React Native Tutorial

Introduction to react native :

React-native is an open-source javascript framework that can be used to develop native mobile apps for IOS and android. It is released by Facebook in 2015 and witnessed rapid growth because of its cross-platform applications.It is community-driven with the availability of a huge team of enthusiastic JS and native developers willing to share their knowledge and expertise and huge catalogs of freely available components. Here you can reuse the code which makes the app cost-effective. React-native Is the extension of hybrid. It uses a native UI component for making a native mobile app. If you know  react.js then you can easily start with react native.

react native introduction

The current version of react is 0.68.

Features of react native :

react native introduction
  • Both android and IOS supported: Previously if we wanted to create an app we were compelled to make it twice because – android supports apps that are written in java and kotlin but IOS supports apps that are written in objective-c and swift. It is more time-consuming and comparatively more expensive because we are creating a single app twice, this is why react is a famous framework, it offers cross-platform applications. Apps that are created using react can be used in Android as well as in IOS.
  • Huge community:  React native community is huge, whenever you are stuck by some bug there is a huge possibility that you can easily get the solution just in a single search.
  • Developer friendly: It has a modular and intuitive interface which makes it easy for developers to dredge into someone else’s project. Making updates is easy which makes it flexible for the team and even it’s simpler for testers to examine the code. React native comes with a wide range of libraries and even solutions for free that can be accessed by developers so it becomes easy to write bug-free code and simpled app building. Developers can take the help of the community for feedback on their ongoing work.
  • Rich library and tools: React native comes with a wide range of libraries and even solutions for free that can be accessed by developers so it becomes easy to write bug-free code and simpled app building. The react native team has developed a strong developers tool and meaningful error messages.
  • Live reloading and hot reloading is also a key makes react native efficient in terms of time.

Some disadvantages of using react native –

  • It requires a developer who is an expert in javascript to handle unusual events.
  • App made in react native will not be secure in terms of security.
  • Some necessary components are missing that need third-party components.
  • It is not as fast as it should be for adding the latest features.
  • React native is not efficient if we want to add complex gestures interface like – multi-screening or animations.
  • Mobile app built using react is hard to debug.
  • The license and patent controversy because of updated policies of Facebook(2007)

That if anyone uses open-source projects for patent issues, your access can be put on the block by Facebook.

  • It is not efficient in terms of memory management.

What is react dom?

Ans)  Before learning about reactdom let’s see what is DOM. DOM stands for document object model, we use DOM to interact with web pages. We can manipulate(add, change, delete) HTML documents using DOM . Here the document refers to the Html page, the object is HTML elements and the model is the internal structure of the web page.

ReactDom: It is a package that is DOM specific and provides methods that can be used at the top level of your app .It also provides specific modules for client and server apps and many more.

Command to install React-Dom :

Import * as ReatDom from ‘react_dom’;

If you use npm with ES5 then use-

Var ReactDom = require(‘react-dom)

React Native Tutorial Index

  • Animations
  • Debugging
  • Swipe deck props
  • The splash screen feature
  • Integration with redux and firewall
  • How to send OTP using react and firebase
  • How to authenticate the user using OTP
