Machine Learning Tutorial

What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning Life Cycle Python Anaconda setup Difference between ML/ AI/ Deep Learning Understanding different types of Machine Learning Data Pre-processing Supervised Machine Learning

ML Regression Algorithm

Linear Regression

ML Classification Algorithm

Introduction to ML Classification Algorithm Logistic Regression Support Vector Machine Decision Tree Naïve Bayes Random Forest

ML Clustering Algorithm

Introduction to ML Clustering Algorithm K-means Clustering Hierarchical Clustering

ML Association Rule learning Algorithm

Introduction to association Rule Learning Algorithm


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Automated Machine Learning


  Automated Machine Learning

Data pre-processing, feature selection, model selection, and hyper parameter optimization are just a few of the tasks that automated machine learning (AutoML) refers to as performing in the machine learning process. The objective of AutoML is to speed and simplify the machine learning process, increasing the effectiveness of seasoned practitioners while making it more approachable to novices.

According to the particular task at hand, autoML algorithms can automatically assess and preprocess raw data, choose the necessary features, and build optimal models. These algorithms may also browse a variety of model architectures and hyper parameter combinations and choose the ideal set for a particular dataset.

When data scientists and machine learning specialists are hard to come by, AutoML comes in very handy. It can assist in democratising the machine learning process, making it more accessible to a wider range of professionals, such as business analysts, software developers, and domain experts, who may lack deep machine learning experience but possess important information in their respective industries.

AutoML can have a lot of advantages, but it is not a universally applicable solution. In order to guarantee the best outcomes, seasoned practitioners may still need to tweak models and carry out manual analysis. In spite of this, AutoML is a potent tool that can accelerate the machine learning process, cutting time and expenses while enhancing the accuracy and resilience of machine learning models.


There are various reasons why automated machine learning (AutoML) is crucial:

Efficiency in terms of time: The development, testing, and deployment of machine learning models can all be done much more quickly and easily with the help of AutoML. By automating time-consuming and laborious machine learning processes like feature engineering, hyperparameter tweaking, and data preprocessing, it frees up data scientists and other users to concentrate on more complex projects.

Cost effectiveness: By limiting the requirement for specialist knowledge and cutting down on the time needed to construct and deploy models, AutoML can help lower the price of machine learning development. Small and medium-sized firms that might not have the resources to hire data scientists may find machine learning to be more accessible as a result.

Increased Model Performance: AutoML automates the selection of the optimal algorithms, hyperparameters, and features for a specific task, which can improve the performance of machine learning models. This may result in forecasts that are more accurate and trustworthy, which may enhance decision-making and business outcomes.

AutoML can help democratise machine learning by making it more approachable for non-experts like business analysts, researchers, and individuals. More people being able to use machine learning's power for a variety of applications might encourage innovation and creativity.

Scalability: By automating some of the more time-consuming and repetitive tasks, AutoML can aid in scaling machine learning efforts. Data scientists and other users may be able to work on several projects at once and release models more rapidly and effectively as a result.


Machine learning tasks can be automated with the help of automated machine learning (AutoML), which makes machine learning more approachable for non-experts and cuts down on the time and expense needed to construct machine learning models. A summary of how AutoML

Data processing: To address missing values, outliers, and other concerns with data quality, AutoML algorithms automatically examine and preprocess raw data. Data cleansing, normalization, and feature scaling are some of the approaches used in this step.

Feature Engineering: AutoML algorithms choose or develop new features that are pertinent to the machine learning task automatically. This process covers methods including feature extraction, feature encoding, and feature selection.

Model Selection: To choose the optimal machine learning model for a given dataset, AutoML algorithms automatically search through a variety of models. Choosing the model that offers the optimum trade-off between performance measures like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score entails analyzing the performance metrics of several models.

Hyper parameter Optimization: AutoML algorithms adjust model hyper parameters automatically to produce the best results for a given dataset. Techniques including grid search, random search, and Bayesian optimization are used in this step.

