming Floating point exceptions in c Fmod in C Format Specifiers in C What C in CPU Denotes? free() function in C language Generic pointer in C gotoxy in C Hallow Diamond pattern in C Hamming Code in C Happy Number in C Hill Cipher program in C How can we initialize an array in C INT_MAX in C Integer Size in C JSON Serialization in C# MEMORY MAPPING IN C Most Frequently Asked C Programming Language Questions for Freshers Non-Primitive Data Types In C OCTAL TO DECIMAL IN C PASSING POINTERS TO FUNCTION IN C PASSING STRINGS TO FUNCTION IN C Permutation of String in C QUADRATIC EQUATION IN C Structure within the structure in C Strupr() function in C Sum of diagonal elements of a matrix in C Sum of digits of a number in C++ Syntax error in C TOP-DOWN APPROACH IN C Types of Files in C Types of Strings in C Unconditional Statements in C What is FEOF in C What is the function Prototype in C What is the Garbage value in c Bellman-Ford Algorithm Program in C C Program to Access the Array Elements Using Pointers C program to find the rank of a matrix C Program to optimal page replacement algorithm C program to store inventory system using structures What is the Producer-Consumer Problem in C? Odd or Even Program in C free() function in C language Generic pointer in C gotoxy in C Hallow Diamond pattern in C Hamming Code in C Happy Number in C Hill Cipher program in C How can we initialize an array in C INT_MAX in C Integer Size in C JSON Serialization in C# MEMORY MAPPING IN C Most Frequently Asked C Programming Language Questions for Freshers Non-Primitive Data Types In C OCTAL TO DECIMAL IN C PASSING POINTERS TO FUNCTION IN C PASSING STRINGS TO FUNCTION IN C Permutation of String in C QUADRATIC EQUATION IN C Structure within the structure in C Strupr() function in C Sum of diagonal elements of a matrix in C Sum of digits of a number in C++ Syntax error in C TOP-DOWN APPROACH IN C Types of Files in C Types of Strings in C Unconditional Statements in C What is FEOF in C What is the function Prototype in C What is the Garbage value in c What are Control Statements C program for the second smallest and second largest number in the series of array Counting Sort Program in C Diamond pattern in C Difference between C and Matlab Moving Car Program in C No return function specifier in C free() function in C language Generic pointer in C gotoxy in C Hallow Diamond pattern in C Hamming Code in C Happy Number in C Hill Cipher program in C How can we initialize an array in C INT_MAX in C Integer Size in C JSON Serialization in C# MEMORY MAPPING IN C Most Frequently Asked C Programming Language Questions for Freshers Non-Primitive Data Types In C OCTAL TO DECIMAL IN C PASSING POINTERS TO FUNCTION IN C PASSING STRINGS TO FUNCTION IN C Permutation of String in C QUADRATIC EQUATION IN C Structure within the structure in C Strupr() function in C Sum of diagonal elements of a matrix in C Sum of digits of a number in C++ Syntax error in C TOP-DOWN APPROACH IN C Types of Files in C Types of Strings in C Unconditional Statements in C What is FEOF in C What is the function Prototype in C What is the Garbage value in c free() function in C language Generic pointer in C gotoxy in C Hallow Diamond pattern in C Hamming Code in C Happy Number in C Hill Cipher program in C How can we initialize an array in C INT_MAX in C Integer Size in C JSON Serialization in C# MEMORY MAPPING IN C Most Frequently Asked C Programming Language Questions for Freshers Non-Primitive Data Types In C OCTAL TO DECIMAL IN C PASSING POINTERS TO FUNCTION IN C PASSING STRINGS TO FUNCTION IN C Permutation of String in C QUADRATIC EQUATION IN C Structure within the structure in C Strupr() function in C Sum of diagonal elements of a matrix in C Sum of digits of a number in C++ Syntax error in C TOP-DOWN APPROACH IN C Types of Files in C Types of Strings in C Unconditional Statements in C What is FEOF in C What is the function Prototype in C What is the Garbage value in c Auto keyword in C Bin Packing Algorithm in C Binomial heap program in C C Program for Trapezoidal Rule C program to check student is pass or fail File Input and output operation in C++ Fseek() vs rewind() function in C How To Create Your Own Header Files in C How to Print Double Quotes in C How to store an integer in a char array in C Implicit Type Conversion in C Multiline macros in C Program to check balanced parenthesis in C Relational Operators In C Return Statement in C Unary Operators In C 5 Commonly Used Relational Operators in C Programming Adjacency Matrix in c Advantages of Structure in C Algorithm for Switch Case in c Animation Program in c Array Problems in C Automatic Variable in C Circular Queue using Linked List in C Deallocate Memory in C Decimal to Octal in C Difference between while loop and do-while loop in C Difference between a while loop and a for loop in C Difference between constants and variables in C Difference between printf() and scanf() in C EXIT STATEMENT