Python Degree Symbol

Python Degree Symbol

Python's chr() method can be used to show Unicode strings as their numerical equivalents. The degree sign's numeric point in Python is 176, and it can be used to display the degree symbol.

The print() method in Python is used to show some characters. We can show characters from the Unicode character set in addition to printing the characters that are visible on our keypad.

Python's N escape sequence is used to display the degree sign.

In computing, escape sequences are frequently used to symbolize other unique or forbidden characters when converted to strings. There are numerous other popular escape codes, including n and t.

To show a character from the collection of Unicode characters, we can use the escape sequence Nchar_name. It will show the character in the series that fits the matching char_name.

This series will be used to display the Python degree symbol.

To use this pattern in a text, the prefix u must be specified. The Python computer will know that it is working with a Unicode text because of this. Given that Python 3's string class allows Unicode characters, this might not be necessary.

This series will be used to display the Python degree symbol.

Using \N escape sequence




print(u'8\N{DEGREE SIGN}')


Using the NDEGREE_SIGN sequence, we print the degree sign in the aforementioned case. The degree sign from the Unicode library corresponds to the DEGREE_SIGN.

Python's u escape sequence is used to display the degree sign.

The Python u escape sequence can also be used to display the degree sign. On the basis of the 16-bit hexadecimal number, the Unicode symbol is displayed. To display the degree sign, we must enter its hexadecimal number.





The symbol for degrees

A degree sign is an emblem used to represent a location's temperature. For instance, if the weather is 34 degrees Celsius in Karnataka, it means that it is 34 degrees in the Indian state of Karnataka.

Along with Celcius, degrees are also used with Fahrenheit.

Using the chr Function, print the degree symbol in Python.

Let's examine the Python method for printing the degree sign. But before we do that, it's important to comprehend how Python's chr method works.

Alphanumeric letters are used in the formula from 0 to 97. The chr method can then be used to display special symbols.

The degree sign in Python can be shown or printed by using the following code block.


The following provides an example of the code's results.

We can also include a temperature when we transcribe it as degrees. The following Python code snippet can be used to carry out this procedure.

print("23," chr(176), sep = "")

The aforementioned code block's result looks like this.

23° Note: The sep function shows the distance between the temperature number and the sign.

Using F-String, print the degree symbol in Python.

Using Python's F-string format, we can display sequences and symbols in a specific way. The following piece of code allows one to display the degree symbol in Python.

Temp = 22

print(f "Temperature in the TempN° SIGN.")

The following provides an illustration of the code block's results.

22° in temperature.

Thus, we have successfully investigated two methods for printing the degree sign in Python.

In Python, print the degree symbol

How do I display a Python degree symbol?

The print() method in Python is used to show some characters. We can show characters from the Unicode character set in addition to printing the characters that are visible on our keypad.

We will discover how to display the degree symbol in Python in this piece. We'll use a variety of techniques to show the character for this from the Unicode library.

Python's N escape sequence is used to display the degree sign.

In computing, escape sequences are frequently used to symbolize other unique or forbidden characters when converted to strings. There are numerous escape patterns, including n, t, and others.

To show a character from the collection of Unicode characters, use the escape sequence Nchar_name. It will show the character in the series that fits the matching char_name.

The Python computer knows it is working with a Unicode text because of the character u. Given that Python 3's string class allows Unicode characters, this might not be necessary.

This series will be used to display the Python degree symbol.

Using the escape code N, print (u '8 N DEGREE SIGN') to produce the following output:

Using the NDEGREE_SIGN sequence, we print the degree sign in the aforementioned case. The degree sign from the Unicode library corresponds to the DEGREE_SIGN.

Python's degree sign can be printed using the u escape sequence by using the u escape sequence. On the basis of the 16-bit hexadecimal number, the Unicode symbol is displayed. To display the degree sign, we must enter its hexadecimal number.

Check out the code below.

1 2 3 print (u "8u00b0") Results:

Python's xb escape sequence is used to display the degree sign.

