Machine Learning Tutorial

What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning Life Cycle Python Anaconda setup Difference between ML/ AI/ Deep Learning Understanding different types of Machine Learning Data Pre-processing Supervised Machine Learning

ML Regression Algorithm

Linear Regression

ML Classification Algorithm

Introduction to ML Classification Algorithm Logistic Regression Support Vector Machine Decision Tree Naïve Bayes Random Forest

ML Clustering Algorithm

Introduction to ML Clustering Algorithm K-means Clustering Hierarchical Clustering

ML Association Rule learning Algorithm

Introduction to association Rule Learning Algorithm


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How to avoid over fitting In Machine Learning

How to avoid over fitting In Machine Learning

Overfitting, where a model memorises the noise and random oscillations in the training data rather than learning the underlying patterns, is a prevalent issue in machine learning. The model may therefore perform admirably on the training examples but poorly on fresh, untried data.

A model may fit the training data (including random noise and fluctuations) too closely if it is very complicated, failing to generalise well to new data. Even if the model performs exceptionally well with the training examples, this can result in poor performance whenever the algorithm is applied to new information.

When a model is overly complicated and has an excessive number of parameters in contrast to the amount available training data, overfitting occurs. A model can fit the data for training very closely, such as the noise & random fluctuations, but it may not generalise well to new data if it is very complex.

Plotting the validation and training error as just a function on model complexity is one technique to see overfitting. The training time will keep declining as the model gets more intricate, but when the model begins to overfit its training data, the validation loss will finally start to rise.

Use methods like regularisation, cross-validation, premature stopping, & feature selection to keep the model simple and capable of generalising to new data in order to prevent overfitting.

Use additional data: Using more data during training can help prevent overfitting. A larger dataset enables the model to discover more patterns and generalise to new data more effectively.

The process of choosing the most pertinent features to train the model is known as feature selection. The model could be made simpler and less susceptible to overfitting by focusing just on the most crucial features.

Regularization is a method for preventing big parameter values by adding a penalty function to the loss function of the model. This can aid generalisation and prevent overfitting in the model.

Cross-validation is a method for assessing how well a model performs on a validation set. The model can be assessed more precisely and overfitting could be decreased by utilising different validation sets then averaging the outcomes.

When performance on the verification set stops advancing, the training is ended using the early stopping strategy. By pausing the training phase before the model begins to memorise the training data, this can stop the model from overfitting.

Ensemble methods: These are strategies that integrate numerous trained models to enhance performance. Several models can be combined to lessen overfitting and improve generalisation.

All things considered, preventing overfitting necessitates a combination of procedures, including gathering more data, choosing pertinent features, regularising the model, testing the model employing cross-validation, utilising early stopping, and employing ensemble methods.

Here are some instances of machine learning overfitting:

Regression using a polynomial function rather than a straight line is known as polynomial regression. However, when a high-degree polynomials is employed, the model may fit the data the training set of data by fitting it too closely, taking into account random noise and oscillations in the data as well. This can lead to subpar performance with fresh data.

Decision Trees: If decision trees are overly deep or complicated, they may overfit the training set of data. In order to suit the training data, such as the randomness and fluctuations inside the data, a deep decision tree might provide very specific rules, which can result in subpar performance with new data.

Neural networks: If they are overly intricate or contain an excessive number of layers, neural networks may overfit the training set of data. This can result in the model performing poorly on fresh data because it fits the training data, including the noisy data & oscillations in the data, too well.

Support Vector Machines: If the model is too complex or even the kernel function is too particular, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) may overfit the training data. This can result in the model performing poorly on fresh data because it fits the training data, including the noisy data and oscillations in the data, too well.

In each of these scenarios, overfitting happens whenever the model is overly intricate and has an excessive number of parameters in compared to the cost of training data. Use methods like regularisation, cross-validation, premature stopping, and extract features to keep the model simple and capable of generalising to new data in order to prevent overfitting.