Types of Computer Registers

When it comes to computer organization, the registers are used to recognize, store, and transfer information and instructions that the CPU needs fast. Different types of registers are used for various purposes. In this article, we are going to study about registers and their types briefly.

What is a Computer Register?

In computer architecture, registers play a significant role. These are the areas of temporary storage in the computer where the recently retrieved data is kept. Sequential circuits include registers. Flip-flops are grouped together to form registers, and each flip-flop in a register contains one bit of data. The n flip-flops that can store data in bits are found in an n-bit register. These oversee keeping data for use when necessary. Flip-flops and gates are present in all registers. Flip-flops hold the informational bits until they are required, whereas Gate oversees sending the information to the register.

Flip-flops and registers are both included in the numerous types of computer registers that are readily accessible on the market. However, the flip-flop is typically the only component of some of the best and simplest registers. Within the computer architecture, registers have different bit-operations. There are registers that are 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and now 64-bits. These registers are different in terms of operations like instruction retrieval. A 32-bit register can only store and handle 32 bits of data at a time. It can also fetch 32 bits of data at a time.

Types of Computer Registers

The various operations are performed using these registers. The CPU makes use of these registers when carrying out certain activities. The supplied data or input is saved in the registers when we offer it to the system for a certain operation. The registers again give us the processed data after the output has been processed by the ALU (arithmetic and logical unit).The register is used in computer organization to recognize, store, and transfer information and instructions that are being used quickly by the CPU. There are various register types that are used for various purposes. Some frequently utilized registers are as follows:

  • Accumulator (AC)
  • Data register (DR)
  • Address register (AR)
  • Program counter (PC)
  • Memory data registers (MDR)
  • Index registers (IR)
  • Memory buffer registers (MBR)

These are the following type of registers that are used in computer organization. Let’s now discuss briefly about each type.

Accumulator (AC)

The register that is used the most frequently to hold data read from memory is an accumulator.It is found in various numbers in various microprocessors.

Data Register (DR)

Data register is also one of the most used registers by the computer. The Data register is mainly used to hold the memory operand of the computer memory.

Address Register (AR)

It contains the memory location's address that needs to be accessed. Together, MAR and MDR (Memory Data Register) make it easier for the CPU and main memory to communicate.In this register, the address location of memory is kept for later access. Both MAR and MDR collectively call it.

Program Counter (PC)

These registers are used to maintain a record of programs that are running or that are currently being performed. These registers hold the memory address of the following instruction that needs to be fetched.  Following the successful completion of the preceding instruction, PC points to the address of the subsequent instruction that needs to be acquired from the main memory. Additionally, the Program Counter (PC) counts the number of instructions.  The sort of architecture being employed affects PC advancement. In a 32-bit architecture, the PC is always increased by 4 to acquire the subsequent instruction.

Memory Data Registers (MDR)

This is where all the data is kept that is intended to be written to or read from a certain memory address.It provides information that can be read from or written to the addressed location.

Index Registers (IR)

This register is used to hold the values and digits that make up the address information and convert them into usable addresses. They are also referred to as basic registers. These, sometimes known as BX, are used to modify the operand address at execution time.

Memory Buffer Registers (MBR)

Data content or memory commands needed to write to the disc are stored in memory buffer registers. This fundamental function is to save called data from memory.  MDR and MBR are extremely comparable.