IN C EXPLICIT TYPE CONVERSION IN C Extern Storage Class in C Far Pointer File Management in C Function parameters in C Header Files in C Language How to Scan a String in C Indentation in C Job Sequencing with deadlines program in C Left Shift and Right Shift in C Primitive data type in C Statements in C Storage specifier in C Structure data type in C Structure variable in C Subtraction of two numbers in C Sum of natural numbers in C To_string function in c Travelling salesman problem in C Compilation Process in C Generic Keyword in C Hangman game program in C Iterative Statements in C Leaky Bucket Algorithm program in C Gauss Elimination Method in C Append in C Application of Array in C Application of Stack in c Application of Union in C Atol in C Backslash in C Base Address of Array in C Bitwise Complement in C Brute Force Algorithm in C BSS Segment in C Butterfly Pattern in c C Program to Convert LowerCase to UpperCase and vice-versa C Program to count number of characters in a string C Program to Find the Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle Cast Operator in C Character Functions in c Character Pointer in c Classification of Datatypes in C Clock function in C Compare Three Integers in C Complex Pointer in c Constant in C Programming Convert float to int in C Convert Integer to String in C Counter-controlled loop in C Counting Sort Program in C Cstdlib in C Declaration Specifiers in C Dereferencing pointer in C Diagonal Difference Hacker rank solution in C Application of Array in C Application of Stack in c Application of Union in C Atol in C Backslash in C Base Address of Array in C Bitwise Complement in C Brute Force Algorithm in C BSS Segment in C Butterfly Pattern in c C Program to Convert LowerCase to UpperCase and vice-versa C Program to count number of characters in a string C Program to Find the Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle Cast Operator in C Character Functions in c Character Pointer in c Classification of Datatypes in C Clock function in C Compare Three Integers in C Complex Pointer in c Constant in C Programming Convert float to int in C Convert Integer to String in C Counter-controlled loop in C Counting Sort Program in C Cstdlib in C Declaration Specifiers in C Dereferencing pointer in C Diagonal Difference Hacker rank solution in C Difference between Recursion and Iteration in C Double Hashing in C Enumeration constants in C Fatal Error in C FCFS DISK SCHEDULING PROGRAM IN C Fclose in c Flag Variable in C FPUTC() Function in C fwrite function in c GET-SET PROCESS RESOURCES IN C Heart Pattern in C Language History of C Language How to Convert String to Int in C How to Create a Thread in C How to Find Simple Interest in C How to Get ASCII Value of Char in C How to print char array in c Huge Pointer in C Internal static variable vs External static variables in C Interprocess communication in C Interrupts in C ITOA Function in C Josephus problem in c Kaprekar number in C The largest number in C LCM OF 3 NUMBERS PROGRAMME IN C LEFT FACTORING PROGRAMME IN C Little and Big Endian Mystery LOGICAL EXPRESSION IN C Long range in c Loop Control Structure in C Lvalues and Rvalues in C MAGIC NUMBER PROGRAMME IN C MEMSET FUNCTION IN C Min Heap Implementation in C Mono alphabetic cipher in C Parser Program in C Perror in c Pointers and Functions in C Predefined function in c Prime Number or not Program in C Primitive data type in C Register Keyword in C Return value of strcmp in C Run time Initialization of Array in C Similarity between a Structure Union and Enumeration Size of Generic Pointers in C Sorting methods in C Sparse Matrix Addition in C Special number in C STACK MEANING IN C Stack Pointer in C STACK USING LINKED LIST PROGRAMME IN C State Machine in C Strcmp Return value in C stricmp in C STRTOL IN C Subroutines in C THREE DIMENSIONAL ARRAY IN C TIC TAC TOE PROGRAMME IN C Toggle a Bit in c Topological Sorting in c Tree Traversal Program in c Tricky Questions on Pointers in C language Truncate in C Programming Types of Linkages in C Types of Macro in C Ungetc in c Union of Two Sets in C Uppercase to Lowercase in C ASSEMBLY CODE IN C B -TREE IMPLEMENTATION IN C Booth’s Algorithm in C C Program to Calculate Distance among Two Points Concentric Square Pattern in C DDA Algorithm in C Encryption and Decryption program in C Flood Fill Algorithm in C Flow Control Statements in C Format Specifier for Double Data Type in C Format Specifier for Long in C Function Header in C Grade Program in C Horizontal tab in C I Value error in C Int limit in C LALR PARSER PROGRAM IN C Pattern Matching program in C language Predictive parser program in C language Reentrant function in C language Semaphore program in C language Simple Structure Program in C language Size of Enumeration (enum) in C language Student Mark list Program in C The Sum of Array in C Fibonacci Series Algorithm in C How to Create a Static Library in C? Line Intersection in C

