Express.js Tutorial

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React bootstrap carousel

The Carousel is one of the most effective web components for making a website appear beautiful and providing an eye-catching experience for users.  We can make slideshows for the banners and other areas by cycling through the various parts.

Carousels may also be used to create picture galleries, text slideshows, and so on. On the other hand, the functionality underlying the Carousel demands an experienced level of JavaScript, yet Bootstrap enables us to use it in no time.

We can use the Carousel components to construct a Bootstrap Carousel in a React application without supplying JavaScript. The Carousel component contains the Script needed to slide the objects.

The Carousel objects, however, do not normalize slide proportions. We must specify the proper size manually using a few extra tools and custom styles. The previous/next controls need not be manually specified; they can be included with the Carousel component. However, we must modify the designs of the indications to make things more precise.

Carousel Props:

activeIndex: This variable is used for regulating the currently displayed active slide.

as: This component may be used as an additional element type.

controls: These serve to display the next/previous carousel button.

defaultActiveIndex: The standard active index is zero.

fade: This property provides a fade animation between slides while moving.

indications: It displays a set of slide position indicators.

interval: It is used to extend the period between automatically cycling movements.

keyboard: This parameter is used to specify whether or not the carousel should respond to a keyboard input.

nextIcon: This property is used to replace the default next icon.

nextLabel: It is a label only displayed to screen readers and may be implemented to show the next piece in the carousel.

onSelect: A callback method invoked when the currently selected item changes.

onSlid: A callback that is invoked when a slide transformation is complete.

onSlide: A callback that is activated when the slide transition begins.

pause: This command stops the slide in response to certain mouse actions.

prevIcon: This property overrides the preceding icon's default value.

prevLabel: It is a label exclusively displayed to screen readers and may be implemented to show the prior element in the carousel.

slide: This element is used to provide animation between slides.

touch: It is applied on touchscreen devices to denote whether or not the device should enable left/right swipe movements.

wrap: This specifies whether the carousel should come to a complete halt or continue to rotate.

bsPrefix: This is a workaround for working with heavily customized bootstrap CSS.

How to Build a Bootstrap Carousel in React?

To construct the carousel sliders, React Bootstrap includes a <Carousel> component. For providing the carousel objects, we make use of Carousel> and Carousel.Item> elements.

The component is known as <Carousel.Item> is used within the Carousel> components.

To import the carousel component, add the following import declaration to the top of the page components:

import Carousel from ‘react-bootstrap/Carousel'

To use the React Bootstrap Carousel, you should have both React and Bootstrap installed in the project you are working on.  If you haven't yet built up your React project through Bootstrap, you may do it using npm or yarn:

npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap

Importing Components:

After installing the appropriate packages, import the following components into your React folders:

import React from 'react';

import { Carousel } from 'react-bootstrap';

Creating a Carousel:

To make a carousel, make use of the Carousel component from react-bootstrap. You should declare several Carousels within the Carousel component.Item components, each indicating a slide in the carousel. Within the Carousel, you may include any type of material, such as photos, text, or other components.Item.

const MyCarousel = () => {

  return (




          className="d-block w-101"


          alt="First slide 1"



          <h3>First Slide 1</h3>

          <p>This indicates the caption /p>





          className="d-block w-100"


          alt="Second slide 2"



          <h3>Second Slide 2</h3>

          <p>This indicates the second slide of the carousel</p>



      {/*To add the additional slides, use the carousel*/}




Advanced Customization:

The Carousel component enables more complex customization using custom JavaScript. Using the useRef or useEffect hooks, users may manage the carousel electronically, handle events, and interact with it in other ways. For more advanced cases, see the React Bootstrap Carousel specification.