Express.js Tutorial

ReactJS Introduction React Environment Setup ReactJS versions React JSX ReactJS Components Pros and Cons of ReactJS ReactJS features ReactJS vs Vue ReactJS vs AngularJS ReactJS vs React Native React State React Props React Props Validation React State vs Props React Component API React Component life-cycle React Controlled vs Uncontrolled components React Constructor React Forms React Events React Conditional Rendering React Lists React Keys React Refs React Fragments React Router React CSS React Bootstrap React Animation React Table React Map React Higher Order components React Code-Splitting React Hooks React Context React Flux React Flux vs MVC React Redux React Portals React Error Boundaries MaterialApp class in Flutter ReactJS | Calculator App (Introduction) ReactJS Calculator App - Structure ReactJS Calculator App (Building UI) ReactJS Calculator App (Styling) React emoji React developers job What is JSX in react? Webpack In React React Life Cycle React Dashboard React Scraping React Scroll Parallax Tutorial React SCSS Module How to Import Image In React How to Start React App NPM Create React App NPM React Router DOM OnClick in React Portals In React Promises in React Pure Component React React bootstrap carousel React CDN React Component Library React CSV React Features Styled Components React What Hooks Is In React? What Is React In Software Development? Learn React JS Advantages of React.js What Is State In React JS? Reconciliation in React React Conditional Rendering React Router v6 Synthetic Events in React Vector Icons React Native React Events

What is JSX in react?

What is JSX in react?


When it comes to building user interfaces in React, JSX plays a fundamental role in simplifying the development process and enhancing code readability. JSX, which stands for JavaScript XML, is an extension to the JavaScript language that enables you to write HTML-like syntax directly in your JavaScript code.

In this article, we will delve into the world of JSX and explore its significance in React applications.

What is JSX?

JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript code. It provides a way to describe the structure and appearance of your components in a declarative manner. While it may look similar to HTML, it is important to note that JSX is not actually HTML.

Under the hood, JSX is transformed into JavaScript using a transpiler like Babel before being executed in the browser.

JSX stands for JavaScript XML. It is an extension of JavaScript syntax that allows you to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript files. JSX acts as a templating language and makes it easier to describe the structure and appearance of UI components.

It resembles HTML syntax but is fundamentally different.

JSX and JavaScript Integration:

One of the key features of JSX is its seamless integration with JavaScript. JSX tags can contain JavaScript expressions and variables, enabling dynamic content rendering and logic execution. You can use curly braces '{}' to embed JavaScript expressions within JSX tags.


import React from 'react';

const Greeting = ({ name }) => {

  return <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>;


export default Greeting;

The Benefits of JSX

Declarative Syntax: JSX allows developers to define the structure of user interfaces using a declarative syntax. This means you can express how your UI should look based on the current state of your application. By describing what your UI should look like rather than how to achieve that appearance, JSX promotes code that is easier to understand and maintain.

JavaScript Integration: Since JSX is an extension of JavaScript, it seamlessly integrates with JavaScript code. You can embed JavaScript expressions within JSX using curly braces {}. This allows you to dynamically render content, compute values, and handle events, making your components more flexible and powerful.

Component Reusability: JSX facilitates the creation of reusable components. By encapsulating both the visual and logical aspects of a UI element, you can easily compose complex interfaces by combining smaller, self-contained JSX components. This modular approach to UI development promotes code reusability and maintainability.

Enhanced Readability: JSX resembles HTML, which is familiar to most web developers. This similarity makes it easier to understand the structure of the user interface, especially for those transitioning from traditional web development. Additionally, the ability to write JSX within JavaScript allows for a more concise and expressive coding style.

Using JSX in React

In React, JSX is an integral part of building components. You can use JSX within your component's render() method to define the structure and appearance of your UI elements. Here's a simple example of JSX in a React component:

import React from 'react';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

  render() {

    return (


        <h1>Hello, World!</h1>

        <p>Welcome to JSX!</p>





In the example above, the render() method returns a JSX expression. The <div>, <h1>, and <p> tags are JSX elements representing the structure of the component. This JSX code will ultimately be transformed into JavaScript code that creates and configures the actual DOM elements.

JSX Attributes: Discuss how JSX allows you to define attributes on elements, similar to HTML, and how these attributes can be assigned static values or dynamic JavaScript expressions.