Router in Computer Network

What Is the Router?

Router in Computer Network

A network router is an actual or virtual device that transfers data among more than one packet-switched network device. A router is a device that examines an individual data packet's intended internet protocol address (IP address), calculates the optimum path for it to take, and subsequently forwards it accordingly.

A network router is a popular sort of gateway. It is located wherever multiple networks intersect for every single point of existence on the internet. A single packet may pass through hundreds of routers as it travels from one network to the next on its journey to reach its final destination. Routers are linked to the network layer of the Open Systems Interconnection, or OSI, model.

Traditional routers are self-contained devices that run proprietary software. A virtual router, on the other hand, is a computer instance that serves the same tasks as a hardware router.

Virtual routers are often installed on ordinary computers; either alone or in conjunction with additional virtual network operations such as firewalls, packet filtering, loads balancing, and WAN optimization. Wireless routers and switches, for example, may have built-in router capability.

The primary role of a router in a network is to handle information between these networks. It accomplishes this by routing data packets to their individual IP addresses and allowing several devices to share an identical internet connection.

A network device router accepts, analyses, and transmits packets of data between computer networks. Once a packet of information arrives, the router analyses its routing tables to find the optimum route after checking the address of the destination, then sends the data file down that path.

Routers come in a variety of styles. However, the vast majority of routers transport data between WANs and LANs. A single router is often needed for a LAN in networking. A WAN, on the other hand, is spread across a large area and frequently necessitates the use of numerous routers and switches.

What is a Router?

The router is a physical or virtual internetworking device that is designed to receive, analyses, and forward data packets between computer networks. A router examines the destination IP address of a given data packet, and it uses the headers and forwarding tables to decide the best way to transfer the packets.

There are some popular companies that develop routers, such as Cisco3ComHPJuniperD-LinkNortel, etc. Some important points about routers are given below:

  • A router is used in LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network) environments. For example, it is used in offices for connectivity, and you can also establish the connection between distant networks, such as from Bhopal to
  • It shares information with other routers in networking.
  • It uses the routing protocol to transfer data across a network.
  • Furthermore, it is more expensive than other networking devices like switches and hubs.

A router works on the third layer of the OSI model, and it is based on the IP address of a computer. It uses protocols such as ICMP to communicate between two or more networks. It is also known as an intelligent device, as it can calculate the best route to pass the network packets from the source to the destination automatically.

A virtual router is a software function or software-based framework that performs the same functions as a physical router. It may be used to increase the reliability of the network by using the virtual router redundancy protocol, which is done by configuring a virtual router as a default gateway.

A virtual router runs on commodity servers, and it is packaged with its own or other network functions like load balancing, firewall packet filtering, and wide area network optimization capabilities.

Why Routers?

Router in Computer Network

A router is more capable as compared to other network devices, such as a hub, switch, etc., as these devices are only able to execute the basic functions of the network. For example, a hub is a basic networking device that is mainly used to forward data between connected devices, but it cannot analyse or change anything about the transferred data.

On the other hand, the router has the capability to analyse and modify the data while transferring it over a network, and it can send it to another network. For example, generally, routers allow sharing a single network connection between multiple devices.

 What Issues Do Routers Solve?

Internet routers work at the network's layer to address a fundamental issue that plagues bridge Layer 2 networks. As the number of linked devices increases in a bridged network, the probability of message accidents increases as devices fight for bandwidth. As a result, the available network bandwidth is reduced.

Routers were designed to limit domains of collision to reasonable subnetworks and to allow compute devices to efficiently transport data between subnetworks if the destination device has a physical connection or is several hops in the network away.

Routers that are physically integrated as well as virtually disaggregated are used. Fully integrated routers are built on commercial or custom ASICs and include a network-integrated operating system, whereas virtual routers are used to enable cloud implementations.

There are three basic gateway types in use today:

Access routers connect subscribers to their service provider's network, allowing them to connect to the World Wide Web or private networks. These networks are supported by wireless and wired access routers, which allow computing machines to link to Wi-Fi and Ethernet LANs.

Edge routers define subscriber services conceptually, apply policy, metre offerings, and otherwise handle subscriber sessions. For possibly thousands of users, edge routers often offer several border offerings, spanning company, homeowner, mobile, and data centre edge functions.

Core routers: Core routers connect communication networks by forwarding signals over the World Wide Web or private network backbones. These routers must forward packets efficiently and quickly while avoiding blockages and packet loss.

Routers are the fundamental building blocks that network operators require to establish effective networks. Operators can employ routers to configure performance measurements with complex routing algorithms and develop traffic engineering rules to reduce network congestion and preserve subscriber quality of service.

Routing Device Applications

Router in Computer Network

There are various areas where a router is used:

  • Routers are used to connect hardware equipment with remote location networks like BSC, MGW, IN, SGSN, and other servers.
  • It provides support for a fast rate of data transmission because it uses high-speed STM links for connectivity; that's why it is used in both wired and wireless communication.
  • Internet service providers widely use routers to send data from source to destination in the form of e-mail, a web page, an image, a voice, or a video file. Furthermore, it can send data all over the world with the help of the IP address of the destination.
  • Routers offer access restrictions. It can be configured in a way that allows a few users to access the overall data and allows others to access the few data points that are defined for them.
  • Routers are also used by software testers for WAN communications. For example, the software manager of an organization is located in Agra, and its executive is located in a different place, like Pune or Bangalore. Then the router provides the executive with the method to share his software tools and other applications with the manager with the help of routers by connecting their PCs to the router using WAN architecture.
  • In wireless networks, by configuring VPN in routers, it can be used in the client-server model, which allows sharing the internet, video, data, voice, and hardware resources. As shown in the below picture,
  • In modern times, routers have the facility of having in-built USB ports within the hardware. They have enough internal storage capacity. External storage devices can be used with routers to store and share data.
    Routers are used to set up the operation and maintenance center of an organization, which is known as the NOC center. All equipment at a distant location is connected by routers on optical cable at a central location, which also offer redundancy through the main link and protection link topology.

