Why to Learn React Native

The demand for smartphone applications is ever-changing. The elder ones disappear from our remembrances, and smartphones and new applications come each day. In this turbulent ecosystem, it is struggling for the developers to keep creating applications that will delight users due to their anticipations rising with each new horizon we overpower. Nowadays, developers are creating products that will be able to stand in demand by finding more reasonable and impressive ways to overcome their prior efforts. 

Reasons behind learning React Native

  • In the market, Hybrid and Native applications are two general functions of applications. It is already known that Native applications are developed and designed individually for various iOS, Windows, and Android platforms. On the other side, Hybrid Applications are being used on multiple platforms, yet they are developed only once. Both of these types have their own advantages and disadvantages.
  • Hybrid apps are more instantaneous and affordable to make, but they suffer from an unsatisfactory quality and low performance. On the other side, Native apps are of finer function and grade, they have a better user experience and user interface and are even stronger and more secure, but they take too long and large amount of funds to build.
  • Hence picking between expense and quality is quite difficult; compromise on at least one has to be made by the user. But there should be a way to bypass this altogether and fortunately, there is a way, and it is known as React Native. 
  • You will be confused about what React Native exactly does and how it is different from many Hybrid application development ecosystems. React Native is a framework that lets the user write mobile applications for Android and IOS by using JavaScript. Furthermore, it uses the same design as React, a JavaScript library to build UI and lets you create apps with beautiful UIs. 

Benefits of learning React Native

  • With React Native, users build a real mobile app indiscernible from an app programmed in Java or Objective-C. The same building blocks as Android and iOS apps are used by React Native, but using React and JavaScript it encapsulate these blocks together. 
  • Creating mobile apps using website technology is what React Native allows developers to do. So a developer can efficiently develop a mobile application using React Native who is comfortable with web development.
  • React Native permits creators to build cross-platform applications that feel and look completely Native as it uses JavaScript elements built on iOS and Android components. It preserves money and time as developers don't have to create the same app for multiple platforms.
  • It is easier to maintain an app built with React Native since there is only one codebase.
  • As React Native uses the JSX, a developer is not mandated to learn complicated languages such as Java and Objective-C to develop an application.
  • React Native utilizes basic iOS and Android construction blocks to assemble Native applications for both platforms on JavaScript. This creates operating the codebase more comfortable, and the addition of new features is streamlined as well, even while the application is running.
  • Customers will discover React Native as an excellent choice, who is hooked on strict funding, and timing restrictions. It saves them time and money because it does not need a single application to be developed for multiple platforms; it saves them time and money. Similarly, they do not have to compromise on quality using React Native. JavaScript compiles the codebase to create a Native environment for an app on separate platforms.
  • React Native also provides safety features commonly missing from Hybrid applications and provides a beautiful User interface and user experience.
  • Instead of recompiling React Native allows users to create apps quickly, and users can reload an app instantly. By using React Native's Hot Reloading feature, the user can actually run new features while preserving his application state.
  • In React Native, by using various libraries and tools like Jest, ESLint, Expo, and Redux, users can easily test and develop features.
  • A good developer community is provided by React Native. On top of providing an impressive user experience and being responsive, React Native apps are more instantaneous and elegant.
  • Another positive is that, as compared to other cross-platform app development environments, React Native uses native components. This makes the rendering and execution of the app much faster. 
  • React Native applications are more effortless to utilize, quicker to produce, offer better quality than Hybrid applications, and are more affordable than Native applications; hence, React Native provides the user an experience of owning a Native application without developing one. Applications like Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb run on React Native environments.