What is PVM in Python

PVM stands for Python Virtual Machine, which is an abstract machine that executes Python bytecode. It is the runtime engine of the Python language and is responsible for executing Python code.

When you write Python code, it is first compiled into bytecode. The bytecode is then run by the PVM, which interprets the bytecode and produces the desired output. This allows Python to be a highly portable language, as the bytecode can be run on any platform that has a PVM installed.

The PVM has several key features that make it an efficient and flexible runtime engine for Python. Firstly, it provides a dynamic type system that allows objects to be created and modified at runtime. As a result, you may develop extremely adaptable code that can handle every kind of situation.

Second, the PVM features a garbage collector that automatically controls memory deallocation and allocation. This means you don't have to worry about managing memory manually, as the PVM will handle it.

Finally, the PVM provides several built-in libraries and modules that allow you to perform various tasks, from handling file I/O to working with network sockets. These libraries are written in Python.

At last, the PVM is an essential component of the Python language that allows Python code to be executed efficiently and portably. It provides a dynamic type system, garbage collection, and a wide range of built-in libraries, making Python a powerful and flexible language for many applications.

How Python Virtual Machine Works?

Python Virtual Machine (PVM) is the heart of the Python language. In other words, PVM is software that runs Python code on your computer.

The PVM works in the following way:

  • Compilation: When you write and run a Python program, the source code is first compiled into bytecode by the Python compiler. The bytecode is a low-level representation of your code that the PVM can execute.
  • Interpretation: The bytecode is then executed one instruction at a time by the PVM. Each instruction is executed in sequence, and the result of each instruction is stored on a stack.
  • Memory management: The PVM also manages the memory used by your Python program. When an object gets created, memory is allocated for it, and memory is released when it is no longer required.
  • Garbage collection: Additionally, the PVM carries out garbage collection, which is the process of clearing up memory that is no longer required by your program.

Here is a scenario of how the PVM works:

x = 5

y = 7

z = x + y


  • Compilation: The Python compiler compiles the source code into bytecode.
  • Interpretation: The PVM loads the bytecode and executes each instruction. It first sets the value of x to 5, then sets the value of y to 7, adds x and y together to get 12, stores the result in z, and finally prints the value of z, which is 12.
  • Memory management: The PVM allocates memory for x, y, and z when created and frees the memory when no longer needed.
  • Garbage collection: Since there are no objects created in this simple example, the PVM does not need to perform garbage collection.

At last, the PVM is an essential component of the Python language that makes it easy to write and run code on any platform that supports Python.

Python Virtual Machine Interpreter

Python is an interpreted programming language; therefore, it may be used without first being compiled. The Python interpreter executes Python code directly, which converts the code into machine code that the computer can understand.

The Python interpreter consists of two main components: the parser and the virtual machine (VM).

  1. The parser reads the source code and generates an abstract syntax tree (AST), a data structure that defines the code in a way that can be easily analyzed and manipulated by the VM.
  2. The VM then takes the AST and executes it by interpreting each statement.

The Python VM is responsible for managing the execution of the code, including allocating memory, calling functions, and handling exceptions. The VM operates on a stack-based model, where data is pushed onto and popped off of a stack to perform operations. Each Python function call creates a new stack frame, which contains the local variables for that function and a reference to the previous stack frame. When the function returns, its stack frame is removed from the stack and control is returned to the last frame.

A critical feature of the Python VM is its support for bytecode. Bytecode is a compact, platform-independent representation of the Python code that the VM can run. When compiled, Python code is transformed into bytecode, which is stored in .pyc files for faster execution on subsequent runs. The interpreter can also execute the bytecode directly, allowing for dynamic code execution and introspection.

In conclusion, the Python virtual machine interpreter is a key component of the Python language, responsible for executing code and managing the runtime environment. Its support for bytecode and dynamic execution makes it a flexible and powerful tool for developers.

What is the Difference between an Interpreter and PVM in Python?

An interpreter in Python is similar to the PVM (Python Virtual Machine), although they have distinct functions. Let's talk about each one separately:

An interpreter is a program that reads and immediately runs a program's source code, line by line. It interprets and executes every line of code or expression without compiling. Python source code is transformed into intermediate code by the Python interpreter before being run by the PVM.  The Python Virtual Machine is a software program that implements the Python programming language. It is often referred to as the Python runtime. It offers a setting in which Python programs may be run. The essential element of the PVM is an interpreter, which oversees running the intermediate code produced by the Python compiler. Memory management, and trash collection, are all handled by the PVM.