Model Evaluation: Using a hold-out test dataset, autoML algorithms automatically assess the performance of the chosen model. In this step, the model is tested on various subsets of the data using techniques like cross-validation to make sure it is reliable and does not overfit the data.

Model Deployment: AutoML algorithms can make the finished model available as an API, library, or executable code for usage in a variety of applications, including fraud detection, picture recognition, and predictive maintenance.

Although autoML is a strong tool that can speed up the machine learning process, it is not a universally applicable solution. To get the best outcomes, seasoned practitioners may still need to tweak models and run manual analyses. The process of machine learning can still be made more accessible to a wider range of professionals with the help of AutoML, including business analysts, software developers, and domain specialists.

Automated Machine Leraning+Databoot:

Automated Machine Learning

Automated machine learning (AutoML) is the process of automating several steps in the machine learning pipeline, including feature engineering, algorithm selection, hyperparameter tweaking, and data preprocessing. Data scientists, business analysts, and other users may construct and deploy machine learning models more quickly and efficiently with AutoML without having to be highly skilled in either machine learning or programming.

DataRobot is a top platform for autoML and provides a full set of tools for complete machine learning. Several of the more time-consuming and difficult machine learning operations, like data preparation, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning, are automated by DataRobot. DataRobot offers a user-friendly interface that enables users to rapidly and easily construct, test, and deploy machine learning models without the need for complex coding or machine learning skills.

Users may comprehend how each model generates predictions with the help of DataRobot's tools for model interpretation and explainability.

This may aid in creating machine learning models that are more trustworthy and transparent. DataRobot also offers tools for model deployment, enabling customers to upload machine learning models to a variety of platforms, such as on-premise servers, cloud-based platforms, and APIs. Powerful platform DataRobot has the potential to democratise machine learning, making it more available to a larger range of consumers.

DataRobot can help users construct and deploy machine learning models more rapidly and effectively without requiring substantial skill in machine learning or programming by automating many of the more time-consuming and laborious procedures associated with machine learning.

When to Implement AutoML: Computer Vision, Regression, Forecasting, and NLP

Use automated machine learning (ML) when you want Azure Machine Learning to build and tune a model based on the target measure you specify. No matter their level of data science experience, customers are given the ability to discover an end-to-end machine learning pathway for every issue thanks to automated machine learning (ML).

ML experts and developers from a variety of industries can employ automated ML to:
Without considerable programming experience, implement ML solutions.
Spend less time and money.
Use sound data science principles.
Enable quick problem-solving.

Classification, regression, forecasting, computer vision, and natural language processing are just a few of the machine learning activities that may be performed using automated machine learning (AutoML) (NLP). Here are a few situations when AutoML can be really helpful:


Classification is a form of supervised learning where models are trained on training data and then used to classify fresh data. Deep neural network text feature refiners for classification are only one example of the specialisations offered by Azure Machine Learning for these workloads. Discover the possibilities for feature optimization. The list of algorithms that AutoML supports is also available here.

The primary objective of classification models is to forecast the categories into which incoming data will fall based on the lessons learned from their training data. Fraud detection, handwriting recognition, and object detection are some typical classification instances.

In this Python notebook, titled "Bank Marketing," you may see an illustration of classification and automated machine learning.

AutoML can be used to automatically divide data into various groups or classes. For instance, AutoML can be used to categorise animal photos into various species or text articles into various topics.


Regression tasks are a typical supervised learning challenge, similar to classification tasks. Regression-specific features are offered by Azure Machine Learning. Discover more possibilities for customization. Here you may also find a list of the algorithms that AutoML supports.

Regression models predict numerical output values based on independent predictors, in contrast to classification models, which predict output values that are categorical. By predicting how one variable affects the others, regression aims to determine the link between those independent predictor variables. For instance, the cost of an automobile depends on factors like gas efficiency, safety ratings, etc.

