View Child in Angular

Popular JavaScript framework Angular gives programmers a strong toolkit for creating stable and dynamic web apps. Angular's ability to directly communicate with the Document Object Model (DOM) is one of its core features.

A key feature in Angular that gives developers access to and control over DOM elements within their components is the ViewChild decorator. This post will examine the ViewChild decorator and explain its practical application.

What is ViewChild?

In Angular, components encapsulate the logic and presentation of different parts of the user interface. Often, developers need to interact with specific elements in the DOM, such as accessing input values, calling methods, or modifying styles.

The ViewChild decorator facilitates this by allowing developers to obtain a reference to a specific element or directive in the template.

The ViewChild decorator is a powerful mechanism provided by Angular that enables communication and interaction between components within an application. It provides a way to obtain references to child elements, components, or templates in the parent component, allowing developers to manipulate or retrieve data from them.

Basic Usage of ViewChild

You must import ViewChild from the @angular/core module before using it. Once imported, you may define the type of the child element, component, directive, or template you wish to access by annotating a property in the parent component with the @ViewChild decorator.

Think of a situation where a parent component has a child component, for instance. You may get a reference to the child component and access its attributes or methods by using ViewChild.

Accessing Child Components

Accessing child components is one of ViewChild's most frequent use cases. You may access and interact with the child component instance by using the @ViewChild decorator.

You may access a child component's attributes, call its methods, or even subscribe to its events after you've got a reference to it. This enables data interchange and communication between the parent and child components.

Accessing Child Elements and Directives

Apart from accessing child components, ViewChild can also be used to access child elements and directives within a parent component. This is particularly useful when you need to manipulate the DOM or retrieve information from specific elements or directives.

By annotating a property in the parent component with the @ViewChild decorator and specifying the appropriate selector, you can obtain a reference to the desired element or directive. This reference can then be used to modify the element's attributes, manipulate its contents, or interact with the directive.

Working with Child Templates

In addition to components, elements, and directives, ViewChild can also be used to work with child templates. Child templates are defined using the ng-template element and can be used for conditionally rendering content or creating reusable sections within a parent component.

By using @ViewChild and specifying the template reference variable, you can gain access to the child template and manipulate its content programmatically. This allows you to dynamically modify the template's structure, update its bindings, or control its rendering based on certain conditions.

Limitations and Best Practices

While using ViewChild and ViewChildren can be convenient, it's important to consider some limitations and best practices:

Timing: The ViewChild and ViewChildren decorators should be used within the ngAfterViewInit lifecycle hook or later. Attempting to access elements before they are rendered can lead to errors.

Element Availability: Ensure that the element or directive you are querying is available within the component's template. Otherwise, the query will not return any results.

Naming Conventions: Use meaningful names for template variables and selectors to improve code readability and maintainability.

Scoped Queries: When using ViewChildren, be aware that the query will return elements from the entire component tree. If you need to limit the scope, consider using structural directives like ngIf or query within specific child components.

By following these best practices, you can use the ViewChild and ViewChildren decorators effectively in your Angular applications.


An effective tool in Angular that promotes communication and interaction between parent and child components, elements, directives, and templates is the ViewChild decorator. Web developers may create dynamic and responsive web apps by obtaining references to these things and performing different actions on them using ViewChild.

For developers, mastering the use of ViewChild opens up a world of opportunities, enabling them to create more complex and engaging user interfaces. By using this feature, Angular developers may improve the usability and usefulness of their apps, thereby giving their users better goods.