Advantages and Disadvantages of React Native

Advantages of using React Native

It is observed that React Native stands out from most of the existing methods of cross-platform application development, like Ionic or Cordova, because React Native renders by using the standard rendering APIs of its hosts. The pre-existing methods of writing mobile applications, which typically use Webviews for rendering, use an assortment of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. While this method, translates the markup to real native UI elements and leverages the existing ways of rendering. It also has drawbacks, particularly around performance. They usually could not access the native UI elements of the host's platform.

React Native applications maintain higher performance without even sacrificing the capability because React Native works separately from the main UI.

Developers familiar with working on the web with React can write mobile applications with the feel, look, and performance of a native application while using familiar tools. React Native also portrays advancement over ordinary mobile development in two areas: one is the developer experience, and the other one is the cross-platform development potential.

Developer Experience of React Native

It is surprising to know how easy it is to develop a mobile application using React Native. The team behind React Native has strongly written the developer tools and the meaningful error messages in the framework; hence it is a part of the development experience to work with the powerful tools.

There is no need to rebuild the application to see the changes reflected as React Native is JavaScript, so instead, hitting command+R would refresh the application as any other webpage. React Native completely saves the time which was supposed to be invested in rebuilding the application.

Adding on to it, one more advantage of intelligent debugging tools and error reporting is provided by React Native. If a user is comfortable with Chrome or Safari developer tools, he can use them for mobile development. Likewise, for JavaScript editing, the user can use any preferred text editor: the user is not forced by React Native to use Xcode for developing IOS or Android studio for android Development.

React Native also possesses the potential to impact the product release cycle positively.

Code Reuse and Knowledge Sharing

The resources required to build mobile applications can dramatically shrink while Working with React Native. It is easy to target the Web, iOS, and Android, by knowing how to write React code. React allows sharing of knowledge and resources more efficiently among the team. Along with the knowledge, most of the code can also be shared.

Disadvantages of React Native

  • React Native also comes with some disadvantages. The usefulness of React Native depends upon the individual user situation and not if it is good or not for the team.
  • As the project is still relatively younger, the maturity would probably be the largest risk. The documentation undoubtedly has room for progress and continues to develop. Some iOS and Android features are still not supported, and the community is still uncovering the best techniques. Yet, in most cases, the user can enforce support for missing APIs himself. React Native is faster and newer in every sense. But in the search to be fast, the framework loses its credibility and evolves too inexperienced for Android and iOS applications.
  • React Native can make debugging a tedious task as React Native adds another layer to the project, especially at the intersection of the host platform and React platform.
  • React Native is a cross-platform application development technology. For which developers must have a substantial understanding of both web and native technologies. They must understand how to work on JavaScript, project configuration, CI, UX guidelines, etc.
  • Hence, it is somewhat challenging to locate developers who have in-depth learning of both creations. So, it becomes necessary to pick a professional app development firm for the job.
  • JavaScript is an adjustable and powerful programming language. Whereas, there might be events where it is feet by the engineers that there is no amount of security at all and which leads to creating it challenging for them to scale the React Native apps.
  • This makes it impossible for the engineers to avoid opting for different tools like Flow and TypeScript, which can be utilized for existing infrastructures.
  • There have been incidents where the developers could not write the programs only for React Native because they were required to write additional codes for inconsistent elements.