Express.js Tutorial

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React CSV

CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a simple file storing tabular data. A CSV file's lines indicate rows, and a comma can separate each value inside a row (,), and at times with additional delimiters such as semicolons and tabs.

React is a well-known JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. While React does not directly support CSV processing, we can use multiple JavaScript libraries to interact with CSV files inside a React application.

1) React CSV Data Reading:

We may use libraries such as papaparse or react-papaparse for reading CSV data in an application using React.  The papaparse package is a fast and powerful CSV parser that can handle big files and output data in a readable style.


import React from 'react';

import { CSVReader } from 'react-papaparse';

const CSVReaders= () => {

  const handleFileLoad = (data) => {

    console.log(‘Reading the CSV Data:', data);

    // Processing of the data


  return (

    <CSVReader onFileLoad={handleFileLoad}>

      <button>Please Upload the CSV file here</button>




export default CSVReaderComponent;

In this example, we’ll use the react-papaparse library's CSVReader components.  The onFileLoad callback is called when a CSV file is uploaded, and its parsed CSV data is accessible in the data argument.

2) Writing the CSV Data in React:

We may use the react-csv package for creating and downloading CSV files within a React application. It enables us to transform the data into a format known as CSV and give selections for customizing the CSV file before it is downloaded.

Example: React-csv

import React from 'react';

import { CSVLink } from 'react-csv';

const CSVDownloads= () => {

  const data_form = [

    ['Names', ‘Ages’, 'EmailAddress'],

    ['John Doe', 30, '[email protected]'],

    ['Jane Smith', 28, '[email protected]'],

    // additional data ];

  return (


      <h1>The CSV Download sample Example</h1>

      <CSVLink data={data_form}>Download the CSV file</CSVLink>




export default CSVDownloadComponent;

In this example, we’ll use the react-csv library's CSVLink components.  When the "Download the CSV file" link is clicked on, a CSV file representing the data from the data prop is downloaded.

3. CSV Data Parsing and Manipulation:

We may use numerous JavaScript methods and tools to modify CSV data in a React application. CSVtoJSON is a particular of these applications that allows us to convert CSV data into JSON format for simple processing.

Example: using csvtojson:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

import csvtojson from 'csvtojson';

const CSVManipulations = () => {

  const [jsonsData, setJsonsData] = useState([]);

  const handleFileLoads = async (csvData) => {

    try {

      const jsonArrays = await csvtojson().fromString(csvData);


    } catch (error) {

      console.error('Error while parsing the  CSV:', error);



  return (


      <CSVReader onFileLoad={handleFileLoad}>

        <button>You can upload the CSV file</button>


      {jsonsData.length > 0 && (


          <h2>The transformed json data</h2>

          <pre>{JSON.stringify(jsonsData, null, 2)}</pre>






export default CSVManipulationComponent;

In this example, we will use csvtojson to transform the uploaded CSV information into a JSON array. The resultant JSON information is then displayed on the monitor.