Blockchain Tutorial

Blockchain Tutorial History of Blockchain Blockchain Terminologies Working of Blockchain Blockchain vs DLT Blockchain Versions Smart Contracts Blockchain Applications Cryptography Role of Bitcoin Miners Blockchain Hash Function Bitcoin Basic Component Blockchain Block Hashing How to Block Hashes Work in Blockchain Blockchain Pow Coinbase Transaction Key Concepts in Bitcoin Key Areas of Blockchain Blockchain Cryptocurrency Blockchain DAO Blockchain Double Spending Blockchain Bitcoin Cash Bitcoin Forks and SegWit Blockchain Merkle Tree Difference between Blockchain and Database Bitcoin Mitigating Attacks Who sets the Bitcoin Price Getting Started with Bitcoin How to choose Bitcoin Wallet Sending and Receiving Bitcoin Converting Bitcoins to Fiat Currency Ethereum 2.0 Blockchain Data Management Steps to become a Blockchain developer Smart Contracts Advantages of Blockchain in healthcare Decentralized Voting System using Blockchain Demur-rage currencies in Blockchain How can Blockchain Technology help IoT to reach its full potential Project Ideas on Blockchain for Professionals Consensus Algorithms in Blockchain Top 10 Blockchain Project Concepts Uses of Blockchain Obtaining Free Test Ethers What does a Blockchain contain What does the IT industry mean by BaaS Top Blockchain Project Ideas for Beginners


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Blockchain - Network Mining

On the topography of the global web, Bitcoin is organized as a network of peer-to-peer structures. Peer-to-peer, or P2P, refers to a network architecture where all participating computers behave as equal peers to one another and share the workload for offering network services. This eliminates the need for "special" nodes. The meshed network's "flat" topology allows the network nodes to connect. Within a network, there is no hierarchy, no server, and no authoritative service. In a peer-to-peer network, nodes simultaneously supply and receive services, with cooperation serving as a motivator for involvement. Peer-to-peer networks are open, autonomous, and robust by nature. The early Internet, with its equal nodes on the IP network, was the prototypical instance of a P2P network architecture. Even though the Internet architecture of today is more structured, the Internet Protocol's fundamental flat topology remains. Apart from Bitcoin, uploading files is the most widespread and prosperous use of P2P technologies, with BitTorrent representing the latest architectural development and Napster serving as the pioneer.

The P2P network architecture of Bitcoin is much more than just a topology selection. By design, Bitcoin operates as a peer-to-peer digital currency system, and its network architecture both reflects and builds upon this fundamental feature. One of the fundamental design principles is independence of control, which can only be accomplished and sustained by a flat, distributed P2P consensus network.

The group of servers running the digital currency's P2P protocol is referred to as the "Bitcoin network." Apart from the peer-to-peer (P2P) bitcoin protocol, there exist alternative protocols like Stratum that are employed for mining and lightweight/mobile wallets. The gateway route servers, which connect to the Bitcoin network through the Bitcoin P2P protocol and subsequently expand it to nodes executing other protocols, are the ones that supply these extra protocols. For instance, stratum servers bridge the stratum protocol to the Bitcoin P2P network and link stratum mining nodes to the majority of the cryptocurrency network via the stratum protocol. We refer to the entire network comprising of the pool-mining protocols, the Stratum protocol, the Bitcoin P2P protocol, and any other relevant protocols linking the various parts of the Bitcoin ecosystem as the "extended Bitcoin network."

Roles and Types of Nodes

Nodes in the Bitcoin P2P network are equivalent, but based on what functions they are assisting, they may adopt distinct roles. Routing, mineral extraction, wallet services, and the distributed ledger database are all combined into one Bitcoin node.

Every node can route traffic and may have additional features to engage with the network. It also finds and keeps connections to peers, verifies transactions, and spreads blocks.

A complete and current version of the blockchain is also kept up to date by certain nodes, referred to as full nodes. Complete nodes are able to independently and firmly validate any transaction without the need for outside assistance. Simplified Payment Verification, or SPV, is a technique used by certain nodes to verify transactions while only keeping a portion of the blockchain updated. These kinds of nodes are referred to as lightweight or SPV nodes. A blue circle labeled "Full Blockchain" in the complete-node indicates the full-node blockchain database function. The absence of the blue circle on SPV nodes indicates that they do not possess an entire backup of the blockchain.