Check out these Python notebooks for a regression and automated machine learning prediction example: equipment performance.

With a set of input features and AutoML, a continuous numerical value may be predicted automatically. For instance, using information about a house's location, size, and other characteristics, AutoML can be used to estimate its cost.


All organizations need to create projections, whether they be for income, inventory, sales, or client demand. You can mix methods and strategies using automated machine learning to get a suggested, excellent time-series forecast. The list of algorithms that AutoML supports is available here.

A time-series experiment that is automated is handled like a multivariate regression issue. Time-series data from the past are "pivoted" to add new dimensions to the regressor along with the other predictors. This method has the advantage of organically including various contextual variables and their relationships to one another during training, in contrast to classical time series methods.

All organizations need to create projections, whether they be for income, inventory, sales, or client demand. You can mix methods and strategies using automated machine learning to get a suggested, excellent time-series forecast. The list of algorithms that AutoML supports is available here.

A time-series experiment that is automated is handled like a multivariate regression issue. Time-series data from the past are "pivoted" to add new dimensions to the regressor along with the other predictors.

This method has the advantage of organically including various contextual variables and their relationships to one another during training, in contrast to classical time series methods.

Time series forecasting, which is predicting future values of a time series based on historical data, can be automated with the use of automated machine learning (AutoML). In many fields, including banking, energy, and manufacturing, time series forecasting is crucial because precise projections can aid businesses in improving their decision-making and operational efficiency.

To use AutoML for time series forecasting, follow these steps:

Data Preparation: Cleaning and preparing the data is the first step in time series forecasting. At this stage, the data must be prepared for time series analysis by managing missing values, outliers, and other data quality issues.

The following stage is to engineer characteristics that are pertinent to the time series forecasting issue. In this step, the temporal dependencies and trends of the time series are captured using methods including lagging, differencing, and rolling statistics.

The optimal model for a particular dataset can be chosen using AutoML algorithms, which can search through a variety of time series forecasting models. To choose the model that offers the best trade-off between these measures, it is necessary to compare the performance metrics of several models, including mean absolute error (MAE), mean squared error (MSE), and root mean square error (RMSE).

Hyper parameter Optimization: AutoML algorithms have the ability to automatically adjust model hyper parameters to produce the best results for a certain dataset. This step uses strategies like grid search, random search,

 Using previous data, AutoML can automatically forecast future values for a time series. For instance, using data from previous sales, AutoML can be used to forecast a product's sales.

Computer vision:

The analysis and interpretation of digital photos and videos are part of computer vision tasks, which can be automated using automated machine learning (AutoML). Accurate image analysis may assist firms in making better judgements and streamlining their operations in a number of applications, including security, robotics, and healthcare.

Automated image and video analysis is possible with the help of AutoML. AutoML can be used, for instance, to identify objects in photographs, categories images according to their content, or divide images into distinct sections.

It is simple to create models trained on image data for situations like object identification and image classification thanks to support for computer vision tasks.

By using this ability, you can:

Easily interface with the data labeling capabilities of Azure Machine Learning.
For the creation of picture models, use labeled data.
By defining the model method and adjusting the hyper parameters, the performance of the model may be optimized.
The final model can be downloaded or used as a web service in Azure Machine Learning.
Using the features of ML Pipelines and MLOps for Azure Machine Learning, operationalize at scale.
Via the Azure Machine Learning Python SDK, AutoML models may be created for vision tasks. Using the Azure Machine Learning Studio user interface, you can access the experimentation jobs, models, and outputs that were produced.

NLP (Natural Language Processing):

Natural language processing (NLP) is the study of the comprehension of human language. A variety of NLP operations can be automated using automated machine learning (AutoML). NLP is crucial for a number of applications, including chatbots, sentiment analysis, and machine translation, where precise language analysis can aid businesses in improving their decision-making and day-to-day operations.