Conditional Rendering: Explain how JSX enables conditional rendering, where you can use JavaScript expressions, such as if statements or ternary operators, within JSX to conditionally render different components or elements based on certain conditions.

Event Handling: Describe how JSX allows you to attach event handlers to elements using camel-cased attribute names, such as onClick or onChange, and how you can pass functions or method references as event handlers to handle user interactions.

JSX Fragments: Introduce the concept of JSX fragments, which allow you to return multiple adjacent JSX elements without the need for an additional wrapping element. Explain how fragments help avoid unnecessary DOM elements when rendering components.

JSX and Styling: Mention how JSX can be combined with CSS or CSS-in-JS libraries to style React components. Discuss the use of inline styles in JSX and how CSS classes can be applied to elements using the className attribute.

JSX and Accessibility: Highlight the importance of accessibility in web development and how JSX supports adding accessible attributes and properties to elements, such as aria-* attributes, to ensure better usability for users with disabilities.

JSX and Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Touch upon how JSX plays a crucial role in server-side rendering (SSR) with React. Explain how JSX can be rendered on the server to generate HTML that is sent to the client, enhancing performance and SEO.

In the above example, we define a functional component called Greeting that accepts a name prop. We use JSX to render the h1 heading element with the value of the name prop dynamically inserted within the curly braces.

JSX and React Component Rendering:

React components are the building blocks of a UI, and JSX is the primary means of defining and rendering these components. JSX allows you to define the structure and appearance of a component by writing HTML-like code.

JSX Elements:

In JSX, HTML-like tags represent React components or HTML elements. For example, <div>, <h1>, <button>, etc., can all be used as JSX elements. React components can also be defined using JSX tags. When using custom components, their names must be capitalized to differentiate them from regular HTML elements.

Attributes and Props:

JSX supports HTML-like attributes such as class and id. However, due to JavaScript syntax restrictions, JSX attributes are written using camelCase. For example, the class attribute in HTML becomes className in JSX.


import React from 'react';

const MyComponent = () => {

  return <div className="container" id="my-component">Hello, JSX!</div>;


export default MyComponent;

In the above example, we define a functional component called MyComponent and use the className and id attributes within the JSX div element.

JSX and Babel:

JSX code is not natively understood by browsers or JavaScript engines. To make it work, JSX code is transformed into regular JavaScript using a tool called Babel. Babel converts JSX syntax into function calls that create React elements.

JSX Expressions and Statements:

In JSX, you can embed JavaScript expressions and statements using curly braces {}. This allows you to perform computations, access variables, and execute functions within your JSX code.


import React from 'react';

const Counter = () => {

  const count = 5;

  return (


      <p>The current count is: {count}</p>

      <button onClick={() => alert('Increment!')}>Increment</button>




Export default Counter:

In the above example, we define a functional component called Counter. Inside the JSX code, we embed the count variable within the <p> element using curly braces. We also attach an onClick event handler to the button that triggers an alert when clicked.

JSX and HTML Entities:

JSX handles HTML entities, such as special characters and reserved keywords, in a slightly different way compared to regular HTML. To include an HTML entity in JSX, you can use the Unicode representation or escape the entity.


import React from 'react';

const SpecialCharacters = () => {

  return (


      <p>Greater than: &gt;</p>

      <p>Non-breaking space: &#160;</p>

      <p>Curly braces: &#123; &#125;</p>




export default SpecialCharacters;

In the above example, we use the Unicode representation (&gt;) for the greater-than symbol, the numeric representation (&#160;) for the non-breaking space, and the curly braces (&#123; &#125;) are escaped using their respective Unicode values.

JSX Limitations:

Although JSX is a powerful tool, it does have a few limitations. JSX code must be transformed into regular JavaScript using a tool like Babel, which adds an extra build step to the development process. Additionally, JSX may take some time to learn for developers who are more familiar with HTML.

JSX and Inline Styling:

In JSX, you can apply inline styles to elements using the style attribute. The style attribute accepts a JavaScript object where you define the CSS properties and their corresponding values.


import React from 'react';

const StyledComponent = () => {

  const styles = {

    color: 'blue',

    backgroundColor: 'lightgray',

    padding: '10px',

    borderRadius: '5px'


  return <div style={styles}>Styled Component</div>;


export default StyledComponent;