Mining nodes compete with one another to solve the proof-of-work algorithm and produce new blocks by executing specialized hardware. While some mining nodes are lightweight nodes that take part in pool mining and rely on a pool server to keep up a full node, others are full nodes that preserve a complete copy of the blockchain. The mining function appears as a black circle with the name "Miner" throughout the entire node.

As is the case with desktop Bitcoin clients, individual wallets may be components of a complete node. A growing number of user wallets are SPV nodes, particularly those operating on devices with limited resources like smartphones.

Servers and nodes operate different protocols, such as specialized mining pool protocols and lightweight client-access protocols, alongside the primary varieties of nodes in the Bitcoin P2P ecosystem.

The Expanded Bitcoin Network

Between 7,000 and 10,000 listening nodes operating different iterations of the Bitcoin reference client (Bitcoin Core) and a couple of hundred nodes operating various renditions of the Bitcoin P2P protocol, including BitcoinJ, Libbitcoin, and btcd, make up the main Bitcoin network, which is responsible for operating the bitcoin P2P protocol. A tiny portion of the nodes on the P2P network for Bitcoin also function as mining nodes, taking part in the competition to validate transactions, create new blocks, and engage in mining. Many big businesses use full-node clients, which depend on the Bitcoin Core client and have network nodes and complete versions of the blockchain, but need more wallet and mining capabilities to connect to the Bitcoin network. These nodes serve as network edge routers, providing a platform upon which different services (such as wallets, exchanges, block explorers, and merchant payments processing) can be constructed.

The network operating the previously mentioned Bitcoin P2P protocol is a part of the expanded Bitcoin system, as are nodes running other specific protocols. Numerous pool administrators and protocol bridges that link nodes running different protocols are connected to the main Bitcoin P2P network. The majority of these additional method nodes are ultralight wallet clients and pool processing nodes; they do not contain a complete copy of the blockchain.

Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) Nodes

Only some nodes are capable of storing the entire blockchain. Numerous Bitcoin clients are made to function on machines with limited space and power, like embedded devices, tablets, and smartphones. Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) is a technique that enables these devices to function without maintaining the entire blockchain. We refer to these kinds of customers as lightweight or SPV clients. The SPV node is emerging as the most popular type of Bitcoin node, particularly for Bitcoin wallets, as usage of the cryptocurrency soars.

SPV nodes do not download the transactions contained in each block; only the block summaries are. Without any transactions taking place, the resultant blockchain is 1,000 times shorter than the entire blockchain. Because SPV nodes are not aware of every transaction occurring on the network, they are unable to create an exhaustive representation of all the UTXOs that are accessible for expenditure. Using a somewhat distinct approach, SPV nodes analyze transactions by relying on peers to supply complete views of pertinent sections of the blockchain instantly.

A complete node is comparable to a traveler in an unfamiliar city who has a thorough map of each avenue and address. In contrast, an SPV node can be likened to a traveler in an unfamiliar city who knows only one main thoroughfare and approaches unknown individuals for detailed directions. Even though both travelers are able to explore a street to confirm that it exists, the tourist with a map of the area is able to find out what is on any side streets or which additional streets are there. Without a map, a visitor standing in front of 23 Church Street has no way of knowing if this is the correct address or if the city has a dozen different ones, starting with "23 Church Street." The greatest opportunity for the mapless traveler is to reach out to a sufficient amount of individuals and hope that at least the majority of them are not out to scam him.

Rather than using height to verify transactions, Simplified Payment Verification uses the transaction's depth in the blockchain. An SPV node will validate the linkage of all blocks (but not all transactions) and relate the entire chain to the particular transaction of fascination. In contrast, an entire blockchain node will build a fully confirmed chain of numerous blocks and transactions accomplishing down the distributed ledger (back in time), all leading up to the block that created it.

