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Iterating over Objects in Javascript

What is an Object?

An object in Javascript is an unordered group of variables and methods. They are represented as sets of paired keys and values. During execution, an object's attributes and methods can be added, changed, or eliminated.

Declaring and initializing an object:

The simplest syntax for declaring an object is Object literal. The properties of an object are initialized within the curly braces '{ }'. Each property is listed as a key-value pair, with a colon ':' between each pair.


const student = {

  name:  "David",

  roll_no:  54,

  cgpa:  8.7


The constructor function is another method of declaring an object. Constructor functions are normal functions that are executed with the 'new' keyword. Instances of the Object are created using the 'new' keyword. The ‘this’ keyword is used to declare properties and assign them values inside the constructor function.


function Student(name, rollno, cgpa) { = name;

  this.rollno = rollno;

  this.cgpa = cgpa;


// Using the constructor function to create a new instance of Student.

const student1 = new Student("David", 19, 9.2);

const student2 = new Student("Emma", 23, 8.5);

Iterating over objects:

In contrast to an array, we cannot directly loop around an object. Several ways for iterating over properties of an object are listed below:

  1. Using the 'for-in' loop.
  2. Using the 'Object.entries()’ method.
  3. Using the 'Object.keys()’ method.
  4. Using the 'Object.values()’ method.

1. Using the 'for-in' loop:

An object's enumerable attributes can be iterated using the for-in loop. It iterates through the Object's keys, allowing access to the associated value through the key.


const student = {

  name:  "David",

  roll_no:  54,

  cgpa:  8.7


//Using for-in loop to iterate over an object

for (let key in student) {

  console.log(key + ": " + student[key]);



Iterating over Objects in Javascript

Every enumerable property of the Object, including those inherited properties, is iterated over by the for-in loop. The hasOwnProperty() function may be used to filter out inherited properties. The hasOwnProperty() function determines if the key provided is an object's property, removing inherited properties.


const student = {

  name:  "David",

  roll_no:  54,

  cgpa:  8.7


//Using for-in loop to iterate over Object

for (let key in student) {

  if (student.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

    console.log(key + ": " + student[key]);




Iterating over Objects in Javascript

2. Using ‘Object.entries()’ method:

JavaScript's Object.entries() function enables retrieval of key-value pairs as arrays while iterating over an object's enumerable attributes. A collection of arrays is returned by the Object.entries() method. A key-value pair can be found in every inner array. The first element of an inner array is the property key, and the second element is the associated value.


const student = {

  name:  "David",

  roll_no:  54,

  cgpa:  8.7


//Using Object.entries() function to iterate over object

const elements = Object.entries(student);

console.log("The elements array:")


for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

  const [key, value] = elements[i];

  console.log(key + ": " + value);



Iterating over Objects in Javascript

When used with the hasOwnProperty() function, Object.entries() will only iterate over an object's properties.

3. Using the 'Object.keys()’ method:

An array of an object's property keys can be obtained by iterating over the enumerable properties of an object using JavaScript's Object.keys() function. Using the Object.keys() method, an array of the Object's keys is returned. Only the Object's enumerable properties are returned by Object.keys(); no inherited properties are returned.


const student = {

  name:  "David",

  roll_no:  54,

  cgpa:  8.7


//Using Object.keys() function to iterate over object

const elements = Object.keys(student);

console.log("The array returned by Object.keys() method:");


for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

  const ele = elements[i];

  console.log(ele + ": " + student[ele]);



Iterating over Objects in Javascript

4. Using ‘Object.values()’ method:

JavaScript's Object.values() function enables to loop through an object's enumerable properties and obtain an array of each property's values. An array is returned that contains all of the values of the Object. The Object's keys are returned as an array using the Object.keys() function. Only the Object's enumerable properties are returned by Object.values(); inherited properties are not included. This approach is quite helpful when you need to do actions based on the values, without the requirement for the matching keys.


const student = {

  name:  "David",

  roll_no:  54,

  cgpa:  8.7


//Using Object.values() function to iterate over object

const elements = Object.values(student);

console.log("The array returned by Object.values() method:");


for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

  const ele = elements[i];




Iterating over Objects in Javascript