Artificial Intelligence Tutorial

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Intelligent Agents Artificial intelligence Permeations Difference Between Greedy Best First Search and Hill Climbing Algorithm Multi-Layer Feed-Forward Neural Network Implementing Artificial Neural Network Training Process in Python Agent Environment in Artificial Intelligence Search Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence Turing Test in AI Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence Mini-Max Algorithm in Artificial Intelligence Examples of artificial intelligence software How to Implement Interval Scheduling Algorithm in Python Means-Ends Analysis in Artificial Intelligence Mini-Batch Gradient Descent with Python Choose the Optimal Number of Epochs to Train a Neural Network in Keras Difference between Backward Chaining and Forward Chaining Difference between Feed-Forward Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks Narrow Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Banking Approaches of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Techniques Issues in Design of Search Problem in Artificial Intelligence Markov Network in Artificial Intelligence Ontology in Artificial Intelligence Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Scope of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI & ML) in India Uniform-Cost Search Algorithm in Artificial Intelligence What is OpenAI Who invented Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Medicine History and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence How can we learn Artificial Intelligence (AI) Objective of developing Artificial Intelligence Systems Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Physics in Artificial Intelligence What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Neural Networks? The Role of AIML in Transforming Customer Support

Search Algorithms

Problem-solving Uninformed Search Informed Search Heuristic Functions Local Search Algorithms and Optimization Problems Hill Climbing search Differences in Artificial Intelligence Adversarial Search in Artificial Intelligence Minimax Strategy Alpha-beta Pruning Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Artificial Intelligence Cryptarithmetic Problem in Artificial Intelligence Difference between AI and Neural Network Difference between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence Virtual Assistant (AI Assistant) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PAINTING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PNG IMAGES Best Books to learn Artificial Intelligence Certainty Factor in AI Certainty Factor in Artificial Intelligence Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence In Education Eight topics for research and thesis in AI Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Five algorithms that demonstrate artificial intelligence bias 6th Global summit on artificial intelligence and neural networks Artificial Communication Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions and Answers Artificial Intelligence Jobs in India For Freshers Integration of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Interesting Facts about Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Helps Businesses Operating System Based On Artificial Intelligence SIRI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SKILLS REQUIRED FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Temporal Models in Artificial Intelligence Top 7 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning trends for 2022 Types Of Agents in Artificial Intelligence Vacuum Cleaner Problem in AI Water Jug Problem in Artificial Intelligence What is Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) What is Logic in AI Which language is used for Artificial Intelligence Essay on Artificial Intelligence Upsc Flowchart for Genetic Algorithm in AI Hill Climbing In Artificial Intelligence IEEE Papers on Artificial Intelligence Impact of Artificial Intelligence On Everyday Life Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Jobs The benefits and challenges of AI network monitoring

Knowledge, Reasoning and Planning

Knowledge based agents in AI Knowledge Representation in AI The Wumpus world Propositional Logic Inference Rules in Propositional Logic Theory of First Order Logic Inference in First Order Logic Resolution method in AI Forward Chaining Backward Chaining Classical Planning

Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning

Quantifying Uncertainty Probabilistic Reasoning Hidden Markov Models Dynamic Bayesian Networks Utility Functions in Artificial Intelligence


What is Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) Artificial Satellites Top 7 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning trends for 2022 8 best topics for research and thesis in artificial intelligence 5 algorithms that demonstrate artificial intelligence bias AI and ML Trends in the World AI vs IoT Artificial intelligence Permeations Difference Between Greedy Best First Search and Hill Climbing Algorithm What is Inference in AI Inference in Artificial Intelligence Interrupt in CPI Artificial Intelligence in Broadcasting Ai in Manufacturing Conference: AI Vs Big Data Career: Artificial Ingtelligence In Pr: AI in Insurance Industry Which is better artificial intelligence and cyber security? Salary of Ai Engineer in Us Artificial intelligence in agriculture Importance Of Artificial Intelligence Logic in Artificial Intelligence What is Generative AI? Everything You Need to Know What is Deepfake AI? Everything You Need to Know Categories of Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence What is Generative AI? Everything You Need to Know What is Deepfake AI? Everything You Need to Know Categories of Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Pros and Cons of AI-generated content Pros and Cons of AI-generated content Cloud Computing vs Artificial Intelligence Features of Artificial Intelligence Top 10 characteristics of artificial intelligence

Who invented Artificial Intelligence


The AI area has evolved as a result of the efforts of several academics, making it difficult to attribute its inception to just one individual. However, famous individuals have made significant contributions. In the 1950s, John McCarthy coined the term "artificial intelligence" and organized the Dartmouth Conference, which marked the field's formal beginning. Alan Turing's work on universal machines and intelligent behavior laid important foundations. Marvin Minsky co-founded the MIT AI Laboratory, a crucial center for AI research. Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon developed early AI programs, demonstrating the potential of symbolic logic and problem-solving. However, AI's evolution goes beyond these pioneers, with countless researchers from diverse disciplines pushing its boundaries. Their collective efforts have shaped AI into the dynamic and transformative field it is today, with ongoing advancements and applications in various domains.

