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Binary in JavaScript

Introduction to Binary Representation

Binary representation is one of the fundamental ideas of computer science, which is a pillar of digital computing systems. Unlike the decimal system, which uses base 10 (0-9) digits, binary operates on a base 2 system, utilizing only two digits: States 0 and 1. Thus, this mechanism is not only general and powerful but also serves as the core idea from which all digital information processing devices emerged.

Each of the digits in the binary representation of a number, which are called bits (binary digits), has positional values that respectively are equal to 2, 2^2, 2^3, and so on. Starting with 2^0 (1), it moves all the way from left to right along the positions, where each position represents increasing powers of 2, which are 2^1 2^2,2^3, 2^2 (4), and so on. In conclusion, this is, thus, a binary number like 1011 stands for (1 * 2^3) + (0 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^1) + (1 * 2^0), which, in decimal notation, is 11.

JavaScript is a high-level programming language that uses a binary representation for internal storage and handling low-level operations like bitwise manipulation, binary arithmetic and encoding & decoding of binary data. To begin with, as per the fact that JavaScript mainly works with higher-level abstractions, understanding binary representation gives the developers the power to optimize the performance, implement custom algorithms and deal with binary data formats effortlessly.

Binary Data Types in JavaScript

Many high-level programming languages, including JavaScript, do not have native binary data types close to the hardware level, like C or assembly. Binary data is very common in JavaScript development, and developers typically utilize typed arrays and bitwise operators for it.

1.Typed Arrays:

Typed arrays offer a way for users to control raw binary data directly by working directly with it. There are several types of typed arrays, e.g., Uint8Array, Int16Array, Float32Array, and more, each with a different binary-data representation format.

For example, to create a Uint8Array representing binary data, you can use:

let binaryData = new Uint8Array([0b01010101, 0b11001100]); //Presents [85, 204]

2.Bitwise Operators:

JavaScript has bitwise operators such as AND (&), OR (|), XOR (^), and NOT (~) that allow the programmers to perform bitwise operations on the binary data. These tools are used to process bitwise operations within binary numbers.

For instance, to perform a bitwise AND operation:

let result = binaryData[0] & 0b11000000; // Perform bitwise AND after binary data

3.Handling Binary Data:

In JavaScript, binary literals are not supported out of the box, but developers can convert them into hexadecimal (base 16) or octal (base 8) literals. Also, their base data can be encoded into the string by means of Base64 encoders or hexadecimal representation.

let binaryString = "11001100"; //Binary string

let decimalNumber = parseInt(binaryString, 2); // Converts binary string to the decimal value

console.log(decimalNumber); // Output: 204

Converting Binary to Decimal

In JavaScript, converting binary numbers to decimal involves parsing the binary string. The conversion of binary numbers to decimal is connected to forming the binary string and converting it into decimal numbers using the parseInt() function. The parseInt() function takes two arguments: the character sequence to encode and the radix, which includes the base of the number system (it is '2' for the binary system).


let binaryString = "1101"; // This is the binary string

let decimalNumber = parseInt(binaryString, 2); // Decimal conversion from Binary

console.log(decimalNumber); // Output: 13

This resembles the conversion below: The decimal form of the binary number "1101" is 13. The radix is binary.

Converting Decimal to Binary

JS developers frequently call the toString() method ( radix 2 ) to convert decimal numbers to binary. Decimal to binary conversion is operated upon using this technique, which switches the decimal number into binary form in a string form.


let decimalNumber = 13;

let binaryString = decimalNumber.toString(2); // convert the binary string into a decimal one

console.log(binaryString); // Output: "1101"

When you do so, you represent the decimal number "13" as "1101" in binary using a call to toString() where radix is set to 2.

Binary Operations and Manipulations

In JavaScript, operations having binary counterparts are bitwise operations on the binary numbers. This operation is comprised of the following operations: &&, |, ^, ~, <<, and >> used as bitwise AND, bitwise OR, bitwise XOR, bitwise NOT, left shift and right shift, respectively.


let binaryNumber1 = 0b1010; // binary number example

let let binaryNumber2 = 0b1100; - Binary number 1100.

//Bitwise AND operation

let resultAND = binaryNumber1 & binaryNumber2; // Result: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (Parseb as a decimal number)

//Bitwise OR operation

let resultOR = binaryNumber1 | binaryNumber2; // Result: 1322001110(14 base 10)

//Bitwise XOR operation

let resultXOR = binaryNumber1 ^ binaryNumber2; // Result: 0b0110 (decimal equivalent is 6)

//Bitwise NOT operation

let resultNOT = ~binaryNumber1; // Result: Sign = 11 (for the two's complement form)

// Left shift operation

let resultLeftShift = binaryNumber1 << 2; // Result: bz(40 in base 10)

// Right shift operation

let resultRightShift = binaryNumber2 >> 1; // Result: '110' in binary (0x6 in hexadecimal)

They are basic bitwise operations that provide low-level capabilities of the processing of the binary data in a more advanced way, such as bits setting and clearing, bit pattern extraction and combining and efficient numerical computations.

Bit Manipulation Techniques

Bit Manipulation Techniques provide a medium for a user to conduct the bit-wise operation of individual bits within binary numbers with the bitwise operations. These techniques are applied to tasks like setting or clearing bits, checking number parity, and helping to optimize memory usage.


// Another way to set a bit is by setoperation (one); you can use stored values like 1.

let num = 1010 / Binary.

