Node.js lodash_.sortBy() Function

Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime environment that is built on top of Chrome's V8 engine, where developers can run JavaScript on the server side. One of the platform's main benefits is the large ecosystem of libraries and modules for Node.js, in which Lodash is a well-known example. With its collection of useful methods for typical programming tasks, Lodash is a JavaScript library that makes creating code easier and faster. One of Lodash's helpful methods is lodash_.sortBy(), which makes it simple and flexible to sort collections.

Introduction to Lodash

Lodash is a contemporary JavaScript utility library that offers extras, speed, and modularity. It offers several ways to make working with arrays, objects, and other data types easier. By using well-defined functions to abstract repetitive operations, Lodash enables developers to build more understandable and maintainable code.

Overview of Lodash_.sortBy()

The lodash_.sortBy() method in Lodash sorts an array or collection using provided iterates and functions called for each element in the collection. The sort order may be managed by offering several iterates to sort by one or more attributes or calculated values.


The following is the fundamental syntax of lodash_.sortBy() function:

_.sortBy(collection, [iteratees=[_.identity]])


  • Collection: The collection of the object or array has to be sorted.
  • Iteratees: Iteratees are functions or property names that establish the collection's sort order. If this optional parameter is left out, the method will sort the collection using _.identity, the default iterator, which returns the value itself.

How to Use lodash_.sortBy() function?

The results of passing each element through each iterate determine how the _.sortBy() method arranges the collection in ascending order. For every element, the iterates are called sequentially, and the final sort order is established by comparing the outcomes of these calls.


1. Basic Sorting

Consider an array of numbers that we want to sort in ascending order:

const _ = require('lodash');

let numbers = [4, 2, 8, 6];

let sortedNumbers = _.sortBy(numbers);



[ 2, 4, 6, 8 ]

Here, the numbers array issorted in ascending order using _.sortBy().

2. Organizing by a Property

An array of objects can also be sorted according to a certain attribute. For illustration, consider a collection of items that represent users:

let users = [

  { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 48 },

  { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },

  { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 },

  { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 }


let sa= _.sortBy(users, ['user', 'age']);




In this example, the user array is first sorted by the user property and then by the age property for users with the same name.

3. Sorting Using Custom Iteratees

We can provide custom iterates to define more complex sorting logic. For instance, if we want to sort an array of strings by their length, we can pass a custom function:

let str = ['short', 'medium', 'longest', 'longer'];

let sortedStr = _.sortBy(str, [function(s) { return s.length; }]);




Here, the custom iterator function returns the length of each string, and _.sortBy() uses these lengths to sort the array in ascending order.

Handling Edge Cases

1. Empty Collections

If the collection is empty, _.sortBy() simply returns an empty array without throwing any errors:

let arr = [];

let sortedarr= _.sortBy(arr);



2. Collections with Undefined Values

When sorting collections with undefined values, _.sortBy() places undefined values at the beginning of the sorted array:

let arr = [3, undefined, 1, 2];

let sortedArr = _.sortBy(arr);



Performance Considerations

Although sorting collections with _.sortBy() is useful, performance consequences must be taken into account, particularly when working with huge datasets. Although _.sortBy() in Lodash is usually efficient, sorting may still be computationally costly for very big collections. It could be essential to investigate other sorting strategies or improve the sorting iterates in applications where efficiency is a top priority.


In conclusion, Lodash's _.sortBy() method provides a flexible and effective tool for sorting collections in Node.js applications. It is a priceless tool for developers due to its versatility in handling different kinds of data and sorting parameters. Developers may build clearer, more effective code that is easier to understand and maintain by utilizing _.sortBy(). The lodash_.sortBy() function provides an easy-to-understand solution to a typical programming issue, demonstrating the practicality and elegance of the Lodash library, whether sorting basic arrays or complicated objects. Lodash's _.sortBy() function offers flexibility and efficiency in sorting collections. With its customizable iterates, it simplifies sorting logic efficiently.

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