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Throw New Error in JavaScript

Throw New Error in JavaScript

Error Handling in JavaScript

Error handling is an important feature in any JavaScript programming, as its role entails identifying and sorting problems whenever they occur during code execution. In JavaScript, several reasons, including syntax errors, runtime exceptions, or bugs in the coding process, can lead to an error state. Right error handling ensures that apps work in a foreseeable manner and that useful errors, if there are any, have been seen before.

Introduction of Throw New Error

Throw instruction is being used to programmatically throw an exception explicitly, which could be anything representing an error, including a value or object. JavaScript then halts the normal execution flow and intends to look for an error handler that might manage the exception that was thrown. In that case, if any error handler is missing, the program goes to the end, and the user is sent an error message.

By creating custom error objects with the throw statement, developers can provide minute information on the error by the kind, message, and stack trace, thus impeding programmers from resolving problems more rapidly. This is very important in debugging and pointing out errors in the codebase.

Basics of Throwing Errors

Conveying the significance of throwing errors is a basic notion involved in error handling, and it allows developers to signal exceptional behaviours in code running. An arising error halts the normal program flow and transfers control to the nearest enclosing catch block, while the script stops running if no usable error handler is found.

The statement for throw purpose aims to throw an error in JavaScript. It accepts an argument referring to the error expression that is thrown. Software developers usually create custom error objects like this, which can contain detailed information related to the error, including a proper message and other properties.


throw new Error("Custom error message");

Here, a dedicated Error object with a human-readable message was instantiated. The error is thrown when this line of code is executed, and the reason for that error is mentioned below the message.

There are mistakes dynamically passed on when fitting the requirement of certain criteria in the code. However, a case like this would use a method where the condition of providing a parameter of a specific type calls an error if other types of arguments are passed.


function greet(name) {

if ( names && ( typeof name != 'string')) {

throw new TypeError('The format of the Name must be string');


console.log('Hello, ' + name);


The name parameter of this method, if not a string, throws a TypeError with a message detailing to be a string.

It should be equally noted that error objects in Javascript can be of different kinds, e.g., Error, SyntaxError, TypeError, RangeError, etc. It is the manner of the error object that has its separate technique that covers the properties and the methods for finding information about which error occurred.

The syntax and the usage of throw statements are essential things to remember.

The catch() statement in JavaScript synthesizes custom error situations and eliminates a normal flow of execution by producing an exception to them. Furthermore, it should be trailed by another one that tries to evaluate the expression to an error object or value. In this article, we dig into the syntax and grammar rules of throw and seek to make things clear by showing examples that illustrate its use situations.

Functionality of the Throw Statement

The syntax of the throw statement is straightforward:

throw expression;

Here, execution is any valid JavaScript expression that will be evaluated (or either an error object or value to throw). In every case that follows the throw keyword, there must be an expression. In the absence of that rule, a syntax error will occur.

Use of the Throw

The throw statement is used together with an error condition during JavaScript program execution. Errors could stem from system features such as invalid input, unexpected behaviour, or other scenarios that are only possible in special cases. Errors, thus, help developers inform the environment where the code runs that some problem is present, and control mechanisms for handling them are initiated.

Example 1: A custom error is a state of mind where we feel overwhelmed.


function divide(a, b) {

  if (b === 0) {

        throw new Error('Division by zero');


    return a / b;


try {

    console.log(divide(10, 0));

} catch (error) {

    console.error('Error:', error.message);

  • Here, the divide function is trying out the division task, but first, it would be finding the divisor b, which is equal to zero. The code checks for the b = 0 case and catches a custom Error object with the following message: "Division by zero." The error is then handled using the try...catch block.

Example 2: Thinking About Errors of Different Kinds Threaten Stability of Each.

function validateInput(input) {

    if (typeof input !== 'number') {

        throw new TypeError('Input must be a number');


    if (input < 0) {

        throw new RangeError('Input must be non-negative');


    return true;


try {


} catch (error) {

    console.error('Error:', error.message);

  • This example shows how an invalid input (input that is not correct or suitable) can, of course, lead to different types of errors based on the criteria to be applied for input validation. In such a case, if the input is not a number, a TypeError is thrown, and if the input is negative, a RangeError is thrown. 

Expressions for Defining Own Error Objects

In JavaScript, the custom error objects are usually made with the extended keyword input and chosen from the class hierarchy, which includes the Error class or one of its subclasses. The syntax for creating a custom error object is as follows:


class CustomError extends the Error class typically.

constructor(message) {

super(message); = 'CustomError';

this.customProperty = 'Custom Property Value',also known as globalization.