A router serves the following functions in a computer network:

Users send messages to the appropriate recipient in order to guarantee that data is routed correctly.

Routers safeguard against undesired information, such as when a large file is given to every network workstation, and they also improve network performance.

In networking, the router acts as an intermediary between a modem and the network, allowing software protection and reducing the risk of infections and other malware.

To communicate with other routers on the network.

Routers' principal function is to separate a wireless internet connection from the internal network in a home or business.

The IP addresses of each computer connected to the network can be assigned using a protocol known as the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

Most routers support the protocol known as DHCP over the internet, which is used to manage tiny residential and commercial networks.

Routers safeguard internal networks from hackers and malicious users and are detected via the internet, in addition to firewall firmware and software.

Routers also enable several users to collaborate on resources such as faxes as detectors, printing devices, and file folders on external discs.

A Router's Design

The following diagram describes the structure of a wireless router in a computer's network:

The Router in Network Architecture

Port Input

The physical layer's function of cancelling an inbound direct link to a router can be performed by the input port. It performs the information connection layer function needed for interaction with the information connection layer function on the other side of an incoming link.

The input port also performs a lookup and forwarding function, guaranteeing that the data being forwarded into the router's switching fabric arrives at the right output port.

Output Port

The output port receives packets via the switch fabrics and delivers them through the inbound connection by performing connection-layer and physical-layer functions. As a result, the port that outputs performs the same reversed data transfer and logical layer functions as its input port.

Fabric for switching

It is a combination of software and hardware that transmits data from one network node to the next via the correct port.

Processor of Routing

Networking processors perform routing protocols. It contains data on routing in addition to forwarding tables. It also manages network operations within the router.

 The Working of a Router

Router in Computer Network

A router analyses the destination IP address of a given packet header and compares it with the routing table to decide the packet's next path. The list of routing tables provides directions for transferring the data to a particular network destination. They have a set of rules that compute the best path to forward the data to the given IP address.

Routers use a modem, such as a cable, fibre, or DSL modem, to allow communication between other devices and the internet. Most routers have several ports to connect different devices to the internet at the same time. It uses the routing tables to determine where to send data and from where the traffic is coming.

A routing table mainly defines the default path used by the router. So, it may fail to find the best way to forward the data for a given packet. For example, the office router, along a single default path, instructs all networks to its internet service provider.

There are two types of tables in the router: static and dynamic. The static routing tables are configured manually, and the dynamic routing tables are updated automatically by dynamic routers based on network activity.

A router evaluates the destination IP address in a packet header and compares it to a routing database to identify the optimum next hop for the packet. Routing tables include instructions for sending data to specific network destinations, which are sometimes combined with other variables such as cost. They are essentially a set of computational algorithms that determine the optimal way to send traffic to any particular IP address.

A default route is frequently specified in a routing table, which the router employs when it cannot discover an improved forward choice for a given packet. For example, an ordinary home office router sends all outbound traffic to its online service provider (ISP) through a single default route.

Tables for routing can be static (manually established) or dynamic (automatically generated). Dynamic routers change their routing tables dynamically depending on network activity, which includes exchanging data with other hardware via routing protocols.

Many routers also conduct network address conversion (NAT), which protects a LAN's private IP addresses by rerouting all outbound traffic to one shared global IP address. NAT contributes to the conservation of internationally valid IP addresses while also improving network security.

Routing protocols are divided into three types:

Distance-vector vs. link-state protocols: Routing protocols can be classified based on whether they use distance-vector metrics or link-state data to identify the optimum path. The total number of intermediary routers that exist between two given hosts is used as a statistic by distance-vector protocols to find the optimum way to route a packet.

Link-state protocols, on the other hand, compute the resource speed and cost per potential hop. Link-state protocols keep three kinds of tables—aa neighbour table, a topology table, and a table for routing—aand exchange updated information with neighbouring routers to determine the best routing path.

Interior gate protocols (IGPs) are routing protocols that communicate routing data on a regular basis inside an autonomous network (AS), which is a collection of one or more networks operated by a single carrier or company. Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGPs) are designed to exchange reachability and routing data with routers in other autonomous systems.

Classful protocols versus protocols without classes: Classful methods do not provide subnet mask information in routing updates. These older protocols prioritise network identification over individual IP addresses.

Classful protocols, on the other hand, have been mostly supplanted by protocols without classes for routing that share subnet mask data during routing updates. This property is seen in the RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF, and IS-IS protocols.

Selecting Small Business Routers

Pay particular attention to the quantity and type of connections (which include telephone, Ethernet, which is cable, and PC) to ensure that the essential equipment may be connected. Remember that having unused ports is great because it allows you to grow the network as needed.


