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Find the XOR of two numbers without using the XOR operator

The XOR (exclusive OR) operator is a fundamental operation in computer programming, commonly used for various tasks such as bitwise manipulation, encryption, and error detection. However, what if we encounter a situation where the XOR operator is unavailable or we want to explore alternative approaches?

Description of XOR Operator:

Before moving on to other ways to find the XOR of binary numbers, let us briefly review the functions and behavior of XOR. The XOR function accepts two bits as input and returns one if the bits are different (one bit is 0 and one is 1) and 0 if the bits are the same (both are 0 or 1). When XOR is applied to the corresponding bits, behavior expands to larger numbers.

For example, the XOR of 5 (binary: 0101) and 3 (binary: 0011) is 6 (binary: 0110) because the corresponding bits differ in positions 1 and 2, respectively.

Bitwise AND and NOT operations:

One way to find the XOR of two numbers without using the XOR function is to use the bitwise AND and NOT functions. The idea is to perform this operation on bits where the two numbers have different values. It's a step-by-step process to achieve this.

  1. Apply the bitwise AND operation to the two numbers, which sets all the bits to 1, where the numbers have different bits.
  2. Invert the result obtained from the previous step using the bitwise NOT operation.
  3. Apply the bitwise AND operation between the original numbers and the inverted result from the previous step.

The JavaScript code snippet for this approach would look like:

function findXOR(a, b) {

  let bitDiff = ~(a & b);

  let result = a & ~bitDiff;

  return result;


// Example usage:

let num1 = 5;

let num2 = 3;

let xorResult = findXOR(num1, num2);

console.log(xorResult); // Output: 6

Bitwise OR and AND operations:

Another way to find XOR without using the XOR function is to take advantage of the bitwise OR and AND functions. This method is based on the logical nature of XOR. Here's how it works:

  1. Perform the bitwise OR operation on the two numbers, which sets the bits where either of the numbers has a 1.
  2. Perform the bitwise AND operation on the original numbers.
  3. Apply the bitwise AND operation between the results of the previous two steps.

This method has a JavaScript implementation

function findXOR(a, b) {

  let orResult = a | b;

  let andResult = a & b;

  let result = orResult& ~andResult;

  return result;


// Example usage:

let num1 = 5;

let num2 = 3;

let xorResult = findXOR(num1, num2);

console.log(xorResult); // Output: 6

Exploring concepts:

The other methods described above are based on the logical reasoning behind the XOR function. Using bitwise operations and logical manipulations, we can find different bits between two numbers and manipulate the result accordingly.

The first method uses the bitwise AND operation to specify different bits and then uses the bitwise NOT operation to achieve the described result. Finally, it performs a bitwise AND operation between the original and converted numbers to achieve XOR.

The second method uses the logical XOR characteristics. By performing a bitwise OR operation on a number and a bitwise AND operation on the first number, we can find the bits assigned to one number but not to both. After that, we apply a bitwise AND operation between the two intermediate results to obtain the desired XOR.

Furthermore, finding alternative ways to XOR binary numbers without using the XOR operator highlights the flexibility of JavaScript as a programming language. It shows many ways to achieve the desired result, and new solutions can be found by understanding underlying principles and activities.

Developers can expand their toolkit and take a troubleshooting approach from various sources by delving into the logical reasoning behind XOR and taking advantage of bitwise operations such as AND, NOT, OR. These skills can be valuable not only in situations where the XOR operator is unavailable but Also for increasing one's understanding of bitwise manipulation and logical operations in general.

As developers, expanding our horizons by constantly exploring options is important. Expanding our knowledge beyond traditional methods can sharpen problem-solving skills, think creatively, and effectively solve complex challenges.


In conclusion, the journey of finding the XOR of two numbers without using the XOR function has led us to explore other interesting methods. Using bitwise functions and logical variables demonstrates the intelligence and versatility of JavaScript as a programming language. With this new understanding, developers can approach problem-solving with new perspectives, embrace new solutions, and push the boundaries of what is possible.