React Native Gesture Handler

React Native Gesture Handler is a powerful library that allows developers to handle touch-based interactions in React Native applications. It provides a robust and flexible API for creating various gestures, such as taps, swipes, pinches, and rotations, enabling developers to build rich and intuitive user interfaces. In this article, we will explore the key features and concepts of React Native Gesture Handler, explaining each topic in detail and providing practical examples.

What is React Native Gesture Handler?

React Native Gesture Handler is a library that enables gesture recognition and handling in React Native applications. It is designed to provide a native-like experience by bypassing the JavaScript event system and directly integrating with the native gesture system.

 This approach improves the performance and responsiveness of touch interactions, making the user experience smoother and more fluid. React Native Gesture Handler works seamlessly with other popular React Native libraries and is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms.

Core Concepts

To effectively use React Native Gesture Handler, it is crucial to understand its core concepts. These concepts include gestures, handlers, recognizers, responders, and event propagation. Gestures represent specific touch-based interactions, such as taps, swipes, and pinches.

Handlers define the actions triggered by these gestures. Recognizers detect and interpret the user's touch events, mapping them to specific gestures. Responders handle the flow of events and manage the state of gesture interactions. Event propagation refers to how touch events are passed between different components in the application.

React Native Gesture Handler is a powerful library that enables gesture-based interactions in React Native applications. It provides a set of components and utilities that allow developers to handle touch gestures and create smooth and responsive user experiences.

Here are some core concepts of React Native Gesture Handler:

Gesture Handler APIs:

React Native Gesture Handler provides a set of APIs that allow developers to interact with gesture handlers programmatically. These APIs enable tasks such as enabling or disabling gesture recognition, setting up gesture dependencies, configuring gesture parameters, and more. The APIs are accessible through the GestureHandler object exposed by the library.

Gesture Context:

Gesture Context is a mechanism provided by React Native Gesture Handler to share information between different Gesture Handler components. It allows components to access information such as the state of other gestures, event coordinates, velocity, and other relevant data. Gesture Context helps in creating complex gesture interactions by providing a way to synchronize and coordinate multiple gestures.

Gesture Responder System:

React Native Gesture Handler implements a custom gesture responder system that bypasses the built-in touch responder system of React Native. This allows for more fine-grained control over gesture recognition and event handling. The gesture responder system provided by React Native Gesture Handler ensures smooth and low-latency interactions, even in complex gesture scenarios.

Integration with React Native Components:

React Native Gesture Handler seamlessly integrates with the existing React Native components and works alongside other touch-based libraries such as React Native's PanResponder. Developers can use Gesture Handler components as wrappers around existing components or create custom components that leverage Gesture Handlers for gesture recognition and handling.

Setting Up React Native Gesture Handler:

To start using React Native Gesture Handler, you need to install it as a dependency in your React Native project. This involves adding the library using a package manager, linking it to your project, and configuring it for the respective platforms.

React Native Gesture Handler provides detailed installation instructions for both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring a smooth setup process.

These steps to configure React Native Gesture Handler in your project:

1. Start a brand-new React Native project or go to an already-existing one.

2. Use npm or yarn to install the relevant packages. Run the following command in your project directory by opening a terminal or command prompt:

    npm install react-native-gesture-handler

    3. Link the package to your project. For React Native 0.59 and below, the package should automatically link with your project. However, for React Native 0.60 and above, you need to use the auto-linking feature. Run the following command to link the package:

    npx react-native link react-native-gesture-handler

    4. Configure the gesture handler package. The steps for this may vary depending on the version of React Native you are using.

    • For React Native 0.59 and below:
    • Open the file located in android/app/src/main/java/com/yourprojectname/.
    • Import the gesture handler package at the top of the file:
    import com.swmansion.gesturehandler.react.RNGestureHandlerPackage;
    • Add the package to the getPackages() method:
    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {

      return Arrays.asList(

        new MainReactPackage(),

        new RNGestureHandlerPackage()



    For React Native 0.60 and above:

    • The gesture handler package should be automatically configured using auto-linking. However, if you encounter any issues, you can manually configure it by following the instructions provided in the React Native Gesture Handler documentation.

    5.  Import the gesture handler module in your JavaScript files. Open the entry file of your app (usually index.js or App.js) and add the following import statement at the top of the file:

    import 'react-native-gesture-handler';

    6. You're now ready to use React Native Gesture Handler in your app. Follow the documentation and examples provided by React Native Gesture Handler to implement gestures in your components.

    That's it! You have successfully set up React Native Gesture Handler in your project. You can now start utilizing gesture-based interactions in your React Native app.

    Gesture Components:

    A strong library called React Native Gesture Handler gives React Native applications access to a wide range of gesture recognition and touch handling features. You can use a large variety of gesture components that it offers to manage different kinds of user interactions. Here are some of the key gesture components provided by React Native Gesture Handler:

    • TapGestureHandler: This component allows you to recognize and handle single taps or multiple taps (double tap, triple tap, etc.) on a touchable element.
    • LongPressGestureHandler: It enables you to recognize and handle long press gestures, which are triggered when the user presses and holds on a touchable element for a specified duration.
    • PanGestureHandler: This component enables you to recognize and handle panning gestures, where the user can drag an element in any direction on the screen.
    • PinchGestureHandler: It allows you to recognize and handle pinch gestures, typically used for zooming in or out on an element by using two fingers to pinch or spread them apart.
    • RotationGestureHandler: This component enables you to recognize and handle rotation gestures, which occur when the user performs a circular motion with two fingers on an element, like rotating an image.
    • FlingGestureHandler: It allows you to recognize and handle fling gestures, where the user performs a quick swipe or flick gesture on an element.
    • NativeViewGestureHandler: This component is used to wrap a native view component and enables you to handle gestures on that native view.