  • In the instance, CustomError is a subclass of Error implemented through a constructor that accepts a message property. It invokes the super() method and initializes the error object with the provided message. Then, it assigns additional properties that correspond to the specific error class.

An Example of Custom Error Objects

After an elementary custom error object is created, it can be used with any other error object in JavaScript. Developers have the option to include a custom block of errors by using the throw statement and catch it using try...catch blocks. Moreover, such objects may have custom properties and methods that provide the details about the problem or handle the error for the developers.

Example: The development of a throwing error and custom in the software.

Types of patterns, how evolving time has shaped them, and the impressions they make on us will be discussed.

constructor(message) {

super(message); = 'CustomError';

this customProperty = 'Custom Property Value';



function processData(data) {

if (!data) {

throw new CustomErrorData'is'required;


// Process the data


try {


} catch (error) {

console.error('Error:', error.message);

console.log('Custom Property:', error.customProperty);

  • In this scenario, we have a CustomError class that contains a constructor as its first defined element. This constructor allows us to customize the error name and set a custom property. The processData function checks for a null value in data and throws CustomError if the data is found empty. The error is detected, and a kind of operation is performed, and a part saturated with further details is most likely used for this purpose.

Error handling with Try-Catch Blocks

Understanding Try-Catch Blocks

The 'try...catch' statement allocates programmers a block of code to be run within a try block as well. If an error occurs within the try block, then the path of execution is directed to the catch block, where the error can be caught and handled. This allows the exceptions to seize control only for a limited duration; hence, the program will not completely stop.


try {

When an error occurs, the output may be something like this: "// Code that may throw an error."

} catch (error) {

// With code dealing with err.


Importance of Error Handling

The handling of errors plays a great role in ensuring the stability and clarity of applications. It can prevent crashes and improve the general system behaviour by applying various checks and exception conditions such as non-deterministic behaviour, system failure, and hardware faults. Here are some scenarios where error handling with try...catch blocks is essential:

  1. File I/O Operations: File manipulation is problematic since you can encounter seemingly insurmountable challenges like 'file not found' or 'access denied'. The profound act of dealing with a mistake is undoubtedly one of the major points of successfully programming an application.
try {

//Try to open a file we will read it.


} catch (error) {

console.error('Error reading file:', error.message);


2. Network Requests: Sometimes, HTTP linking errors could occur in the application when the application is requesting urls from external APIs or servers, and latency issues on response timeouts or server errors. Error management creates harmonious relationships between the devices and the software, and graceful degrading lists are among the contributing factors.

try {

With Java Sockets, we will gather data from an API.

const response = await fetch(''; utility token on the Ethereum network.

data['const'] = await response.json();

console.log('Data:', data);

} catch (error) {

console.error('Error fetching data:', error.message);


3. User Input Validation: An entry of user data can result in errors like wrong data format or no fields existing in the fields. Error handling in the application will make it check the input on the user end and give the user correct formatting feedback.

try {

// Attempt to format the user input as a JSON object.

const userInput = '{"name": '{'name': 'John,' 'age': 30 };

const userData = JSON.parse(userInput);

console.log('User data:', userData);

} catch (error) {

console.error('Error parsing user input:FormValidation.validate({ scheduler_date: { rules: [{ type: 'date', format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', message: 'Date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD'}], message: 'Date Format Invalid'} });


4. Database Operations: With the use of databases, inquiries like SQL formatting errors or the misconnection of the database channel may arise. Error handling means the application can deal with database errors inside the code itself.

try {

// SQL Find a query.

represents the query that will be sent to the database: 'SELECT * from users.'

console.log('Query result:', result);

} catch (error) {

console.error('Error executing SQL query:; console.log(', error.message);


Errors Types and In-built Error Objects

JavaScript is all about control flow, so understanding how to create loops and use conditional statements every day is mandatory.


It occurs in case there is a structure error in the code, such as a lack of semicolons and the wrong keyword.


// SyntaxError: the story; the old lady finally won the heart of the king.

console.log('Hello, world!')


This error occurs when trying to call a reference to a variable or function that is not defined. Failure to define the variable or function will generate an error.


// ReferenceError: foo is not declared.



Occurrence when an operation occurs on a value with a wrong type is described.


// TypeError: Cannot get the 'toUpperCase' method of an undefined object.



It happens regularly when a decimal number goes outside the acceptable range.


