Express.js Tutorial

ReactJS Introduction React Environment Setup ReactJS versions React JSX ReactJS Components Pros and Cons of ReactJS ReactJS features ReactJS vs Vue ReactJS vs AngularJS ReactJS vs React Native React State React Props React Props Validation React State vs Props React Component API React Component life-cycle React Controlled vs Uncontrolled components React Constructor React Forms React Events React Conditional Rendering React Lists React Keys React Refs React Fragments React Router React CSS React Bootstrap React Animation React Table React Map React Higher Order components React Code-Splitting React Hooks React Context React Flux React Flux vs MVC React Redux React Portals React Error Boundaries MaterialApp class in Flutter ReactJS | Calculator App (Introduction) ReactJS Calculator App - Structure ReactJS Calculator App (Building UI) ReactJS Calculator App (Styling) React emoji React developers job What is JSX in react? Webpack In React React Life Cycle React Dashboard React Scraping React Scroll Parallax Tutorial React SCSS Module How to Import Image In React How to Start React App NPM Create React App NPM React Router DOM OnClick in React Portals In React Promises in React Pure Component React React bootstrap carousel React CDN React Component Library React CSV React Features Styled Components React What Hooks Is In React? What Is React In Software Development? Learn React JS Advantages of React.js What Is State In React JS? Reconciliation in React React Conditional Rendering React Router v6 Synthetic Events in React Vector Icons React Native React Events

How to Start React App


React has grown very popular among developers as a result of its adaptability, efficiency, and durability while building user interfaces.

If you're new to React and prepared to start developing your own web apps, this step-by-step tutorial will guide you through setting up your first React application. You can easily develop dynamic, interactive user interfaces with the aid of these recommendations.

Step 1: Create a New React App:

Open your terminal or command prompt first, then perform the following actions:

For your project, make a new directory:


mkdir my-react-app

cd my-react-app

Initialize a new React project using Create React App:


npx create-react-app .

After the project setup is finished, spend some time becoming acquainted with the produced project structure. Important folders and files include:

Step 2: Explore the Project Structure:

After the project setup is finished, spend some time becoming acquainted with the produced project structure. Important folders and files include:

src/: This folder contains your application's source code.

public/: This folder holds the publicly accessible files for your app, such as the HTML template.

package.json: This file lists the project dependencies and contains scripts for various tasks.

Step 3: Run the React App:

Run the following command in your terminal to test your just developed React app:


npm start

This command starts the development server and opens your app in a browser. You can now view and interact with your React app.

Step 4: Customize Your React App:

Now that your React application is successfully functioning, you may make modifications and create your own components. Here are some ideas to get you going:

  • Open src/App.js in your preferred code editor. This file contains the main component of your React app.
  • Modify the JSX code inside the render() method to change the content of your app.
  • Create new components by adding files in the src directory, and import and use them within App.js.
  • Leverage React's powerful ecosystem by exploring third-party libraries and incorporating them into your project.

Step 5: Deployment:

Once you're satisfied with it, it's time to upload your React application to a web server and make it publicly accessible. There are a number of deployment strategies available depending on your hosting choices, however the following are some typical ones:

  • Deploy to GitHub Pages: You can easily deploy your React app to GitHub Pages by following the instructions outlined in the official Create React App documentation.
  • Deploy to Netlify or Vercel: These popular platforms provide seamless deployment processes for static sites, including React apps.
  • Deploy to a Web Server: If you have your own web server, you can build your React app and serve the generated files using tools like npm run build.

Step 6: Understanding React Concepts:

It's critical to comprehend the fundamental ideas that make React a potent tool for creating user interfaces if you want to become competent in React programming. To learn more about, consider the following basic ideas:

Components: UI elements are contained into reusable and modular components in React. Components let you organize reusable application building parts into a hierarchy and can be functional or class-based.

JSX: JSX is a JavaScript syntactic extension that enables you to write HTML-like code inside of JavaScript files. It helps you to succinctly and logically define the layout and look of your UI components.

Lifecycle Methods: The lifetime of a React component includes a number of stages, including mounting, updating, and unmounting. Lifecycle methods let you enter these stages and carry out particular tasks, such getting data from an API or clearing off resources.

Step 7: Styling React Apps:

Styling is an integral part of creating visually appealing React applications. There are several approaches to styling React components:

Inline Styles: React supports inline styles using JavaScript objects. You can define styles directly within your components, which offers flexibility and allows for dynamic styling based on component state.

CSS Modules: CSS Modules enable local scoping of styles by generating unique class names for each component. This approach avoids style conflicts and improves maintainability.

CSS-in-JS Libraries: Libraries like styled-components, Emotion, and CSS Modules allow you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript files. They provide powerful features, such as dynamic styling and props-based styles, enhancing component encapsulation and reusability.

CSS Frameworks: React works seamlessly with popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Material-UI, and Tailwind CSS. These frameworks provide pre-built components and styling patterns that can be easily integrated into your React app.

Step 8: Testing and Debugging:

To ensure the reliability and quality of your React app, it's crucial to implement testing and debugging practices. Here are a few commonly used tools and techniques:

Testing Libraries: React Testing Library and Enzyme are popular choices for testing React components. They provide utilities to simulate user interactions, assert expected outcomes, and validate the rendered UI.

Debugging Tools: React Developer Tools is a browser extension that allows you to inspect React component hierarchies, view props and state, and debug component behavior. It is available for popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

Error Boundaries: React provides Error Boundaries, which are special components that catch JavaScript errors during rendering, enabling you to display fallback UIs or handle errors gracefully.

Logging and Console: Utilize console statements and logging libraries like LogRocket or Sentry to track and debug issues in your React app.


Starting a React app is just the beginning of your journey into the exciting world of React development. By understanding core concepts, exploring styling options, adopting testing and debugging practices, and leveraging available learning resources, you'll gain confidence and proficiency in building robust and engaging React applications. Embrace the React ecosystem, keep learning, and enjoy the process of creating dynamic user interfaces with React. Happy coding!