Additionally, byte strings that indicate Unicode symbols can be specified. The xb pattern can be used to accomplish this. With this series, we will use the same hexadecimal code to display the degree symbol in Python.

For instance,

1 2 3 print (u '8xb0') Results:

Additional information

Python program to print the percentage symbol Read more

Python: print without newline Read more

Degree symbols printed in Python using the chr() function Python's chr() function can be used to show Unicode characters in numeric form.

The degree sign's numeric point in Python is 176, and it can be used to display the degree symbol.

Keep in mind that only latest versions of Python 3.6 support this technique.

Check out the code below.

1 2 3 print ('8', chr (176)) Results:

8 °


We talked about printing the degree sign in Python at the end. The symbol from the Unicode collection was shown.

The first few techniques made use of escape patterns. The u and xb sequence shows the degree symbol using the 16-bit hexadecimal code, while the N sequence can output the degree symbol in Python using the symbol name.

The chr() method, which was added in more recent versions of Python, can also be used for this purpose. The Unicode database's numeric point is used to show the symbol.

How can I insert a ° symbol in a Python string?

Answer 1:

he most coding-friendly way to define a Unicode symbol is as follows:

escape_sequence = u'N DEGREE SIGN' degree_sign = u'N name'

Meaning: In the Unicode library, a character by that designation.


To prevent misunderstanding with the n newline character, the letter "N" in the N form must be capitalized.

Any case can be used for the character name inside the curved brackets.

The name of a symbol is simpler to recall than its Unicode number. Additionally, it is easier to understand, making troubleshooting easier. The letter change occurs during compilation, so[co] file will have the following constant for u'°':

>>> import dis

>>> c= compile('u"\N{DEGREE SIGN}"', '', 'eval')

>>> dis.dis(c)

  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (u'\xb0')

              3 RETURN_VALUE

>>> c.co_consts


>>> c= compile('u"\N{DEGREE SIGN}-\N{EMPTY SET}"', '', 'eval')

>>> c.co_consts


>>> print c.co_consts[0]


Choice 2:

Put this sentence at the beginning of your source.

If your editor uses a different encoding than utf-8, use it instead.

Afterward, you may directly include UTF-8 characters in the source.

Choice 3:

>>> print _ ° u"u00b0" u'xb0'

By the way, all I did was Google "unicode degree." "Degree sign U+00B0" and "Degree Celsius U+2103," which are distinct outputs, are produced by this.

How can I add a degree sign to a Python plot using Matplotlib?

We may use LaTeX representation to add a degree sign to a plot.


  1. Utilizing Numpy, produce data points for pV, nR, and T.
  2. Use the plot() function to plot pV and T.
  3. Using the xlabel() function, set the xlabel for pV.
  4. Using the ylabel() function, set the label for the temperature with a degree sign.
  5. Use the show() function to display the figure.


import numpy as np

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [7.00, 3.50]

plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] = True

pV = np.array([3, 5, 1, 7, 10, 9, 4, 2])

nR = np.array([31, 15, 11, 51, 12, 71, 41, 13])

T = np.divide(pV, nR)

plt.plot(pV, T, c="red")

plt.xlabel("Pressure x Volume")

plt.ylabel("Temperature ($^\circ$C)")

Adding a  character before to the degree sign First Approach:

After doing this:

degreeChar = "u'N DEGREE SIGN"

 degreeChar is a single-character Unicode string, specifically the character u'°':

Len (degreeChar) = 1 and Ord (degreeChar) = 176

You receive a 2-byte UTF-8 byte string after encoding it to UTF-8:

dc = degreeChar.encode('UTF-8')

>>> len(dc)


>>> dc[0], ord, ord(dc[1])

(194, 176)

That pair of bytes means u'°' in UTF-8. Nevertheless, the exact identical combination of bytes indicates u'°' in Latin-1 or cp1252, for example.

The identical byte sequence denotes different meanings in various encodings, which is the whole idea of several encodings. To view the specifics: