C# Tutorial

C# Tutorial C# First Application C# Variables C# Data Types C# Operators C# Keywords

C# Control Statement

C# If Statements C# Switch Statements C# for Loop C# While Loop C# do While loop C# Jump Statements C# Function C# functions with out variable

C# Arrays

C# Arrays

C# Function

C# Function call by value C# Call by reference C# Passing array to function C# Multidimensional Arrays C# Jagged Arrays C# Params C# Array Class C# Command Line Arguments

C# Object Class

C# Object and Classes C# Constructors C# Destructor C# this Keyword C# static field C# static class C# Static Constructor C# Structs C# enum C# Properties

C# Inheritance

C# Inheritance C# Multilevel Inheritance C# Aggregation C# Member overloading C# Method Overriding C# Base

C# Polymorphism

C# Polymorphism C# Sealed

C# Abstraction

C# Abstraction C# Interface

C# Namespace

C# Namespace C# Access Modifiers C# Encapsulation

C# Strings

C# String

C# Misc

C# Design Patterns Dictionary in C# Boxing and Unboxing in C# Ref and Out in C# Serialization in C# Dispose and Finalize in C# CONSOLE LOG IN C# Get File extension in C# Insert query in c# Difference Between List and Dictionary in C# Getters and Setters in C# Extension Methods in C# Insert query in c# CONSOLE LOG IN C# Get File extension in C# Random.NextDouble() Method in C# Binary Search in C# Difference between Delegates and Interfaces in C# Double.IsFinite() Method in C# Index Constructor in C# Abstraction in C# Basic OOPS Concepts In C# Queue.CopyTo() Method in C# single.compareto() method in C# C# Throw Exception in Constructor DECODE IN C# file.setlastwritetimeutc() method in C# Convert Object to List in C# convert.ToSByte(string, IFormatProvider) Method in C# C# Declare Delegate in Interface console.TreatControl C As Input property in C# Copying the queue elements to 1-D Array in C# Array.Constrainedcopy() Method in C# C# in and out Char.IsLetterOrDigit() method in C# Debugging in C# decimal.compare() method in C# Difference between Console.Read and Console.Readline in C# Metadata in C# C# Event Handler Example Default Interface Methods in C# Difference between hashtable and dictionary in C# C# program to implement IDisposable Interface Encapsulation in C# SortedList.IndexOfVaalue(Object) Method in C# Hash Maps in C# How to clear text files in C# How to Convert xls to xlsx in C# Foreach loop in C# FIFO in C# How to handle null exception in C# Type.Is Instance Of Type() Method in C# How to add data into MySQL database using C# How to use angular js in ASP net Csharp decimal.compare() method in Csharp Difference between Console.Read and Console.Readline in Csharp How to Implement Interface in Csharp char.IsUpper() Method in C# Index Of Any() Method in C# Quantifiers in C# C# program to Get Extension of a Given File C# Error Logging C# ENCRIPTION Can we create an object for Abstract Class in C# Console.CursorVisible in C# SortedDictionary Implementation in C# C# Hash Table with Examples Setting the Location of the Label in c# Collections in c# Virtual Keyword in C# Reverse of string in C# String and StringBuilder in C# Encapsulation in C# SortedList.IndexOfVaalue(Object) Method in C# Hash Maps in C# How to clear text files in C# How to Convert xls to xlsx in C# Foreach loop in C# FIFO in C# How to handle null exception in C# Type.Is Instance Of Type() Method in C# How to add data into MySQL database using C# How to use angular js in ASP net Csharp decimal.compare() method in Csharp Difference between Console.Read and Console.Readline in Csharp How to Implement Interface in Csharp char.IsUpper() Method in C# Index Of Any() Method in C# Quantifiers in C# C# program to Get Extension of a Given File Difference between ref and out in C# Singleton Class in C# Const And Readonly In Csharp BinaryReader and BinaryWriter in C# C# Attributes C# Delegates DirectoryInfo Class in C# Export and Import Excel Data in C# File Class in C# FileInfo Class in C# How to Cancel Parallel Operations in C#? Maximum Degree of Parallelism in C# Parallel Foreach Loop in C# Parallel Invoke in C# StreamReader and StreamWriter in C# TextReader and TextWriter in C# AsQueryable() in C# Basic Database Operations Using C# C# Anonymous Methods C# Events C# Generics C# Indexers C# Multidimensional Indexers C# Multithreading C# New Features C# Overloading of Indexers Difference between delegates and events in C# Operator overloading in C# Filter table in C# C# Queue with Examples C# Sortedlist With Examples C# Stack with Examples C# Unsafe Code File Handling in C# HashSet in C# with Examples List Implementation in C# SortedSet in C# with Examples C# in Depth Delegates and Events in C# Finally Block in C# How to Split String in C# Loggers in C# Nullable Types in C# REVERSE A STRING IN C# TYPE CASTING IN C# What is Generics in C# ABSTRACT CLASS IN C# Application of pointer in C# Await in c# READONLY AND CONSTANT IN C# Type safe in C# Types of Variables in c# Use of delegates in c# ABSTRACT CLASS IN C# Application of pointer in C# Await in c# READONLY AND CONSTANT IN C# Type safe in C# Types of Variables in c# Use of delegates in c# ABSTRACT CLASS IN C# Application of pointer in C# Await in c# READONLY AND CONSTANT IN C# Type safe in C# Types of Variables in c# Use of delegates in c# Atomic Methods Thread Safety and Race Conditions in C# Parallel LINQ in C# Design Principles in C# Difference Between Struct And Class In C# Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation in C# Escape Sequence Characters in C# What is IOC in C# Multiple Catch blocks in C# Appdomain in C# Call back methods in C# Change Datetime format in C# Declare String array in C# Default Access Specifier in c# Foreach in LINQ C# How to compare two lists in C# How to Convert String to Datetime in c# How to get only Date from DateTime in C# Ispostback in asp net C# JSON OBJECT IN C# JSON STRINGIFY IN C# LAMBDA FUNCTION IN C# LINQ Lambda Expression in C# Microservices in C# MSIL IN C# Reference parameter in C# Shadowing(Method hiding) in C# Solid principles in C# Static Members in C# Task run in C# Transaction scope in C# Type Conversion in c# Unit of Work in C# Unit Test Cases in c# User Defined Exception in c# Using Keyword in C# Var Keyword in C# What is gac in C#