    To build complicated gesture interactions in your React Native application, you can utilize any one of these gesture components alone or in combination with others. You may give your app's users a more intuitive and engaging experience by making use of React Native Gesture Handler.

    Custom Gestures and Handlers

    Apart from the pre-built gesture components, React Native Gesture Handler allows developers to create custom gestures and handlers. This flexibility enables you to implement complex and unique touch interactions tailored to your application's specific needs. We will delve into the process of creating custom gestures and handlers, explaining the necessary steps and demonstrating practical examples.

    Gesture Responder System

    The Gesture Responder System in React Native Gesture Handler is responsible for coordinating and managing the flow of touch events between different components in the application. Understanding how the responder system works is crucial for creating interactive and responsive user interfaces. We will explore the responder system's hierarchy, event propagation, and strategies for optimizing event handling performance.

    Advanced Gesture Handling Techniques

    Advanced gesture handling techniques refer to sophisticated methods and approaches used in interpreting and responding to user gestures in human-computer interaction. These techniques go beyond simple touch or swipe gestures and involve more complex interactions. Here are some examples of advanced gesture handling techniques:

    Multi-finger Gestures: Instead of relying on single-finger gestures like taps or swipes, advanced techniques involve recognizing and responding to gestures involving multiple fingers. For instance, pinch-to-zoom or rotation gestures commonly used in touch-enabled devices.

    Pressure Sensing: Some touchscreens and input devices can detect the level of pressure applied by the user's touch.

    Pressure Sensing: Some touchscreens and input devices can detect the level of pressure applied by the user's touch. Advanced gesture handling techniques can utilize this information to trigger different actions or provide additional functionality. For example, in a painting application, the pressure applied by the user's touch could control the brush size or opacity.

    Gesture Sequences: Instead of interpreting individual gestures in isolation, advanced techniques can analyze sequences or combinations of gestures. This enables more complex interactions, such as drawing a specific shape or performing a gesture-based shortcut. For example, a "C" shape followed by a swipe gesture might trigger a copy-and-paste action.

    Gesture Recognition: Advanced gesture handling techniques involve training machine learning algorithms to recognize and interpret specific gestures. This can involve using computer vision techniques or sensor data to identify and classify gestures accurately. For example, recognizing hand gestures like thumbs-up, peace sign, or waving gestures.

    Contextual Gestures: Advanced techniques consider the context in which a gesture occurs to determine its intended meaning. For instance, a swipe gesture on a web browser might scroll the page horizontally, but the same gesture on a music player might change the song. By analyzing the application or system state, gestures can be interpreted more accurately.

    3D Gesture Recognition: With the advent of depth-sensing cameras and devices like Microsoft Kinect, advanced gesture handling techniques can recognize and interpret three-dimensional gestures in space. This enables interactions where the user's movements in three dimensions control various actions or manipulate virtual objects.

    Biometric Gestures: Advanced techniques can incorporate biometric data, such as facial expressions or eye movements, to interpret user intent and trigger specific responses. For example, a wink or a smile might be used to perform actions in virtual reality or augmented reality applications.


    A robust package called React Native Gesture Handler offers React Native applications a high-performance gesture system. The advantages of utilizing React Native Gesture Handler include the following:


    React Native Gesture Handler is built on top of the native gesture recognition systems available on iOS and Android platforms. This allows for smooth and responsive touch interactions, resulting in better overall performance compared to using pure JavaScript-based gesture solutions.

    Gesture Responder System:

    React Native Gesture Handler introduces a gesture responder system that allows you to declaratively define how gestures should be recognized and handled in your application. This system provides more control and flexibility compared to the default touch event handling in React Native.

    Integration with Animated API:

    React Native Gesture Handler seamlessly integrates with React Native's Animated API, allowing you to create complex and interactive animations based on user gestures. You can easily tie gesture events to animated values, giving you fine-grained control over your animations.


    A strong library called React Native Gesture Handler gives React Native applications the ability to recognize and handle gestures. React Native Gesture Handler has a few drawbacks, which are listed below:

    Limited community support:

    Compared to other React Native libraries, React Native Gesture Handler has a relatively smaller community. This means there might be fewer resources, tutorials, and community support available compared to more widely adopted libraries. Finding solutions to specific issues or getting community assistance might be more challenging.

    Performance considerations:

    While React Native Gesture Handler generally offers good performance, complex gesture animations or extensive gesture handling logic might introduce performance bottlenecks. It's important to optimize gesture handling code and perform thorough testing to ensure smooth performance across different devices and scenarios.


    Drag and Drop: React Native Gesture Handler can be used to implement drag and drop functionality in your application. You can create draggable components that respond to touch gestures such as drag, swipe, and release.

    Navigation Gestures: React Navigation, a popular navigation library for React Native, can be enhanced with Gesture Handler. You can create custom navigation gestures, such as swipe gestures to navigate between screens or create complex stack transitions.

    Gesture-based Interactions: Gesture Handler enables you to build interactive and immersive user interfaces by recognizing various touch gestures. You can create custom gestures like long press, double tap, or multi-finger gestures for specific interactions in your application.

    Interactive Maps: Gesture Handler can be used to implement interactive maps that respond to pinch and zoom gestures for zooming in and out, panning gestures for moving the map, and tap gestures for adding markers or interacting with map elements.


    React Native Gesture Handler is an essential library for building touch-responsive and interactive user interfaces in React Native applications. By leveraging its powerful API and understanding its core concepts, you can create intuitive gestures and handle touch-based interactions with ease.

    Whether you're implementing common gestures or customizing touch interactions to fit your application's requirements, React Native Gesture Handler empowers you to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience. With the help of this informative guide, you can now use React Native Gesture Handler to its fullest in your applications.