Basic Computer MCQs with Answers

Basic Computer MCQs with Answers

1. Which one is a programming language among the options below?

    a) HTML

    b) JPEG

    c) MP3

    d) PDF

    Ans: a) HTML

    The content of web pages is created and organized using the computer language HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). The markup language that determines the organization and appearance of online content is not a standard programming language like Java or Python. The components and properties of a web page, includingheadings, paragraphs, links, photos, and more, are defined using HTML. It offers a standardized method for developing and displaying information on the internet.

    The remaining choices, however, b) JPEG, c) MP3, and d) PDF, are file formats rather than programming languages.

    • The JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file format is a popular one for storing and sending compressed pictures. Photographs and other complex pictures are the main types of media that employ this format.
    • Audio data may be stored and compressed using the MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer-3) file format. It enables effective audio storage and playback for digital music files, which are frequently utilized.
    • Portable Document Format (PDF) is a type of file used to exhibit documents in a way that is independent of operating systems, software, and hardware. Most prepared papers are shared and preserved using PDF files, which can also contain text, photos, graphics, and other features.

    2. What does the abbreviation "URL" mean?

    a) Universal Resource Locator

    b) Uniform Resource Locator

    c) Unified Resource Locator

    d) Universal Record Locator

    Ans: b: Uniform Resource Locator

    The address of a resource on the internet is given by a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), which is a unique character string. It is the most popular method of indicating the location of a webpage, file, or any other resource that can be accessed over the internet.

    3. Which is a network topology among the following?

    a) Firewall

    b) Router

    c) Star

    d) Modem

    Ans: Star

    The physical or logical organization of a computer network is referred to as network topology. It specifies how connections are made and how information is passed between devices. A popular network architecture in computer networks is the star topology.

    All network nodes in a star topology are linked to a single hub or switch that serves as the network's focal point. Every piece of equipment, including PCs, printers, and servers, has a unique, dedicated connection to the hub. The central hub serves as the network's command center and is the conduit via which all data transmission travels.

    • Using pre-established security rules, a firewall is a network security device that monitors and regulates both incoming and outgoing network traffic. The network is shielded against unauthorized access and potential dangers by acting as a barrier between internal and external networks.
    • Networking equipment that passes data packets between computer networks is a router. It serves as a bridge across several networks and chooses the most direct route for data depending on addressing and network protocols.
    • Using a modem, a computer or network may communicate with an Internet service provider (ISP) through a particular kind of communication line, such as phone lines or cable lines, by modulating and demodulating digital signals.

    4. What is an example of an operating system from the list below?

    a) Microsoft Office

    b) Photoshop

    c) Windows

    d) Excel

    Ans: c) Windows

    A computer program's services are provided by an operating system (OS), which is a piece of software that controls computer hardware and software resources. It serves as a bridge between the user and the computer hardware, facilitating communication between the two.

    The productivity software programs in options a and d are Excel and Microsoft Office, respectively, and are used for the creation of documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Even though many computer users consider these programs to be vital, operating systems are different from these programs. An operating system serves as their foundation.

    A well-liked picture-altering program created by Adobe is Photoshop (option b). The same as Excel and Microsoft Office, Photoshop is a program that needs an operating system to function but is not an operating system in and of itself.

    Option c) Windows, on the other hand, is an illustration of an operating system. One of the most frequently used operating systems in the world is Windows, which was created by Microsoft. It controls several hardware resources, including the CPU, memory, storage, and input/output devices, and offers a graphical user interface (GUI). Windows enables users to run numerous apps, access files, join networks, and carries out a variety of functions on their computers.

    5. Which one is an illustration of a programming paradigm of the following?

    a) Object-Oriented Programming

    b) Database Management System

    c) Graphic User Interface

    d) Web Browser

    Ans: a: Object-Oriented Programming

    A programming paradigm is a method or fashion of programming that outlines the organization, ideas, and guidelines followed when creating computer programs. It offers a structure for resolving issues and planning code. There are several programming paradigms, and each one has a unique approach and set of guidelines.