Automated machine learning (ML) activities that support natural language processing (NLP) tasks make it simple to create models trained on text input for text categorization and named entity identification scenarios. The Azure Machine Learning Python SDK supports the creation of automated ML-trained NLP models. The Azure Machine Learning Studio Interface provides access to the experimentation jobs, models, and outputs that are generated.

The following is supported by NLP:

The most recent pre-trained BERT models for end-to-end deep neural network NLP training
seamless labeling of data with Azure Machine Learning
Labeled data can be used to create NLP models.
104 language assistance for multilingualism
Horovod's distributed training

Text data analysis using AutoML is automated. AutoML can be used, for instance, to categorise text documents according to their content, extract entities and relationships from text, or produce text in response to a prompt.


Automated Machine Learning

The dataset is often divided into training, validation, and test data when using automated machine learning (AutoML). Nevertheless, AutoML algorithms simplify the sometimes time-consuming and skill-required process of choosing the appropriate model and hyper parameters.

The training, validation, and test data that AutoML uses are as follows:

While using automated machine learning, you can choose the model validation method and supply the training data for ML models to use. The training phase of automated ML includes model validation. In other words, automated ML uses validation data to adjust model hyper parameters based on the used technique to discover the combination that best fits the training data. Yet because the model keeps getting better and more closely fits the validation data, the same validation data are utilized for every tuning cycle, which introduces bias into the model evaluation.

Training Data: To discover patterns and connections in the data and create machine learning models, autoML algorithms utilize training data. Deep learning, decision trees, and support vector machines are just a few of the techniques that AutoML can employ when creating models.

Validation Data: AutoML algorithms assess the effectiveness of the machine learning models created using the training data using validation data. The best model is chosen using the validation data and performance criteria including accuracy, precision, and recall.

Test Data: The last stage in AutoML is to assess the performance of the chosen model on fresh, untried data. With the test data, we can gauge how well the model performs in practical situations and check that it hasn't overfit the training set.

By automating the process of choosing the optimum model and hyper parameters, autoML algorithms can cut down on the time and knowledge needed to create precise machine learning models. To avoid over fitting, it is still crucial to divide the dataset into training, validation, and test data and to make sure that the models' performance is assessed on independent data.


In order to increase prediction accuracy and robustness, ensemble learning is a well-liked machine learning technique. In automated machine learning (AutoML), ensemble models can be used to create highly accurate models while lowering the chance of over fitting.

Ensemble models are supported by automated machine learning and are by default turned on. By mixing numerous models rather than just one, ensemble learning enhances machine learning outcomes and predictive performance. The ultimate iterations of your work are the ensemble iterations. Voting and stacking ensemble approaches are both used in automated machine learning to combine models.

Here are a few uses of ensemble models in AutoML:

Bagging: Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) is a strategy that entails training several models on bootstrap samples of the training data and aggregating their predictions. Bagging can lessen overfitting and enhance model performance.

Boosting: Boosting is a strategy that entails training a series of models, each of which attempts to fix the flaws of the prior model. By lowering bias and raising model complexity, boosting can help models perform better.

Stacking: Stacking entails training several models and aggregating their forecasts using a different machine learning model. By integrating several models' advantages and minimizing their disadvantages, stacking can help models perform better.

When integrating multiple models with bagging, boosting, or stacking, autoML algorithms can create ensemble models on the fly. The accuracy, precision, and recall measures of the dataset can be used by the autoML algorithms to automatically choose the optimum models and ensemble approach.

AutoML-created machine learning models can benefit from ensemble models to increase their accuracy and resilience, making them more suited for use in practical applications.

AutoML & ONNX:

Automated Machine Learning

In automated machine learning (AutoML), which aims to construct and deploy machine learning models quickly, ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) and AutoML are two technologies that can be employed.

Machine learning model creation and deployment are handled automatically by a procedure called autoML. To create machine learning models, autoML algorithms can choose the appropriate hyper parameters, algorithms, and feature engineering strategies automatically.

