How to Print Space in Python

In today’s world, Python is one of the popular programming languages. It offers a number of tools for output formatting and improving code readability as flexible. The efficient use of space is one such essential component in achieving these goals. Spaces can be used to separate items, align text, and create indentation, among other things. Python printing spaces is a fundamental concept for writing elegant and well-structured code.

Developers can enhance the overall presentation of their programs by properly using spaces. Knowing the various Python printing space approaches will help you organize your code more elegantly and communicate your objectives, whether working on a simple script or a more involved project. In this article, you will learn how to print space in Python.

Spaces in Python

Spaces in Python language greatly improve the formatting and readability of its code. They are used to separate items, align text, and generate indentation. Developers can improve the visual organization of their code and make it simpler to understand and maintain by carefully using spaces. To create well-organized code, it's essential to learn the art of printing spaces in Python, whether adding a single space, printing numerous spaces, or including spaces within formatted strings.

There are different approaches in Python to use spaces. Let’s discuss different techniques and methods to print spaces in Python.

Simple way to print space

In this approach, we put the spaces between the words or strings using the (‘ ‘) space character inside the print function. See these examples to clear this approach.


print("Hello world")

The output of this code is:


Hello World

NOTE: We use “ “ or ‘ ‘ to put blank lines between the paragraphs.


print("Taj Mahal")

print(' ') #two blank lines are printed between two lines.

print(" ")

print("It is an immense mausoleum of white marble.")

The output of this code is:


Taj Mahal

It is an immense mausoleum of white marble.

In the above example, two blank lines are generated due to the print(‘ ‘) and print(“ “) statements.

Another simple method to print space is by using a comma in between the words.



The output of this code is:


Ram is a good boy.

In this example, with the help of a comma separator, we print the spaces between the words.

Printing Multiple Spaces

String multiplication can be used to print multiple spaces. A string with the requested number of spaces can be produced by multiplying a space character by the desired number.

Let’s see the examples to understand.


print("The"+" "*3+"Taj"+" "*3+"Mahal") #3 spaces between the words

print("The"+" "*5+"Taj"+" "*5+"Mahal") #5 spaces between the words

The output of this code is:


The   Taj   Mahal

The     Taj     Mahal

In this output, in the first line total of 3 spaces are present between the words, and in the second line total of 5 spaces are present between the words.

String formatting with spaces

String formatting with spaces allows controlling the spacing and alignment of values within formatted strings. We use the % operator to insert spaces within formatted strings. The visual presentation of your output can be improved by carefully putting spaces within formatting expressions to align text, establish uniform padding, and align text. This enables you to create Python-based formatted strings that are well-organized.

Here is an example using the % operator:


name = "Ayush"

age = 23

print("Name: %s%sAge: %d" % (name, " " * 3, age))

The output of this code is:


Name: Ayush   Age: 23

In this example, three spaces are in between the Ayush and Age words.

Using the 'sep' Parameter

The 'sep' parameter of Python's print() function enables us to specify a separator between the printed components. To print spaces between elements, set the 'sep' parameter to the space character.

Here is an example of this approach.


print("Ayush","Milan", sep=" ")

The output of this code is:


Ayush Milan

NOTE: ’sep’ parameter is used by any string to separate two or more strings.

For Example: ` print("Tea","Coffee", sep="/")`

The output of this code is: Tea/Coffee

Using f-strings for space formatting

Python provides f-strings for space formatting. It offers a clear and simple method of formatting strings. Using spaces and direct variable embedding in curly brackets, we can format expressions.

Let’s see an example to understand this.


name = "Milan"

age = 22

print(f"Name: {name:<6}Age: {age}")

The output of this code is:


Name: Milan Age: 22

In this example, f-string space formatting is used. In this case, between Milan and Age words, one space is present. If we replace the value of 6 as less than or equal to 5, i.e. (Size of the string), then no spaces are present in between the words.


Tabulation in Python is the process of adding horizontal spacing to the strings or code by using tabs or the escape sequence. Let’s see an example to understand this type of spacing in Python.


print("Ayush	is	a	good	boy.")

The output of this code is:


Ayush is            a            good    boy.

In this example, all the words in the output sentence are at one tab space distance.


To specify the structure of code blocks like loops, conditional statements, and function definitions, Python uses spaces. The readability and appropriate syntax of a piece of code depend on proper indentation.

Here is an example of this type of spacing in Python.


for i in range(10):

    print(i)  # nine spaces indented

The output of this code is:













The ability to print spaces in Python is crucial for output formatting and organizing output. In this article, we discussed different types of methods implement space in Python. These methods can be used to add a single space or align text within prepared strings to get the desired outcomes. Try these methods out to learn the fine art of printing spaces in Python and improve the readability of the code.

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