Difference Between React.js and React Native

React js vs. React-native

Difference Between React Js And React Native

React native:

 react-native is an open-source javascript framework that can be used to develop native mobile apps for IOS and android. Facebook released it in 2015 and witnessed rapid growth because of its cross-platform applications. Previously, if we wanted to create an app, we were compelled to make it twice because – android supports apps written in java and kotlin, but IOS supports apps written in objective-c and swift. React native comes with a wide range of libraries and even solutions for free that developers can access, so it becomes easy to write bug-free code and simplify app building. The react native team has developed a strong developers tool and meaningful error messages.

React native is now introducing JSI(javascript interface) written in c++. It will make it faster than ever. JSI removes the need for a bridge between native and javascript. It also removes the requirement of serialization and deserialization.

Advantages :

  • Both android and IOS supported.
  • Huge community.
  • Developer friendly.
  • Rich library and tool.
  • Live reloading and hot reloading.

Application: React native is used by many tech giants like Microsoft, meta, Walmart, Tesla, etc.

React js

It is an open-source javascript library for building a fast and interactive user interface (UI). It is created and maintained by Facebook. It’s not a framework. Currently, it is the most popular javascript library used for building user interfaces. Its component-based architecture allows you to break down your application into small parts and then be composed them to make a more complex UI. We can reuse the code by passing the right data into the component, which is a huge benefit of using react js.

Creating a dynamic web application can be a daunting task when using HTML, but with react, it’s simple. You will get more functionality by writing less code. And it provides a set of tools that makes it easier to use for the developers, and by partial DOM refresh, rebuild time is also reduced.

It is popular because of its flexibility and simplicity. We can use react even in our existing web application. There is no limitation. We can create a whole web application or use little react as much as we need. Before learning react, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and javascript.

You can build complex Ul(User Interface) using small components. Components are basic building blocks of UI.

The first Facebook newsfeed was created by react js.

 Advantages :

  • Used to make a dynamic web application.
  • Better user features and performance.
  • It consists of a user-friendly development platform.
  • Any developer who knows javascript can easily learn to react js; it’s easy to learn.
  • It can change data without reloading the page.

Application: React js is used by Facebook, Instagram, yahoo, Netflix, UberEats, and many popular websites.        

Difference between React js and React native:

                       React js                     React native
It is an open-source, declarative, and efficient javascript library used to make the user interface for a web application.It is an open-source javascript framework used for building mobile applications for IOS and android.
It uses web components as building blocks.It uses native components as building blocks.
Debugging is simpleDebugging is difficult.
It is just javascript and a bit typescript.  It is not pure javascript. It also contains java, c++, objective -C, etc.
Its syntax is HTML-like.React native’s syntax is a bit different.