Let bitmask = 0b0010; // Keep the second bit set in the bitmask of the binary.

let resultSetBit = number | bitmask; // Result: 0b1010 & 0b0010 [iff] 0b1010 (Base-10: 10)

// Thus, this categorisation of bitwise operation will remove some non-zero bits (1).

to clear the third bit, include a 0b1101 bitmask only.

let resultClearBit = number & ~bitmaskClear; // Result: 0b0101 and ¬(0b1011); ~¬ = 0b1010 and 0b0010 = 0b1010 and ¬(0b1101) = 0b0010; [2 in decimal]

// Proving if a particular bit corresponds to a 1 bit (bitwise AND).

Let mask = 0b0100; //Bitmask for the bit at the third position.

let isBitSet = (number & mask) !== 0; // Result: (((0)b1010 & (0)b0100) != (0))0 && (0)b0000 !== (0)0 returns false => ((0)b0000) !== (0)0 returns false -> false && ((0)b0000) !== (0)0 returns false -> ((0)b0000) !== 0 returns false

Working with Binary Strings

In JavaScript, binary strings are characters in binary data representation. These strings are composed of 0s and 1s, which represent a single number digit. Working with binary numbers includes tasks like decoding a binary string to a decimal number, manipulating bits, and encoding/decoding binary data.

1.Performing Bitwise Operations:

JavaScript supports logic having bitwise operators, which are bitwise AND (&), bitwise OR (|), bitwise XOR (^), and bitwise NOT (~), for performing operations on binary strings.


binaryString1 = "1010"; // Binary string 1010.

let binaryString2 = "11001011"; // Binary string 1100.

//Bitwise AND operation

let resultAND = (parseInt(binaryString1, 2) & parseInt(binaryString2, 2)).toString(2); //

//Bitwise OR operation

let resultOR = (parseInt(binaryString1, 2) | parseInt(binaryString2, 2)).toString(2); // Result: 0x0B8 or 0b1110.

//Bitwise XOR operation

let resultXOR = (parseInt(binaryString1, 2) ^ parseInt(binaryString2, 2)).toString(2); //

//Bitwise NOT operation

let resultNOT = (~parseInt(binaryString1, 2)).toString(2); // Result: "1011" (use binary notation)

2.Encoding/Decoding Binary Data:

Binary strings are commonly employed for Base64 enc- and decoding a range of formats. Also, the btoa() function is used to encode binary data into base64 string and in turn, the top () is used to decode that into binary.


let binaryData ="10101010";//Binary data

let encodedData = btoa(binaryData); // Base64 encode binary Data


let decodedData = atob(encodedData); // with  we can decode Base64 to binary data.

console.log(decodedData); // Output: "10101010"
Thus, the programmer can manipulate strings of binary digits and use them to perform some binary arithmetic operations.

3.Handling Binary Data Streams:

Java Binary data streams are also known as sequences of some binary data that are either read from or written to sources, which may include files, network sockets, and streams. The processing of binary data streams includes effectively implementing the reading, writing, and manipulation operations on the files containing binary data.

Reading Binary Data Streams:

You use APIs provided by the environment, such as the FileReader API for web browsers or the fs module for node.js, to read binary data from a stream in JavaScript. You can return binary data asynchronously by either event-based or the Promise approach.

Example Using FileReader API in Web Browsers:

let fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');

fileInput.addEventListener('change', function(event) {

let file =[0];

let reader = new FileReader();

reader.onload = function(event) {

let binaryData =; // Binary data read from file.



FileReader.readAsBinaryString(file); // Read file as binary string


Writing Binary Data Streams:

Thus, the infection of binary data into a stream involves utilizing the corresponding APIs supplied by the environment. You can, for example, write data as a binary stream using the fs module that is part of the Node.js environment.


const fs = require('fs');

const binaryData = Buffer.from('01010101', 'binary') // Binary data to write

let writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.bin');

writableStream.write(binaryData); // —Binary data write to stream

Processing Binary Data Streams:

After you have read binary data from a stream or received it from a source, you may need to handle or use that data. This can be in the form of activities including manipulating binary data, calculating, or transformations.


// Example: Fetching the binary data and getting the necessary information out of it.

let binaryData = '01010101'; // The example of binary data

let decimalNumber = parseInt(binaryData, 2); // Translate binary string to decimal

console.log(decimalNumber); // Output: 85

// Example: Bit manipulation of binary data is used for storing and processing bitwise data

let inv InvertedData = (~parseInt(binaryData, 2)).toString(2);// Invert bits

console.log(invertedData); // Output: "- 10101010" in two's complement format.

Optimizing Performance:

Indeed, performance is a matter of the highest order when one is working with binary streams. Efficient management of memory, algorithm optimization and the ability to handle the biggest data sizes are necessary steps to achieve maximum performance.


// Example: Efficiency of processing large binary data sets

binaryData = '0101010101010101'.repeat(1000000);; // Generate large binary data

let stringEquation = binaryData.toString(2); // Read the binary string to the decimal

console.log(decimalNumber); // Output: a considerable decimal number.


In Conclusion, Binary data manipulation in JavaScript is what should be mastered for the development of effective systems like file processing, network communication, and cryptography. As the language is suited for the presentation and handling of binary data precisely, programmers can get a powerful and secure environment.

By understanding the binary data types, binary conversion, binary operations, and binary streams, developers will be able to unleash a new level of power in their JavaScript apps. Furthermore, conformity to best principles like (bug/error fixing) error handling, memory optimization, and validation provides code footing and reliability in binary data handling code.

The future of JavaScript is uncertain, with the language constantly changing and exploring new possibilities. So, working well with binary data will be a great skill for developers wanting to build unconventional and unique applications.