Console.CursorVisible in C#


In C#, the Console.CursorVisible property plays a vital role in controlling the cursor's visibility within the console window. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Console.CursorVisible, covering its syntax, parameters, examples, and common use cases.


The syntax for accessing and modifying the Console.CursorVisible property is straightforward:

Console.CursorVisible = true; // Show the cursor

Console.CursorVisible = false; // Hide the cursor


  • True: It indicates that the cursor should be visible.
  • False: It indicates that the cursor should be hidden.


Let's delve into some practical examples to grasp the usage of Console.CursorVisible:

Showing the Cursor:

Console.CursorVisible = true;

Console.WriteLine("This is a visible cursor.");

Hiding the Cursor:

Console.CursorVisible = false;

Console.WriteLine("This is an invisible cursor.");

Use Cases:

Understanding when and how to use Console.CursorVisible is crucial for various scenarios, such as:

1. Enhancing User Experience:

  • In applications where user interaction happens primarily through the console, showing or hiding the cursor at appropriate times can enhance the user experience.
  • For instance, in a text-based game, we might want to hide the cursor during gameplay to prevent distractions.

2. Custom Console Interfaces:

  • Controlling the cursor's visibility can help create a polished look and feel when creating custom console interfaces or menus.
  • For instance, hiding the cursor while displaying information or prompts in a command-line utility tool can give a cleaner appearance.

3. Animated Graphics:

  • Console applications often simulate simple graphics using characters. Managing the cursor visibility can be crucial for creating smooth animations.
  • By hiding the cursor during animation rendering, you can avoid flickering and provide a more immersive experience.

Example: Toggling Cursor Visibility

This code demonstrates how to get the current cursor visibility, toggle its state, and display the updated value:

using System;

class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


        bool isVisible = Console.CursorVisible;   

        Console.WriteLine("Current Cursor Visibility: " + isVisible);

        Console.CursorVisible = !isVisible;

        Console.WriteLine("Cursor Visibility Toggled to: " + Console.CursorVisible);




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