When analyzing a transaction in block 300,000, for instance, a full node connects all 300,000 blocks back to the origin block. It creates a complete database of UTXO, proving the transaction's validity by verifying that the UTXO has yet to be spent. An SPV node can't verify if the UTXO is unspent. Rather, the SPV node will make use of a Merkle path (see Merkle Trees) to create a link between the transaction itself and the block containing it. Subsequently, the special purpose vehicle node observes the stacking of blocks 300,001 through 300,006 atop the transaction block and confirms the transaction by determining its depth beneath blocks 300,006 to 300,001. By implication, the transaction was not a double-spend because other nodes in the network accepted block 300,000 and went on to produce six more blocks on top of it by performing the required work.

When a transaction does not actually exist in a block, an SPV node cannot be convinced that it does. By asking for proof of the Merkle path and confirming the proof that work exists in the chain of blocks, the SPV node verifies the presence of the transaction in a block. It is possible to "hide" a transaction from an SPV node, though. An SPV node can unquestionably demonstrate the existence of a transaction. Still, because it lacks a record of every transaction, it is unable to confirm the nonexistence of a transaction, including a double-spend of the same UTXO.

A denial-of-service attack or an overspending attack targeting SPV nodes can be carried out using this vulnerability. An SPV node must randomly connect to multiple nodes in order to enhance the likelihood that it is in relationship with at least one truthful node in order to defend against this. Because SPV nodes must randomly connect, they are also susceptible to network segmentation attacks, also known as Sybil attacks, in which they are linked to fictitious networks or nodes and are unable to access legitimate Bitcoin networks or trustworthy nodes.

Additionally, SPV nodes pose an invasion of privacy because in order to validate transactions manually, they have to find specific transactions. The IP addresses stored in the SPV node's wallet may unintentionally be revealed by those who ask for particular data, in contrast to full blockchain networks that gather all transactions inside each block. For instance, a third party keeping an eye on the network might log every transaction a wallet performed on an SPV node and use that information to link the Bitcoin address to the wallet's owner, thereby compromising the user's privacy.

To address the security risks associated with SPV nodes, the Bitcoin programmers introduced a feature termed bloom filters shortly after SPV/lightweight nodes were introduced. Bloom filters are a type of filtering algorithm that uses percentages instead of fixed patterns, allowing SPV nodes to obtain a certain number of payments without disclosing exactly which domains they are curious about.

Well-connected SPV nodes provide adequate security for the majority of applications, balancing resource requirements, usability, and security. Installing a full network node, however, is the best option for absolute security.

Bloom Filters

A stochastic search filter, or bloom filter, is a means to characterize the pattern you want without giving it precise details. Bloom filters provide a private and effective way to convey a search pattern. Using them, SPV nodes can query their peers for transactions that fit a particular pattern while disclosing the precise addresses they are looking for.

In the previous example, a traveler requests directions to "23 Church St." without a map and unintentionally gives away her destination if she asks people for guidance on this particular street. Asking, "Are there any roads in this neighborhood whose name ends in R-C-H?" is analogous to using a bloom filter. Asking for "23 Church St." yields more information about the intended location than does an inquiry like that one. By employing this method, a traveler could provide a more precise address, such as "ending in U-R-C-H," or a less precise one, such as "ending in H."

This is accomplished by bloom filters, which enable an SPV node to define a pattern of searches for transactions that can be adjusted for privacy or precision. The outcomes of a more precise bloom filter will be accurate but at the cost of disclosing the addresses that are being utilized in the user's wallet. Although a less focused bloom filter will generate more information about more transactions—many of which are unrelated to the node—it will also help the node preserve greater privacy.

A bloom filter that has been initialized as "empty" by an SPV node is not going to match any patterns. After that, the SPV node will compile a list of every account in its wallets and develop a search pattern that matches the purchase output associated with every address. The pay-to-public-key-hash script, which is the anticipated locking code present in each transaction going to the public-key-hash (address), is typically a search pattern. A pay-to-script-hash script will use the search pattern if the SPV node is monitoring a P2SH address's balance. The search patterns are then added by the SPV node to the bloom filter, enabling the bloom filter to identify the search term in the event that it appears in a transaction. Ultimately, the peer receives the bloom filter and uses it to pair up transactions before sending them to the SPV node.

