Miscellaneous Exercise of conditional statements and Loop

We have the already worked with syntax and examples of conditional statements and loops in the previous tutorials. In this tutorial, we will learn how to work with both together.  We will explain how to run the loops based on objectives and will try to develop logic as per the specified criteria. In VBA or any other programming language, the whole game is based on logic. There are many ways to solve or encounter any task. The smarter you thought and built the logic, the shorter the code becomes, and hence, increasing the productivity of the code.

In the below, we have given some examples, try to solve them first without looking at the solutions. Your code may be lengthy at first, but slowly you will gain pace and learn how to code to the point and become a VBA developer.

NOTE: Always try to use fewer variables while programming.

Example 1

Objective: Categorize the student’s basis on the criterion given below

  • Less Than 100 - Fail
  • Between 100 & 150 - Pass
  • More than 150 Excellent
Sub Miscellaneous_Example1()
 Dim rng As Range
 Dim cell As Range
 Set rng = Range("E2:E11") 
     'rng is a Range collection and For-Each is moving into each cell of rng collection
     For Each cell In rng
          ‘nested-if to check for the various conditions 
         If cell < 100 Then
             Cells(cell.Row, 6) = "Fail"
         ElseIf cell >= 100 And cell <= 150 Then 
             Cells(cell.Row, 6) = "Pass"
         ElseIf cell > 150 Then
             Cells(cell.Row, 6) = "Excellent"
         End If
 End Sub 

Output: Press F5 for the output (for sone laptops press function+f5). You will get the following output

Name Physics English Math Total Result
Itrat Zaidi 12 57 11 80 Fail
Thomas A. Edison 41 38 11 90 Fail
Charles Wait 74 45 14 133 Pass
Benazir Mohamad 95 65 67 227 Excellent
Thomas R. Butkus 67 38 28 133 Pass
Illas Booda 88 19 95 202 Excellent
Craig E. Dahl 41 63 74 -178 Fail
Robert D. Gecht 35 44 10 89 Fail
Waandy Riitar 90 62 91 243 Excellent
Randy Newman 51 74 32 157 Excellent

Example 2 (Mostly Asked Interview Question).

Objective:  Print Pyramid Pattern and write a macro that creates pyramid using VBA:

Sub Miscellaneous_Example2()
 Dim r As Byte
 Dim col As Byte
     ‘will put off the gridlines from the excel sheet.
     ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False 
 For r = 1 To 5 
 ‘step 1: r=1, col 5 to 5: code will run once, hence printing * once at cell (1,5) position.
 ‘step 2: r=2, col 4 to 6: code will run thrice, hence printing * three times at cell (2, 4), cell (2,5), cell (2,6)
 ‘step 3: r=3, col 3 to 7: code will run five times, hence printing * five times at cell (3,3), cell (3,4), cell (3,5), cell (3,6), cell (3,7)
 ‘step 4: : r=4, col 2 to 8: code will run seven times, hence printing * seven times at cell (4,2), cell (4,3), cell (4,4), cell (4,5), cell (4,6), cell (4,7), cell (4,8) 
 ‘step 5: : r=5, col 1 to 9: code will run five times, hence printing * five times at cell (5,1), cell (5,2), cell (5,3), cell (5,4), cell (5,5), cell (5,6), cell (5,7), cell (5,8) position.
     For col = 5 - r + 1 To 4 + r
         Cells(r, col).Value = "*"
 End Sub 

Output: Press F5 for the output (for sone laptops press function+f5). You will get the following output

               *    *    *           
          *    *    *    *    *       
     *    *    *    *    *    *    *   
*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

Miscellaneous Exercise of conditional statements and Loop2

Example 3

Objective:  Write a loop procedure that Fills the table as shown in the image on the right:

Column "S.No" will go from 1 to 27 and Column "Name" will have "Name+SlNo (i.e. Name1, Name2)

                       > If the "Sl.No" is greater than 20, highlight the cells of column B in Blue,

                       > If the "SI.No" is greater than 15, highlight the cells of column A in Green

Sub Miscellaneous_Example3()
 Dim rw As Byte
  For rw = 1 To 25                      'Loop runs 10 times as the upperbound is set to 10
         Cells(rw, 1) = rw
         Cells(rw, 2) = "Name" & rw
         If rw > 15 Then
             Range("A" & rw).Interior.Color = vbBlue 
             If rw > 20 Then
                 Range("B" & rw).Interior.Color = vbGreen
             End If
         End If
 End Sub 

Output: Press F5 for the output (for sone laptops press function+f5). You will get the following output

1 Name1
2 Name2
3 Name3
4 Name4
5 Name5
6 Name6
7 Name7
8 Name8
9 Name9
10 Name10
11 Name11
12 Name12
13 Name13
14 Name14
15 Name15
16 Name16
17 Name17
18 Name18
19 Name19
20 Name20
21 Name21
22 Name22
23 Name23
24 Name24
25 Name25
26 Name26
27 Name27
Miscellaneous Exercise of conditional statements and Loop3