Making accurate machine learning models more approachable for non-experts by reducing the time and knowledge needed to create them is what autoML can do.

For displaying machine learning models, there is an open-source format called ONNX. The deep learning frameworks PyTorch, TensorFlow, and MXNet can all be used to create ONNX models. Making machine learning models more accessible, ONNX models can be used to deploy them across many platforms and devices.

AutoML can produce ONNX models, making it simple to deploy the models on a variety of platforms and gadgets. The performance and speed of ONNX models can be increased by optimizing them for certain hardware, such as GPUs or TPUs. Moreover, ONNX models can be used in a variety of programming languages, including Python, C++, and Java, making them more available to a wider range of developers.

While building a Python model using Azure Machine Learning, you may automate ML and have the model transformed to the ONNX format. Once the models are in the ONNX format, they can be used by a number of different platforms and gadgets. Find out more about how ONNX can speed up machine learning models.

Have a look at this Jupyter notebook example to see how to convert to ONNX format. Discover the supported algorithms for ONNX.

You may use the model generated automatically in your C# apps thanks to the ONNX runtime's support for C#, which eliminates the requirement for recoding and any network latency that REST endpoints cause.

Read more about using an AutoML ONNX model with ML.NET in a.NET application and inferring ONNX models using the ONNX runtime C# API.


The aims of automated machine learning (AutoML) include the following:

The technique of applying machine learning to real-world issues by automating all steps from feature engineering to model selection, deployment, and hyper parameter tuning is known as automated machine learning (AutoML). Automated machine learning's principal objectives are:

Data Scientists: Automated machine learning technologies can aid data scientists and machine learning engineers in accelerating the model construction procedure by automating some of the more tedious and repetitive operations, such as data cleansing, feature selection, and hyperparameter tuning.

Business analysts: Automated machine learning technologies can assist domain experts and business analysts who may not have a deep understanding of machine learning in building and deploying machine learning models fast and effectively.

Researchers: Automated machine learning tools can aid researchers who must experiment with various machine learning algorithms and methodologies on substantial datasets, enabling them to quickly iterate and test various models.

Businesses: By automating some of the more time-consuming and laborious operations, automated machine learning can help businesses scale their machine learning initiatives and lower the cost of employing and training data scientists.

Individuals: Automated machine learning makes it possible for people to develop and use machine learning models quickly and readily, even if they don't have access to sophisticated computational resources or machine learning expertise.

Efficiency Booster: AutoML can automate the creation and deployment of machine learning models, saving time and resources while still producing reliable models.

Enhancing Accuracy: To create accurate models, AutoML algorithms can choose the optimal machine learning algorithms, hyper parameters, and feature engineering strategies.

Reducing Over fitting: AutoML algorithms can employ methods like regularization and early halting to stop over fitting and increase the generalizability of the model.

Scalability: AutoML is capable of creating machine learning models that are easily scalable to deal with big datasets and demanding computational workloads.

Data preparation, feature selection, algorithm selection, hyperparameter tweaking, and model evaluation are some of the phases in the machine learning pipeline that can be automated. This process is known as automated machine learning (AutoML).


Time-saving: Data scientists, analysts, and engineers can save time, effort, and resources by using AutoML to automate various machine learning pipeline processes.

AutoML democratises machine learning by making it available to non-experts like business analysts, subject matter experts, and decision-makers.

Improves Efficiency: AutoML increases the efficiency of the machine learning pipeline by optimizing hyperparameters, selecting algorithms, and preprocessing data.

Reduces Bias: AutoML can help reduce bias in the machine learning pipeline by automating feature selection and data preprocessing.

Enables Rapid Prototyping: AutoML enables rapid prototyping by automating various steps in the machine learning pipeline, making it easier to experiment with different algorithms and techniques.


Restricted Customization: AutoML might not be able to modify models to meet certain business requirements.

Black Box: Because AutoML models can be tricky to understand, it can be difficult to articulate the assumptions that underlie their predictions.