Adequate bandwidth is critical for the user experience. It enables peak performance for numerous customers; the more users there are, the more bandwidth is required. If necessary, you can expand your company's network by adding more routers or hubs; however, insufficient bandwidth anywhere on the connection can cause bottlenecks.

Wireless connectivity
WiFi is a given, yet several standards exist. Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) can give significantly faster transmission speeds, particularly when more than one access point (such as devices or an extra router) is connected at the same time. Wi-Fi 6 routers support older Wi-Fi protocols.

Simplified setup and administration
Most routers include a browser-based interface for performing setup and administration. Many manufacturers, on the other hand, now provide mobile apps that are specifically tailored for their devices and have a simpler interface and easier setup.


At the very least, your router should include WPA or WPA 2 authentication. Some routers additionally include firewall software that constantly checks incoming data for malware and viruses. Another useful tool is MAC (Media Access Control) number filtering, which screens users and creates a white list or blacklist for network access based on device-specific IDs.

Consider routers with at least one PoE port. PoE supplies both data and power to other equipment that includes access points for wireless networks, VoIP phones, IP cameras, and so on. PoE minimises cabling and gives your network more flexibility.

Automatic updates
Routers have software that must be updated in order to maintain performance and security. Several company’s upgrade software by itself, which is ideal since it operates in the background without your intervention.

Configurable by the user
This function enables users to handle traffic on the network, visitor networks, controls for parents, and security settings. The process is simplified if the router's settings can be managed using an app rather than a browser interface.

Guest networks
Guest networks provide a crucial layer of extra protection when visitors to the business require Wi-Fi connectivity. A guest network restricts access to the business's equipment and files while nevertheless providing connectivity to visitors.

Controls for the quality of service, or QoS,
When combined with tools for analysing overall user activity, this capability enables you to limit network use to either downstream or upstream transmissions, control specific types of use (such as video streaming), and set bandwidth for various users. This capability aids in network security and monitoring.

Mesh networking
If you've used Wi-Fi extenders before, you may have discovered that they can cause more harm than good. They result in various networks that are incompatible with one another, as well as device incompatibilities that might lead to bandwidth bottlenecks.

The mesh system, which enables you to install many Wi-Fi stations across your office on one network, is a superior alternative. Mesh networks, as opposed to extenders, which may be used on any wireless router, require a router that has this capacity built in.

Routing Protocol Types

With knowledge of routing protocol categories in hand, consider the following 7 common routing protocols:

Routing protocols specify a way for the router to identify other routers on the network and make dynamic decisions about sending all network messages. There are several protocols, which are given below:

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP):

 It determines how routers can share information while transferring traffic among connected groups of local area networks. The maximum number of hops that can be allowed for RIP is 15, which restricts the size of networks that RIP can support.

In the beginning stages of routed networking, RIP was one of the earliest routing protocols developed. The protocol is available in two forms: RIPv1 and RIPv2. RIPv1 is a classful protocol that exposes its IP tables to all routers in the network. RIPv2, a protocol without classes, refreshes its routing table using an address that is multicast and secures the routing information with authentication. RIPv2 is appropriate for smaller networks because it has a maximum hop count of 15.

IGRP (Internal Gateway Routing Protocol):

It specifies how routing information will be exchanged between gateways within an independent network. Then, the other network protocols can use the routing information to determine how transmissions should be routed.

Compared to RIP, IGRP enables 255 hop counts and is commonly used in big networks. This routing technique combines the benefits of distance vectors and classful protocols. IGRP compares routes using numerous parameters such as bandwidth, postponement, load, and dependability, and it is immune to routing loops.

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP):

In this protocol, if a router is unable to find a path to a destination from the tables, it asks its neighbours for a route, and they pass the query to their neighbours until a router has found the path. When the entry in the routing table changes in one of the routers, it informs its neighbours only about the changes and does not send the entire table.

 The protocol at issue is a revised version of the IGRP or a distance-vector, interior gateway, and classless protocol. It makes use of the trustworthy transportation protocol (RTP) and overall Spreading Updating Algorithms (DUAL) to boost route performance and expedite the convergence process.

OSPF stands for Open Shortest Path First and is a link-state, internal entry point, and classless protocol. It keeps databases that describe the whole network topology and uses the shortest-path-first (SPF) method to calculate the efficiency of the route based on length and required resources. When a network's topology changes, OSPF recalculates network paths using the Dijkstra algorithm and swiftly merges them into a new route topology.

It is used to calculate the best route for the given packets to reach the destination as they move via a set of connected networks. It is identified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as the Interior Gateway Protocol.

Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP):

It decides how routing information can be exchanged between two neighbouring gateway hosts, each of which has its own router. Additionally, it is commonly used to exchange routing table information between hosts on the internet.

EGP is used on routers at the outer limits of an autonomous system. It communicates via routing information with additional gateway hosts from other autonomous systems. EGP in order distributes and maintains network databases between linked routers to ensure that all routing tables — recognised routers, route charges, and network address tables — are up to current. EGP was widely used by large organisations; however, because of its absence of assistance for multipath networking situations, it has now been supplanted by Border Gateway Protocol.