    • A programming paradigm known as object-oriented programming (OOP) centers on the idea of objects. It places a focus on the division of code into reusable objects that contain data and behaviours. In object-oriented programming (OOP), objects are instances of classes, and they communicate with one another via methods, which are functions specified inside the class.
    • A programming paradigm is not demonstrated by the database management system (DBMS). Users may effectively save, retrieve, and change data with this software system, which manages databases. Although DBMSs offer features like data organization, query processing, and concurrency management, they do not impose any specific paradigm for programming.
    • Also, not a programming paradigm is the graphic user interface (GUI). It speaks about the visual user interface that allows people to interact with software or a computer. To simplify user input and output, GUIs include buttons, menus, windows, and other graphical features. Although GUIs are frequently used in programming, they are rarely thought of as a paradigm in and of themselves.

    6. Which of the following offers a well-liked cloud storage option?

    a) Google Drive

    b) Microsoft Word

    c) Adobe Photoshop

    d) Windows Media Player

    Ans: a) Google Drive

    A well-known cloud storage service offered by Google is Google Drive. Users may safely keep their information, such as documents, pictures, and videos, in the cloud. Users of Google Drive have access to their files from any location with an internet connection and from a variety of gadgets, including PCs, smartphones, and tablets.

    Windows Media Player, Adobe Photoshop, and Microsoft Word are not cloud storage services, on the other hand. Windows Media Player is a media player application, Adobe Photoshop is a program for altering images, and Microsoft Word is a word processing program. The file synchronization and cloud storage features offered by Google Drive are not available in these tools, although they may be used to generate and edit files.

    7. What is the main purpose of antivirus software?

    a) To create and edit documents

    b) To protect against malicious software

    c) To browse the internet

    d) To manage computer networks

    Ans: b)  To protect against malicious software

    Malicious software, sometimes referred to as malware, is meant to be detected, stopped, and removed from a computer system using antivirus software. Malware refers to a broad category of dangerous software that includes viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, and adware.

    8. Which of the following gives an example of an image file extension?

    a) .txt

    b) .docx

    c) .jpg

    d) .mp3

    Ans: c: .jpg is the right response

    The format or type of a file is determined by its extension. In this instance, the query requests the picture file's file extension. Let's describe each selection:

    • a) Text files with the.txt file extension are known as plain text files. It displays a plain text page devoid of any formatting or pictures.
    • b) Microsoft Word documents are saved with the.docx file extension. It is an illustration of a Microsoft Word document file, which can include text, graphics, formatting, and other features.
    • c).jpg: The JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) picture file format is associated with this file extension. Photographs and other complex pictures are frequently stored in the JPEG image format. For usage on the web and in digital applications, it enables a high level of compression.
    • d).mp3: The MP3 audio file format is associated with this file extension. For storing music and other audio recordings, MP3 is a common audio compression format.

    9. What does the acronym "LAN" mean?

    a) Local Access Network

    b) Local Area Network

    c) Large Area Network

    d) Link Access Network

    Ans: b: Local Area Network

    A local area network or LAN links computers and other devices within a certain geographic region, such as a house, business complex, or school campus. The linked devices may talk with one another and exchange resources like files, printers, and internet access.

    The solution to the multiple-choice question is option b) Local Area Network. Option a) "Local Access Network" isn't a phrase that's frequently used in networking, and it's also not the right way to expand the abbreviation "LAN." Because LANs are often smaller in scope than wide area networks (WANs), which span wider regions, option c) "Large Area Network" is wrong. d) "Link Access Network" is similarly inaccurate since it misrepresents the idea of a LAN.

    10. What does a computer operating system do?

    a) To manage hardware resources

    b) To create documents and presentations

    c) To browse the internet

    d) To develop software applications

    Ans: a: "To manage hardware resources"

    An operating system (OS) is a piece of software that stands between the user and the computer's hardware. Its main objective is to provide a setting where other software applications may operate successfully and efficiently.