Transaction Pools

The memory pool, also known as the mempool or transaction pool, is a transitory list of pending transactions that are kept up to date by almost every node on the network made up of bitcoins. Nodes use this pool to monitor network-known transactions that still need to be added to the blockchain. To track payments made to a user's wallet that have been accepted on the internet but are pending confirmation, for instance, a node holding the user's wallet will make use of the transaction pool.

After a transaction has been accepted and validated, it is added to the transactions pool and sent to nearby nodes to spread throughout the network.

A distinct pool of abandoned transactions is also kept up to date by certain node architectures. An orphan payment will be kept in the orphan pool until a parent transaction is received if one of the inputs of the transaction refers to a transaction that has not yet been identified, such as a parent event that is missing.

The orphan pool is searched for any orphans that refer to the outputs of this transaction (i.e., its children) whenever another transaction becomes added to the transaction's transaction pool. After that, any orphans that match are verified. If they are legitimate, the chain that began with the parent transaction is completed when they are added to the incident pool and taken out of the abandoned pool. The process continues iteratively until no more descendants have been identified, taking into account the recently added transaction, which is currently an orphan. By reconnecting the orphans with their biological parents at every link in the chain, the arrival of a parental transaction initiates a cascade rebuilding of the whole network of interdependent activities.

The transaction pool and orphan pool, if applicable, are dynamically filled from incoming messages from the network and are kept in local memory instead of being retained on permanent storage. Both pools are vacant when a node first starts and fill up over time with newly received interactions from the network.

A UTXO pool, or collection of all unspent output on the blockchain, is kept up to date by certain Bitcoin client algorithms. Despite sounding identical to the transaction pool, the term "UTXO pool" refers to a distinct set of information. The UTXO pool, in contrast to the transaction pool and orphan pools, is not empty but rather has millions of entries representing unspent transaction results, some of which go back to 2009. The UTXO pool could be stored as an indexed table in a database on a permanent drive or in temporary memory.

Since the UTXO pool provides a network's emergent agreement, it will vary less between nodes than transactions and orphan pools, which represent the regional viewpoint of a single node and may vary considerably according to when the node began functioning or restarted. Additionally, only unconfirmed purchases are included in the transaction and orphan pools, whereas approved outputs are only included in the UTXO pool.

Industries That Benefit From Blockchain Networks

Numerous industries have found use for the technology known as blockchain, including finance, real estate, supply chains, and gaming. Smart contracts or self-executing code recorded readily available on an unchangeable blockchain, allow businesses and individuals to do routine business without having to deal with outside parties, which can be costly and sometimes unclear.

Payment-focused cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, bitcoin cash (BCH), litecoin (LTC), and many more demonstrate how well-suited blockchain technology can be for payments. Compared to conventional third-party payment processors, cryptocurrency is easier to use and more efficient worldwide.

Furthermore, new innovative ideas are being made possible in large part by blockchain protocol developments for industries like digital identity, the Internet of Things (IoT), and healthcare that depend on efficient and safe mechanisms for information ownership and control. Blockchains enable users to maintain their anonymity and secure data transfers by using public-key cryptography (PKC), which provides users with a public key that can be used for receiving transactions and a secret key for sending them.

Concerns Surrounding Blockchain Technology

However, some blockchains—especially those without a strong network of users or a tested consensus mechanism—are vulnerable to hacking or centralized control. The degree of decentralization and throughput, or the volume of data that a blockchain can process in a specific amount of time, are two other differences between blockchains. The Blockchain Trilemma, or striking a balance between and optimizing scaling, decentralized governance, and security in a single network, is the focus of a great deal of attention.

Additional blockchain-related worries raise environmental concerns. For instance, the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus process usually consumes a significant amount of electricity to function. Additional concerns pertain to the intricacy of the technology behind blockchain and the potential for intimidation it may have for consumers as well as companies.

The quick ascent of cryptocurrencies on the international financial scene was only the beginning of blockchain technology's integration into commerce and daily life. More businesses are trying things with the technology, and more people are learning about the advantages and practicality that blockchain-based goods. The blockchain industry is expanding rapidly, and it may eventually completely replace or at least integrate with the digital framework of our global society.