BGP stands for Border Gateway Protocol. 

BGP is a distance-vector protocol and an outside gateway protocol. BGP chooses the optimum path based on a number of criteria, including the length of the path, origin type, router identity, neighbour IP addresses, and others. BGP enables managers to tailor routes to their network's specific requirements and securely communicate routing data with authenticated routers.

It helps manage how packets are routed on the internet via the exchange of information between edge routers. It provides network stability for routers because if one internet connection goes down while forwarding the packets, it can quickly adapt to another network connection to send the packets.

IS-IS (Intermediate System to Intermediate System):

IS-IS serves as a link-state, internal entry point, and classless protocol for autonomous system routers. The protocol disseminates link-state information across the network. Every IS-IS router collects flooding network information and builds its topology database. IS-IS employs a variant based on the Dijkstra algorithm.

Router Types

Routers are classified into the following types:

Wireless Routers 

Wireless routers are used to offer Wi-Fi connectivity to laptops, smartphones, and other devices with Wi-Fi network capabilities, and they can also provide standard Ethernet routing for a small number of wired network systems.

Wireless routers are capable of generating a wireless signal in your home or office, which allows computers to connect with routers within a range and use the internet. If the connection is indoors, the range of the wireless router is about 150 feet, and when the connection is outdoors, its range is up to 300 feet.

Furthermore, you can make wireless routers more secure with a password or get your IP address. Thereafter, you can log in to your router by using a user ID and password that will come with your router.

It is a router that also functions like an access point for wireless networks. Such routers provide a connection to personal networks of computers or the internet. It may work on either a wired or wireless local area network, depending on the model. They combine the capabilities of border and distribution routers. These routers contain a couple of USB connections that may be attached to a machine to be used as a resource that is shared on the network.

A wireless router provides access to devices that use Wi-Fi, such as computers and smartphones. It can also provide standard Ethernet routing. Interior connections offer a reach of 150 metres, whereas outside connections offer a reach of 300 feet.

Broadband Routers

Broadband routers are mainly used to provide high-speed internet access to computers. It is needed when you connect to the internet through your phone and use voice over IP (VOIP).

All broadband routers have the option of three or four Ethernet ports for connecting laptop and desktop systems. A broadband router is configured and provided by the internet service provider (ISP). It is also known as a broadband modem, asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), or digital subscriber line (DSL) modem.

An internet router serves to connect to the Internet by phone and to give access to fast internet using voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology.

Core Routers

A core router is a type of router that can route data within a network but is not able to route data between networks. It is a computer communication system device and the backbone of networks, as it helps to link all network devices. It is used by internet service providers (ISPs), and it also provides various types of fast and powerful data communication interfaces.

A basic gateway may redirect packets of data within a network but not between networks. They help to connect all devices in a network, with them forming the network's backbone.

It's an electronic communication device that runs at the heart of the internet. It connects every network component to provide a variety of fast data transmission interfaces. Core routers are commonly It's an electronic communication device that runs at the heart of the internet. It connects every network component to provide a variety of fast data transmission interfaces. Core routers are commonly used by service providers or cloud providers. This router gives maximum bandwidth for connecting other routers. It supports numerous high-speed telecommunications interfaces and needs to be capable of transmitting IP messages at full speed.

used by service providers or cloud providers. This router gives maximum bandwidth for connecting other routers. It supports numerous high-speed telecommunications interfaces and needs to be capable of transmitting IP messages at full speed.

Edge Routers

An edge router is a lower-capacity device that is placed at the boundary of a network. It allows an internal network to connect with external networks. It is also called an access router. It uses an External BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to provide connectivity with remote networks over the internet.

It is a dedicated router that functions as a link between multiple networks. It is additionally referred to as a gateway router. It is located at the network's periphery. Edge guarantees that its network is connected to a wide-area (WAN) network, the internet, or other networks.

Edge connects to external networks via a network interface called an external border gateway. Edge routers include Ethernet ports for connecting to the internet and numerous outputs for connecting to other routers.

The most frequent kind of Border Router is a low-capacity router positioned at the network's edges. The edge gateway links the network within the computer to the outside world and can transport information packets across networks.

They connect using the so-called Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Labelling routers at the edge and subscription edge routers are both types of edge routers.

There are two types of edge routers in networking:

  • Subscriber edge router
  • Label edge router

The subscriber edge router belongs to an end-user organisation, and it works in a situation where it acts as a border device.

The label edge router is used at the boundary of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) networks. It acts as a gateway between the LAN, WAN, or internet.


A brouter is a combination of a bridge and a router. It allows transferring data between networks like a bridge. And like a router, it can also route the data within a network to individual systems. Thus, it combines these two functions of bridge and router by routing some incoming data to the correct systems while transferring other data to another network.

These are specialized routers that may additionally perform bridge functions. Brouters, unlike roads, aid in data transmission between networks. And, unlike a gateway, they route data between network devices.

