How to Implement Interval Scheduling Algorithm in Python

Activity Selection Problem or the Interval Scheduling technique is a common greedy technique used to resolve scheduling issues involving a collection of intervals or activities. The algorithm's objective is to choose the most non-overlapping intervals possible from the available collection, where each interval corresponds to a job or activity with a start time and a finish time.

Please find the most significant subset of non-overlapping intervals such that each picked interval does not overlap with any other selected interval, given a collection of n intervals, each representing a job with its start and finish timings.

Interval Scheduling Algorithm uses these Stages to Resolve this issue:

1. Sort the intervals in ascending order depending on their end timings. The success of the greedy tactic depends on this phase.

2. Create an empty list from scratch to store the chosen intervals.

3. Iterate across the intervals that were sorted:

    a. Include the current interval in the list of selected intervals if it does not overlap the previously chosen interval.

      b. Change the previous interval's end time to match the end time of the current interval.


        def interval_scheduling(intervals):

            # Sort the intervals based on their end times

            intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

            selected_intervals = []

            last_end_time = float('-inf')

            for interval in intervals:

                start_time, end_time = interval

                if start_time >= last_end_time:


                    last_end_time = end_time

            return selected_intervals

        intervals = [(1, 4), (3, 6), (5, 7), (8, 10), (9, 11), (12, 14)]

        selected_intervals = interval_scheduling(intervals)

        print("Selected Intervals:", selected_intervals)


        Selected Intervals: [(1, 4), (5, 7), (8, 10), (12, 14)]

        Each interval is represented as a tuple (start_time, end_time) in the list of intervals that are inputted to the interval_scheduling function. It uses Python's built-in sort function to first order the intervals according to the times they terminate. O(n log n), where n is the number of intervals, is the time required for this sorting process.

        The algorithm then chooses the non-overlapping intervals after sorting. To store the chosen intervals, it creates an empty list named selected_intervals. To record the most recent end time of the chosen intervals, a variable named last_end_time is assigned to a negative integer.


        1. Meeting schedule: The Interval Scheduling Algorithm may be used in a business or organizational environment to plan meetings so that there are no conflicts and the most meetings are possible.

        2. Classroom Scheduling: The method may be used in schools or colleges to plan lectures or courses to ensure that classrooms are used effectively and that no classes overlap.

        3. Traffic Signal Regulator: By arranging the signal timings in a non-conflicting way, the algorithm may regulate traffic lights at junctions to reduce traffic congestion and prevent accidents.

        4. Sports scheduling: In sporting competitions or leagues, the algorithm may be used to set up games or matches in a way that avoids team conflicts and makes the most of the available sporting facilities.

        5. Conference talk scheduling: The algorithm can assist in scheduling talks at conferences or events that feature several presentations or talks to prevent conflicts and allow participants to attend as many sessions as feasible.


        1. Simplicity: Even individuals with just rudimentary programming experience may use the method because it is relatively simple to comprehend and implement.

        2. Efficiency: The temporal complexity for interval scheduling is generally O (n log n), where n is the number of intervals. Due to its efficiency, it can effectively handle big datasets with several intervals.

        3. Optimal solution: The algorithm chooses the most non-overlapping intervals possible for the best result. It makes sure that the chosen intervals don't clash with one another, maximizing resource efficiency and reducing overlaps.

        4. Versatility: Interval scheduling may solve various scheduling issues, from allocating resources to preparing sporting events to scheduling meetings and jobs.

        5. Scalability: The technique is suited for real-world applications requiring many intervals because it handles massive datasets efficiently.


        Interval Scheduling Algorithm is a solid and adaptable tool with a wide range of real-world applications where effective scheduling is crucial. It is essential for managing activities, events, and resources because it maximizes resource utilization and reduces overlaps. The simplicity, effectiveness, and predictable character of the method and the fact that it can quickly and consistently handle big datasets add to its popularity.