History of AI

Artificial Intelligence Growth (1943-1952)

Numerous key developments in the history of artificial intelligence (AI) happened between 1943 and 1952.

  • Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts in the year 1943 defined an artificial neuron approach, as providing the groundwork of networked neurons.
  • 1949: Donald Hebb introduced the concept of Hebbian learning, which explained how neural connections strengthen based on repeated patterns of activity.
  • Alan Turing in the year 1950 published his classic work "Computing Machinery and Intelligence," in which he developed the Turing Test, which is used to measure machines' capacity to demonstrate intelligent behavior.
  • 1950: Claude Shannon's paper "Programming a Computer for Playing Chess" demonstrated the potential of AI in game-playing strategies.
  • 1951: Christopher Strachey developed the Checkers program, which became one of the earliest examples of machine learning, as it improved its game-playing skills through self-play.
  • 1952: Arthur Samuel designed a computer program that played checkers and learnt from experience, pioneering the concept of machine learning and reinforcement learning.

During this period, AI research primarily focused on foundational concepts and early demonstrations of intelligent behavior. The research of neural networks, the study of learning algorithms, and attempts to duplicate human-like intelligence in computers characterized the discipline. These pioneering efforts created the basis for future breakthroughs and laid the groundwork for AI's subsequent growth and development as a subject of study.

The development of artificial intelligence (1952-1956):

From 1952 through 1956, significant advancements in the history of artificial intelligence (AI) occurred. Here's a rundown of important occurrences during this time period:

  • 1952: Arthur Samuel created a program that played checkers and learnt from its own experience, pioneering the concept of machine learning and reinforcement learning.
  • 1954: The Dartmouth Conference, organized by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude Shannon, took place in the year 1954, establishing AI as an area of research and defined its aims and problems.
  • 1955: Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon developed the Logic Theorist program, which demonstrated AI's ability to prove mathematical theorems using symbolic logic.

Early excitement in the glorious years (1956-1974):

Significant advancements and transformational innovations in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) occurred between 1956 and 1974.

  • 1956: The Dartmouth Summer Research Project on AI begins in 1956, establishing AI as a distinct subject of study.
  • Late 1950s to 1960s: Early AI programs like the General Problem Solver (GPS) by Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon demonstrated symbolic solving approaches.
  • John McCarthy in the year 1958 created the LISP, which is a programming language, which has been extensively utilized throughout AI research and development.
  • 1963: J.C.R. Licklider published influential memos on man-computer symbiosis and interactive computing's potential in AI.
  • 1966: Development of ELIZA, an early chatbot program capable of basic conversation, advanced the field of natural language processing (NLP).
  • 1969: Shakey the Robot, developed at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), showcases advanced capabilities in perception, planning, and autonomous navigation.
  • 1972: Terry Winograd's SHRDLU demonstrated significant natural language understanding capabilities in a virtual block world. Late 1960s to early 1970s, the field experienced an "AI Winter" due to funding reductions and challenges faced in achieving major breakthroughs.
  • 1973: WABOT-1, developed by Ichiro Kato at Waseda University, became one of the first humanoid robots, featuring capabilities like speech recognition and autonomous mobility.
  • 1974: The MYCIN system, developed by Edward Shortliffe, demonstrated the application of AI in medical diagnosis and expert systems.
    •  Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert's book "Perceptrons" explored the limitations and challenges of neural networks, influencing the direction of AI research.