// RangeError: Ilegal array length.

arr const = new Array(-1);


This triggers off when there is more than one procedure call while evaluating eval().


// EvalError: it had failed.

eval('console. log('Hello, world!')');

Preventions of Error Handling

  • Use Descriptive Error Messages: Specify comprehensive and helpful error messages that can be easily understood by developers in order to make them aware of where the errors are. Try and get into the details that brought about the error, like error type, location, and context will do this properly.
  • Catch Errors at the Appropriate Level: Find defects early through one level's abstraction, e.g., at the function level, module level, or application level. The context sensitivity of this type of language model creates situations where errors are provided with the true corrective context for this with increased chances that accurate recovery of errors will be done.
  • Graceful Degradation: Implement a fallback mechanism or use alternative workflow processes to handle errors and prevent unexpected application crashes elegantly. Alternatively, if an API request fails, you can provide the end-users with a stand-in data source, such as additional information or a nice error message.
  • Use Try-Catch Blocks Sparingly: While try/catch blocks are very useful for handling synchronous errors, they may introduce performance overhead if they are used in too many places and too often. Use try-catch blocks reasonably within a "too much of something" principle and only in situations in which you specifically need to intercept an error.
  • Handle Asynchronous Errors: Employ the imperative sequences catch method or async/await syntax to manage asynchronous errors. Cascading promises ensure that error messages are properly conveyed to users, and when a failure occurs, the failure is chained to the parent promise.
  • Logging and Monitoring: Install logging and monitoring devices in production environments solely to monitor exceptions and errors. Use logging libraries, such as Winston or Bunyan, to log errors to centralized logging systems, which makes troubleshooting and interpreting logs a pleasure.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

1. Ignoring Errors:

  1. Mistake: Failure to notice or handle errors can produce weird behaviour or application crashing actions.
  2. Solution: It is better to place all the code that may throw an error in the try/catch construct. Otherwise, you are leaving the graceful handling of these exceptions to the circumstances.
try {

// Errors may even arise from seemingly innocuous code

} catch (error) {

// Handle the error


2. Overusing Generic Error Messages:

  • Mistake: It is easier to provide users with general error messages by highlighting the exact area of code where the problem lies.
  • Solution: Remember to deliver error messages that contain valuable information on the context. Developers or users should be guided to the resolution.

Throw new Error("An error occurred while draining user data from the server.)

3. Incomplete Error Logging:

  • Mistake: When errors go unlogged properly, a lot of effort is needed to figure out the matter to be addressed.
  • Solution: Instigate global error logging, along with the timestamps, stack traces, and contextual both in the database,
try {

// Unexpected bugs resulting from errors in input or changes to the system's environment

} catch (error) {

console.error("An error occurred:", error);

// Log error details


4.Unclear Error Handling Strategy:

  •  Mistake: A codebase with mixed and unclear error-handling strategies spirals the maintenance and debugging process into a complex knotty structure.
  • Solution: Give the other pattern of error treatment and, most significantly keep them the same through your application constantly. Please state the document error handling procedures you have for reference.
// Good practice: We recommend You Do It in try-catch blocks to avoid it in every occurrence.

try {

// /// Faults are the places where the machine does not operate properly because of the abnormal behaviour of the logic in a certain action or because some actions were not thought of beforehand, thus causing a problem.

} catch (error) {

// Handle the error


5. Not Testing Error Paths:

  • Mistake: We tend not to scrutinize exception circumstances every time we execute the code to discover holes. These gaps result in unhandled exceptions because we need to look for special conditions and error paths.
  • Solution: Use testing for incorrect input to simulate test errors at the unit and integration levels. The unit tests will cover the system's reaction to different error types, while the integration tests will simulate the reaction when different error types are combined.
// Mechanisms of tested error handling govern the problem

assure errors are well handled (), -> {

///rUb the error case

expect(() => {

//The code may not be tested and has a possibility of mistakes in it.




In Conclusion, it is worth mentioning the way of dealing with function errors as well as throwing statements using JavaScript in order to build outright amazing as well as functional applications with no loopholes. Devils might accomplish this by getting acquainted with cunning error-throwing ways and skillfully making use of error objects and error-handling techniques.

This ensures the code's ability to stand the test of time and enhance maintenance. Another thing is that user experience is refined every time there is serious reviewing and fixing wrongdoings, including rogue bots and other regular bugs. Safety development practices play here an essential role and allow us to have the perfect development cycle, which in turn helps the end-users.

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