Router virtualisation

This is a software-based infrastructure that functions similarly to hardware routers. These routers operate on ordinary servers and can be purchased separately or in conjunction with other network services. They do, however, improve network resilience via the virtual redundancy protocol.

Routers for distribution

It's a router in a single organization’s local area network. It takes data from the Edges router through a wired link and distributes it to the end user. It is also known as an internal router. This is commonly accomplished via Wi-Fi.

Router Features

  • A router works on the 3rd layer (the network layer) of the OSI model, and it is able to communicate with its adjacent devices with the help of IP addresses and subnets.
  • A router provides high-speed internet connectivity with different types of ports like gigabit, fast Ethernet, and STM link ports.
  • It allows the users to configure the port as per their requirements in the network.
  • Routers' main components are the central processing unit (CPU), flash memory, RAM, Non-Volatile RAM, console, network, and interface card.
  • Routers are capable of routing the traffic in a large networking system by considering the sub-network as an intact network.
  • Routers filter out unwanted interference as well as carry out the data encapsulation and encapsulation processes.
  • Routers provide the redundancy, as they always work in master and slave modes.
  • It allows the users to connect several LANs and WANs.
    Furthermore, a router creates various paths to forward the data.
  • A router is a network layer 3 device.
  • It links many networks and transmits information packets from one to the other.
  • A router is a device that can be used on both LANs and WANs.
  • It sends data as IP packets. It transmits data using the IP address specified in the IP packet's destination field.
  • Routers contain a routing table that is refreshed on a regular basis based on network changes. It examines the table and employs a routing mechanism in order to send data packets.
  • Routers exchange information to set up or update the routing table.
  • Routers guard against broadcast storms.
  • Routers cost more than other networking equipment such as hubs, bridges, and switches.

Some well-known manufacturers of routers include:

  • Cisco
  • D-Link
  • HP
  • 3Com
  • Juniper
  • Nortel

Routing Table:

A routing table determines the path for a given packet with the help of the IP address of a device and other necessary information from the table and sends the packet to the destination network. The routers have an internal memory known as Random Access Memory (RAM). All the information in the routing table is stored in the RAM of routers.

A router's operation is heavily dependent on the routing information that it stores. All feasible routes across all destinations are stored in the routing database. The router checks the routing table in order to find the best path for data packets to take.

Destination (Network ID)Subnet maskInterface

For example:

A routing table contains the following entities:

It contains the IP addresses of all routers, which are required to decide how to reach the destination network.
It includes extrovert interface information.
Furthermore, it also contains the IP address and subnet mask of the destination host.

The following entities are often found in a routing table:

  • The network nodes' IP numbers and subnet mask
  • The Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of the network's routers
  • Interconnection data between network components and channels
    There are two kinds of routing tables:

Static Routing Table: The routes in this table are supplied periodically and are not automatically refreshed. It is appropriate for small networks with two or three routers.

Dynamic Routing Table: In this case, the router talks with other routers via routing protocols to discover the available routes. It works best for larger networks with an abundance of routers.

Network Element in the Router

There are two types of network elements in the router, which are as follows:

Control plane:

A router supports a routing table that determines which path and physical interface connection should be used to send the packet. It is done by using internal pre-configured directives, which are called static routes, or by learning routes with the help of routing protocols. A routing table stores the static and dynamic routes. Then the control-plane logic eliminates the unnecessary directives from the table and constructs a forwarding information base that is used by the forwarding plane.

Forwarding plane:

 A router sends data packets between incoming and outgoing interface connections. It uses information stored in the packet header and matches it to entries in the FIB, which is supplied by the control plane; accordingly, it forwards the data packet to the correct network type. It is also called the user plane or data plane.

How do I buy a Router?

There are many points to keep in mind while buying a router:

Type of Connection: Which kind of router you should buy depends on the type of connection you have. For example, if you want to use the internet connection from your telephone service provider, like BSNL or MTNL, you will need an ADSL router. On this router, you have to use the hardware that is provided with your connection. Although this router may have limited functionality on some fronts,
Alternatively, you can purchase an advanced router that allows you to share storage, including printers, over a wireless connection. If you use the connection provided by the local cable operator, you will need a non-ADSL router.

Standard: The routers support standards like 802.11ac, 802.11n, etc. The routers that support the 802.11ac standard enhance the speed of data transfer by more than three times that of 802.11n standard routers. It uses the 5 GHz frequency band, which is less crowded as compared to the regular 2.4 GHz band.

Furthermore, it also provides better network performance for file transfers and streaming media content.
The routers that support the 802.11ac standard are beneficial as they are compatible with the n' standard, so your older devices can also work without any problem. Alternatively, you can save some money and fulfil your requirements by purchasing 'n' standard routers.

Dual-band: Most standard routers operate in the 2.4 GHz frequency, but a dual-band router is better as it supports the 5 GHz band. Furthermore, it can also connect with smartphones and laptops on 5 GHz, while other routers can only operate over 2.4 GHz.

USB port: Routers with USB ports allow you to plug in flash drives, including printers, to share these resources over the network. These functions are suitable for a small area as they can be used within the wireless network without using the internet.
Some routers provide backup internet via 3G data dongles when your main connection goes down. But these routers work only with specific brands. So, before purchasing a router, check if it supports the dongle you are using.