The first AI winter (1974-1980):

During this period of time, there was a decrease in interest and funding for artificial intelligence development. From 1974 to 1980, below is an updated timeline of artificial intelligence history, with an emphasis on the first AI winter:

  • 1974: The MYCIN system, developed by Edward Shortliffe, demonstrated the application of AI in medical diagnosis and expert systems.
    • Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert's book "Perceptrons" explored the limitations and challenges of neural networks, influencing the direction of AI research.
  • 1975: The PROLOG programming language, based on logic programming, was developed, facilitating AI research in areas such as natural language processing and expert systems.
  • 1976: The XCON system, developed by Randall Davis and Jonathan King, showcased the power of rule-based expert systems in configuring computer hardware.
  • During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the AI field faced challenges and limitations that led to the first AI winter:
    • Unfulfilled Expectations: The early promise and excitement surrounding AI research generated high expectations, with some predicting rapid progress towards human-level intelligence. However, the AI community struggled to deliver on these expectations, leading to disappointment and skepticism.
    • Lack of Progress: Despite notable achievements in specific areas, AI faced difficulties in tackling complex real-world problems and lacked practical applications that could demonstrate its value and potential.
    • Funding Reductions: The unmet expectations and limited progress resulted in reduced funding for AI research. The decline in financial support further hindered progress and limited the scope of AI projects.
    • Technical Limitations: The computational resources available during that time were not sufficient to support the ambitious goals of AI research. AI systems required significant computational power, which was not readily accessible.

These factors collectively contributed to the first AI winter, a period of reduced enthusiasm and funding for AI research. However, it is important to note that despite the challenges faced during this time, AI research eventually rebounded and experienced renewed growth and interest in subsequent years.

A boom of AI (1980-1987):

There was a renaissance and considerable advancement in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) from 1980 to 1987. This time, known as the "boom" of AI, saw improvements in a variety of fields. From 1980 through 1987, below is an outline of AI history:

  • 1980: The development of expert systems gained momentum, and they started finding practical applications in fields such as medicine, finance, and engineering.
    • The MYCIN system, an expert system for medical diagnosis, was further refined and deployed in several hospitals.
    • The Japanese government launched the Fifth Generation Computer Systems project, aiming to advance AI research and develop computers with advanced capabilities.
  • 1981: The concept of blackboard systems, a knowledge-based architecture, was introduced, enabling collaboration between multiple specialized AI modules.
  • 1982: Machine learning approaches, such as the backpropagation algorithm for training neural networks, aided in the improvement of pattern recognition and classification problems.
  • 1983: In 1983, the notion of genetic algorithms gained prominence as a tool for optimizing solutions to complicated problems, inspired by biological evolution.
  • 1984: The development of expert systems led to the commercialization of AI technology, with companies offering AI-based products and services.
  • 1985: The AI programming language Prolog gained prominence, particularly in areas like natural language processing and symbolic reasoning.
  • 1986: The Hearsay-II speech recognition system, utilizing neural networks, achieved significant improvements in speech recognition accuracy.
  • 1987: The concept of reinforcement learning, an approach where an agent learns from interactions with its environment, gained attention as a powerful technique for training intelligent systems. The AI boom during this time period laid the groundwork for future breakthroughs and represented a watershed moment in the field's progress and effect on numerous sectors.

The second AI winter (1987-1993):

The second AI winter was a period of decreased interest, funding, and advancement in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) from 1987 until 1993. Several reasons contributed to a fall in excitement and support for AI research during this time period. Here is a summary of AI history during the second AI winter:

  • 1987: The collapse of the market for AI-based goods and services, along with a lack of substantial discoveries, increased skepticism and decreased investment in AI research.
  • 1988: The Japanese Fifth Generation Computer Systems project, which aspired to create breakthrough AI technology, encountered difficulties and fell short of its lofty aims.
  • 1990: Funding cuts and budgetary constraints in government and industry led to a decline in resources available for AI research, affecting the progress and development of AI projects.
  • 1991: The failure of an AI system called the Strategic Computing Initiative, which aimed to create a superintelligent computer, contributed to the disillusionment with AI.

During the second AI winter, several factors contributed to the decline in AI research:

  • Unrealistic Expectations: The AI community struggled to meet the lofty expectations set during the initial AI boom. The gap between the hype and the actual capabilities of AI systems led to disappointment and skepticism.
  • Limited Progress: Despite notable advancements in specific areas, AI faced challenges in tackling complex real-world problems and lacked practical applications that could demonstrate its value.
  • Technological Limitations: AI technologies were still in their early stages, and significant technical hurdles remained. The computational power required for advanced AI systems was often beyond what was readily available at the time.
  • Lack of Funding: Reduced interest and financial support for AI research resulted in funding cuts and limited resources for AI projects, hindering progress and stifling innovation.

The second AI winter was a period of reassessment and reflection for the AI community. However, it is important to note that despite the challenges faced during this time, AI research eventually resurged and experienced renewed growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s, driven by new developments such as improved algorithms, increased computing power, and the availability of large datasets.