Restricted Domain Knowledge: AutoML might not be able to capture domain knowledge that is crucial for solving a specific problem, which results in less-than-ideal solutions.

Require skilled users: In order to utilize AutoML efficiently and avoid frequent errors, it may be necessary for users to be competent.

Data Quality: To create accurate models, AutoML needs high-quality data, which can be difficult for enterprises with poor data quality.

Examples of Automated Machine Learning:

Several automated machine learning (AutoML) products are on the market and offer a variety of features to automate various machine learning pipeline processes. Here are a few instances of well-known AutoML tools:

Google AutoML: The process of developing and deploying machine learning models is automated by the Google AutoML family of products.  It covers items like AutoML Natural Language, AutoML Vision, and AutoML Tables. is an open-source autoML platform that offers a variety of machine learning methods and features, such as model deployment, hyperparameter tuning, algorithm selection, and data preprocessing.

DataRobot: DataRobot is an enterprise autoML platform that streamlines the creation and deployment of machine learning models from beginning to finish. It offers features including feature engineering, choosing the best algorithm, and model interpretation.

TPOT: Using genetic programming, the open-source AutoML application TPOT (Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool) finds the most effective machine learning pipeline for a particular task. It automates operations including feature engineering, algorithm selection, hyperparameter adjustment, and data preprocessing.

Azure AutoML: Azure AutoML is a cloud-based AutoML platform that offers tools for preparing data, choosing models, fine-tuning hyperparameters, and deploying models. It supports a variety of machine learning frameworks and techniques.

Amazon SageMaker Autopilot: An autoML platform that offers functions like data cleansing, feature engineering, algorithm selection, and model interpretation is known as Amazon SageMaker Autopilot. On the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, it automates the process of creating and deploying machine learning models.

Further Resources to Automated Machine Learning:

The following sites can be helpful if you're interested in learning more about automated machine learning (AutoML): is a community-driven website that offers resources and information about AutoML, such as academic papers, tools, and datasets.

Book on Automated Machine Learning: Automated Machine Learning, by Frank Hutter, Lars Kotthoff, and Joaquin Vanschoren, is a thorough introduction to AutoML that covers the fundamental ideas, procedures, and uses of AutoML.

Competitions for AutoML on Kaggle: Kaggle is a well-known platform for data science challenges, including AutoML competitions that test participants' abilities to create the best machine learning models using automated tools.

Online resources like Google AutoML,, and DataRobot all offer step-by-step instructions on how to use various AutoML tools and strategies.

AutoML conferences: There are a number of AutoML conferences, including the International Conference on Automatic Machine Learning (AutoML), which brings together researchers, practitioners, and business professionals to talk about the most recent advancements in AutoML.

Online training programmes and courses on AutoML are available, including the Automatic Machine Learning with H2O course at DataCamp and the Intro to Machine Learning with TensorFlow course on Udacity.


In conclusion, automated machine learning (AutoML) is an effective tool that is changing the way businesses approach machine learning. Organizations can more quickly design and implement machine learning models thanks to the use of autoML technologies, which automate a number of machine learning pipeline phases, including data preparation, feature engineering, algorithm selection, and hyperparameter tuning.

Many advantages of autoML include democratised AI, increased accuracy, reduced bias, and greater efficiency. These advantages make it simpler for businesses to create and implement AI solutions.

AutoML also frees data scientists and developers from time-consuming, repetitive chores so they may concentrate on addressing higher-level problems.

Organizations must take into account the constraints and trade-offs of various AutoML tools and methodologies because AutoML is not a universally applicable solution. For instance, AutoML might not be appropriate for highly specialized or complex situations and might need a lot of computational resources and knowledge to manage.

Therefore, AutoML is a fascinating discovery that is helping the AI ecosystem progress and become more developed. It is making it possible for businesses to create and use machine learning models more effectively, ethically, and efficiently. This has the potential to speed up innovation and address some of the most important issues facing the world today.