Multiple antennas: External antennas are strong enough to increase the overall range of your router and are suitable for environments where you need signals across multiple walls or doors.

 Advantages of Using Routers:

There are so many benefits to a router, which are given below:

Security: The router provides the security, as LANs work in broadcast mode. The information is transmitted over the network and traverses the entire cable system. Although the data is available to each station, only the station that is specifically addressed reads the data.

Performance enhancement: It enhances the performance within the individual network. For example, if a network has 14 workstations that all generate approximately the same volume of traffic, The traffic of 14 workstations runs through the same cable in a single network. But if the network is divided into two sub-networks, each with seven workstations, then the load of traffic is reduced by half. As each of the networks has its own servers and hard disc, fewer PCs will need the network cabling system.

Reliability: Routers provide reliability. If one network gets down when the server has stopped or there is a defect in the cable, then the router services will not be affected, and other networks will not be affected. The routers separate the affected network, whereas the unaffected networks remain connected without interrupting work or causing any data loss.

Networking Range: In networking, a cable is used to connect the devices, but its length cannot exceed 1000 metres. A router can overcome this limitation by performing the function of a repeater (Regenerating the signals). The physical range can be as per the requirements of a particular installation, as long as a router is installed before the maximum cable range is exceeded.

The benefits of employing routers are as follows:

  • Utilizing flexible routing techniques such as OSPF, BGP, RIP, and others, it finds the most effective route between the source and the destination.
  • Creates domains for collisions and broadcast domains to reduce network load.
  • Connects multiple network architectures.
  • Multiple users can be connected to a given network connection.
  • If a third-party network component fails, alternate pieces are used to avoid difficulties in routing networks.

Disadvantages of Using Routers

  • The following are the drawbacks of using routers:
  • Because they contain software known as firmware, hardware-driven routers are susceptible to cyberattacks. Routers that have not been fixed are extremely susceptible to cyberattacks.
  • Routers are faster than repetitions and bridges because they analyses data transit from the physical to network layers.
  • Because dynamic router communications add to network overhead, there's less bandwidth for user data.
  • Routers are also incompatible with the 5 GHz frequency.

Difference between Bridge and Router

A bridge is a networking device that is used to connect two local area networks (LANs) by using media access control addresses and transmit the data between them.A router is also a networking device that sends the data from one network to another network with the help of their IP addresses.
A bridge is able to connect only two different LAN segments.A router is capable of connecting the LAN d WAN.
A bridge transfers the data in the form of frames.A router transfers the data in the form of packets.
It sends data based on the MAC address of a device.It sends data based on the IP address of a device.
The bridge has only one port to connect the device.The router has several ports to connect the devices.
The bridge does not use any table to forward the data.The router uses a routing table to send the data.

Difference between Hub, Switch, and Router

There are three primarily networking devices that connect the computers from one to another. These devices are hubs, switches, and routers. These all have the ability to connect one computer to another, but there are some differences between them. The differences between a hub, switch, and router are given below:

  • Hub: A hub is a basic networking device that is used to connect computers or other networking devices together. A hub does not use any routing tables to send the data to the destination. Although it can identify basic errors in networks, like collisions, it can be a security risk to broadcast all information to multiple ports. As the hub is a dumb device, it does not need an IP address. Furthermore, Hubs are cheaper than switches or routers.
  • Switch: A switch is a hardware device that also connects computers to each other. A switch is different as compared to a hub in that way; it handles packets of data. Whenever a switch receives a packet, it decides the device to which the packet can be sent and sends it to that device only.
  • A hub broadcasts the packet to all computers, but the switch does not circulate the packet to all devices, which means bandwidth is not shared with the network, and thus it increases the efficiency of the network. That's why switches are more preferred as compared to hubs.
  • Router: A router is different from a switch or hub. It is mainly used to route the data packets to another network instead of transmitting them only to the local networks.
  • A router is commonly found in homes and offices, as it allows your network to communicate with other networks through the internet. Basically, a router provides more features to your network, like a firewall, VPN, QoS, traffic monitoring, etc.


These are intelligent networking devices that can provide a single network but have speed and bandwidth constraints. When selecting a networking device, look for one that meets your needs while having few limits.

Various gateway uses and functions allow you to alter information travelling as a datagram to provide a smooth transition from one network type to another. Because not all networks have identical capabilities when it comes to information package size, routers are in charge of fragmenting data packets so that they can circulate freely.

A Wi-Fi router acts similarly to a standard router, with the exception that it enables wireless gadgets (such as Wi-Fi stations) to link to networks where the router is wired (often Ethernet).

This is because the computer's IP address is never immediately exposed to the internet. This makes port scans nearly impossible. Furthermore, unlike a software firewall, a wireless router does not require any resources. Software firewalls may be required only if incoming traffic must be scanned.

Furthermore, routers are quite useful since they allow multiple PCs to share a single printer. This has a clear economic benefit for a company because it avoids the cost of purchasing a separate printer for each computer.