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NPM React Router DOM

Due to its component-based architecture and effective rendering capabilities, React has become extremely popular among web developers. Routing becomes a critical component when developing complicated single-page applications (SPAs) with React to allow users to switch between several views or pages.

This is where the npm package react-router-dom comes into play.

It offers a strong and adaptable routing solution created especially for React apps.

How does react-router-dom work?

Dynamic routing is made possible in React applications via React Router, a set of routing components. Within the React Router ecosystem, a special package called react-router-dom is designed with web applications utilising React in mind.

To provide a seamless and understandable manner to handle routing, it makes use of React's declarative nature.


Declarative Routing: Instead of manually changing the URL in the browser, react-router-dom lets you declare your routes using components. The routing code is easier to comprehend and maintain because to this declarative style, which also fits in well with the React way of thinking.

Routes can be simply nested inside of one another with react-router-dom, providing hierarchical routing topologies. When creating intricate apps with numerous navigational layers, this is quite helpful.

Route Matching: The library offers a versatile and effective method of matching routes based on URL patterns. It is simple to retrieve dynamic values from the URL and provide them as props to your components because parameters and query strings may be defined in your routes.

React-router-dom's route rendering feature gives you the ability to manage how components are shown in response to matched routes. Depending on certain circumstances, you can decide whether to render components inline or to reroute traffic to another path. You can then design complex routing and authentication flows thanks to this.

Within your application, navigation is handled via the library's components, such as Link> and NavLink>.

By creating anchor tags with the necessary URLs, these components make sure that the routing is handled correctly while preserving a positive user experience.

History Manipulation: React-router-dom uses the HTML5 History API to control the browser's history and manage navigational events. This makes bookmarking, sharing, and going back and forth on a page easy.

Additionally, by using the given history object, you can travel to various routes programmatically.

Installing react-router-dom as a npm package will allow you to use it in your React application right away. Run the following command once your terminal is open:

npm install react-router-dom

After installation is complete, you may import the required react-router-dom components to start creating your application's routes and implementing navigation.

As an example of how react-router-dom can be utilised, consider the following:

import React from 'react';

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom';

const Home = () => <h1>Welcome to the Home Page</h1>;

const About = () => <h1>About Us</h1>;

const App = () => (





          <Link to="/">Home</Link>



          <Link to="/about">About</Link>




    <Route path="/" exact component={Home} />

    <Route path="/about" component={About} />



export default App;

In this illustration, Home and About are two components that we define, and we use Link> components to build a simple navigation. The "Route" components specify how the rendering of the various components is mapped to the URL paths.


An key tool for implementing routing in React apps is react-router-dom. It is a strong option for handling intricate application flows due to its declarative structure, support for hierarchical routing, route matching capabilities, navigational components, and history modification tools.

React-router-dom improves the overall quality and usability of React-based web apps by offering a smooth user experience and enabling dynamic routing. You can easily design effective and interactive web experiences using react-router-dom, regardless of whether you are working on a small project or a large-scale application.

An key tool for implementing routing in React apps is react-router-dom. It is an effective option for managing complicated application flows due to its declarative structure, support for hierarchical routing, route matching capabilities, and navigational components.

React-router-dom improves the overall quality and usability of React-based web apps by offering a smooth user experience and enabling dynamic routing. React-router-dom continues to be a well-liked option for routing in the React ecosystem thanks to its rich feature set and simple API.