Machine Learning Tutorial

What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning Life Cycle Python Anaconda setup Difference between ML/ AI/ Deep Learning Understanding different types of Machine Learning Data Pre-processing Supervised Machine Learning

ML Regression Algorithm

Linear Regression

ML Classification Algorithm

Introduction to ML Classification Algorithm Logistic Regression Support Vector Machine Decision Tree Naïve Bayes Random Forest

ML Clustering Algorithm

Introduction to ML Clustering Algorithm K-means Clustering Hierarchical Clustering

ML Association Rule learning Algorithm

Introduction to association Rule Learning Algorithm


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Hyper Parameter Tuning in Machine Learning

A critical phase in the creation of a machine learning model is hyperparameter tuning. It describes the procedure of choosing the best hyperparameters for a particular algorithm or model in order to enhance its performance on a particular dataset.

Hyperparameters in machine learning are settings made by the data scientist prior to the training process which are not learnt during the training process. The learning rate, the number of layers that are hidden, total number of neurons in every layer, the regularisation parameter, and many other hyperparameters are examples.

The ideal mix of hyperparameters for just a particular machine learning model is chosen during hyperparameter tweaking. Many techniques, such as search algorithm, search algorithm, and Bayesian optimization, can be used to accomplish this.

Grid search entails thoroughly looking over every conceivable set of hyperparameters inside a given range. Within a predetermined range, random search samples the hyperparameters at random. In Bayesian optimization, the optimal set of hyperparameters is found iteratively by using probabilistic models.

Because it can dramatically boost a model's performance and enable better predictions on unobserved data, hyperparameter tuning is an essential stage in machine learning.

What use does machine learning's hyper parameter tuning serve?

A machine learning model's performance and accuracy can be increased by hyperparameter tuning.

Hyperparameters are variables that are chosen prior to training and have an impact on how the model behaves. Building any accurate and trustworthy machine learning model requires careful consideration of the hyperparameters, which can have a substantial impact on the model's performance.

Finding the ideal set of hyperparameters to maximise the model's performance on a certain dataset is known as hyperparameter tweaking. This is accomplished by using methods like grid search, search algorithm, and Bayesian optimization to search through a variety of hyperparameters.

The advantages of hyperparameter adjustment are as follows:

Improved model generalisation: In practical uses in which the model is used to generate predictions on unforeseen data, it is crucial that the model be able to generalise to new data.

Improved model interpretability: Hyperparameter tweaking can aid in the construction of models that are easier to understand and explain. This is crucial in fields like healthcare & finance, where the capacity of models is required to uphold trust and accountability.

In general, hyper - parameter tuning is a crucial step in creating models for machine learning that are reliable, effective, and suitable for a variety of applications.

A machine learning model's performance can be considerably impacted by the selection of hyperparameters. Poor performance could result from the model failing to converge to an ideal solution if the hyper - parameters are not adjusted correctly.

Hyperparameters are settings made before to the models training process that have an impact on how the algorithm behaves while being trained. The learning rate, regularisation intensity, the amount of layers that are hidden, and number of trees inside a random forest framework are a few examples of hyperparameters.

Selecting the optimal mix of hyperparameters to achieve the greatest performance of the model on a specific dataset is known as hyperparameter tuning. Typically, a search procedure—which may be human or automated—is used to do this.

A data scientist performs manual tuning by manually adjusting hyperparameters in accordance with their knowledge, judgement, and experimentation. This can take a lot of time and might not produce the best hyperparameters.

Grid search, search algorithm, and Probabilistic optimization are examples of automated tuning techniques that can drastically cut down on the time and labour needed for hyperparameter tuning. These techniques look through a variety of hyperparameter combinations to get the one that gives the greatest model performance.

A crucial step in creating reliable and accurate machine learning models is hyperparameter tweaking. A well-tuned model can aid in enhancing a machine learning algorithm's accuracy, accuracy, recall, and F1 score, all of which are important for making reliable predictions in practical applications.

Hyper parameter tuning uses in machine learning:

A crucial step in creating reliable and accurate machine learning models is hyperparameter tweaking. Hyperparameter tuning has some uses in machine learning, such as:

A machine learning algorithm's accuracy, accuracy, recall, and F1 score can be improved by the use of hyperparameter tuning, which enhances model performance.

Saving time and money: Hyperparameter tweaking can help shorten the development and training phases of machine learning models. In large-scale applications, this can result in significant cost savings.

Improved model generalisation: In practical uses where the system is used to generate predictions on unforeseen data, it is crucial that the model be able to generalise to new data.

Improved model interpretability: Hyperparameter tweaking can aid in the construction of models that are easier to understand and explain. This is crucial in fields like healthcare & finance, where the capacity of models is required to uphold trust and accountability.

Model scalability can be increased through hyperparameter tuning, which can make models more effective and scalable, making them acceptable for usage in large-scale applications.

In conclusion, hyperparameter tuning is an important step in developing precise, effective, and reliable models for machine learning that have applications in a variety of fields, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and transportation.