The emergence of intelligent agents (1993-2011):

Between 1993 and 2011, the area of artificial intelligence (AI) saw considerable advancements, notably in the advent of intelligent agents. Intelligent agents are software systems that observe their surroundings, reason about them, and act to achieve certain goals. Here is a timeline of AI during this time period:

  • 1993: The book "Software Agents" by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, emphasizing the function of agents in AI research, popularized the notion of intelligent agents.
  • 1995: Machine learning approaches such as support vector machines (SVM) have improved the capabilities of intelligent agents in tasks such as pattern recognition and classification.
  • 1997: Deep Blue, developed by IBM, defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, demonstrating the effectiveness of AI approaches such as search algorithms and expert systems in difficult game-playing tasks.
    • The introduction of the term "reinforcement learning" by Andrew Barto and Richard S. Sutton provided a theoretical framework for training intelligent agents through interactions with their environment.
  • 1999: The development of robotic vacuum cleaners, such as the Roomba, demonstrated the practical application of intelligent agents in household tasks.
  • 2002: The introduction of the Semantic Web, a World Wide Web extension containing machine-readable information, increased data interchange and integration for intelligent agents.
  • 2006:  Deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), were introduced in 2006, revolutionizing numerous AI applications such as computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition.

During this time, the emphasis switched away from traditional rule-based expert systems and moved towards more autonomous and adaptable intelligent agents. Robotics, natural language processing, machine learning, and computer vision are just a few of the domains that artificial intelligence research has expanded into. AI's fast rise during this time period was fueled by algorithm breakthroughs, computing capacity, and the availability of enormous datasets.

The appearance of intelligent agents was a watershed moment in AI history, demonstrating AI systems' ability to see, reason, and act in complex and dynamic situations. These achievements pave the way for subsequent AI improvements, setting the groundwork for the disruptive applications and technology we see today.

Evolution of Deep learning, big data and artificial general intelligence:

Deep Learning:

  • 1943: Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts proposed a model of artificial neurons, laying the foundation for neural networks, which are fundamental to deep learning.
  • 1950s-1960s: Early research in neural networks took place, but progress was limited due to computational constraints and a lack of data.
  • 1980s-1990s: Backpropagation algorithm is developed, allowing for efficient training of neural networks and enabling deeper architectures.
  • 2006: Geoffrey Hinton's work on deep belief networks and the introduction of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) revolutionize computer vision and image recognition tasks.
  •  2012: AlexNet, a deep CNN, achieved a breakthrough in image classification, demonstrating the power of deep learning models.
  •  2014: GANs (generative adversarial networks) are presented, which allow for the production of realistic synthetic data.

Deep learning techniques are progressing, resulting in advancements in natural language processing, speech recognition, and reinforcement learning.

Big Data:

  • The expansion of digital technology and the internet has resulted in a worldwide data explosion.
  • The availability of massive amounts of data has aided in the training and fine-tuning of complicated AI models, such as deep learning networks.
  • Big data provides the necessary resources for training models on diverse and representative datasets, leading to improved accuracy and performance.
  • The application of big data analytics allows AI systems to extract meaningful insights, making data-driven decisions, and improved predictions.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):

AGI refers to highly autonomous systems capable of outperforming humans in a variety of cognitive activities.

  • The pursuit of AGI has long been a goal in AI research, with the objective of developing robots with human-like intellect and skills.
  • While AGI is still a work in progress, advancements have been achieved in fields like as machine learning, cognitive architectures, and robotics.
  • To construct more broad AI systems, researchers are investigating methodologies such as reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, and transfer learning.
  • OpenAI's GPT-3, introduced in 2020, represents a significant step towards AGI, with its ability to understand and generate human-like text across diverse domains.

Overall, deep learning has propelled AI to new heights, big data has provided the fuel for training and improving models, and AGI represents the ultimate goal of creating highly intelligent and versatile machines. The continuous advancements in these areas have pushed the boundaries of AI and opened up possibilities for transformative applications in various domains.

Advantages of Inventing AI:

  •  Automation and Efficiency
  • Decision Making
  • Improved Accuracy
  • Enhanced Human Capabilities
  • Safety and Risk Reduction

Disadvantages of Inventing AI:

  • Job Displacement
  • Ethical and Legal Concerns
  • Dependency on Technology
  • Privacy and Security Risks
  • Lack of Human-like Understanding and Creativity


In conclusion, the development of AI is a testament to the collaborative efforts of visionary minds like McCarthy, Turing, Minsky, and more. Their pioneering work across various disciplines laid the groundwork for AI's transformational journey. This evolving field thrives on their legacy, as modern researchers continue to build upon their contributions, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve. The collective dedication of these pioneers serves as an enduring source of inspiration as AI continues to shape our world in profound ways.